Traitor Tracing with Constant Size Ciphertext
Authors: D. Boneh and M. Naor
A traitor tracing system enables a publisher to trace a pirate
decryption box to one of the secret keys used to create the box. We
present the first traitor tracing system where ciphertext size is
"constant," namely independent of the number of users in the system
and the collusion bound. A ciphertext in our system consists of only
two elements where the length of each element depends only on the
security parameter. The down side is that private-key size is
quadratic in the collusion bound. Our construction is based on recent
constructions for fingerprinting codes.
In proceedings of the 15'th ACM conference on Computer and
Communications Security (CCS), pp. 455-470, 2008.
Full paper: pdf [first posted 2/2008 ]