Source Code and Binaries

Windows DLLs

There are two versions of the SpoofGuard DLL.  The default version will email the SpoofGuard staff with some of the user's configuration information when a false alarm is detected.  This is used to help us determine which criteria are effective in catching spoofed web sites.  The light version will not send any information to anyone.



Installing SpoofWatch on Internet Explorer using MSI:
1. Run the MSI installer from here
2. Restart your browser
3. Display the toolbar by right-clicking on a toolbar and selecting SpoofGuard or select View->Toolbars->SpoofGuard

Uninstalling SpoofWatch using MSI:
1. Go to Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs
2. Select SpoofWatch
3. Select Remove


Installing the DLL Yourself:
1. You can either use the precompiled dll or compile it yourself. Once you have the SpoofGuard.dll file, put it somewhere where it is unlikely to be moved.

2. Register the dll in a command prompt using the regsvr32.exe application. (Select the 'Run' menu item from the Start Menu and type 'cmd'. At the command prompt navigate to where you have placed the dll and type "/WINNT/system32/regsvr32.exe SpoofGuard.dll." A dialog should confirm the registration.)

3. Launch Internet Explorer and select "View->Toolbars->SpoofGuard" menu item. The SpoofGuard toolbar should appear among the other toolbars at the top of the IE Window.

Un-Installing the DLL Yourself:
1. Deselect the URL Guard toolbar in IE. (Select the "View->Toolbars->SpoofGuard Class" menu item so that it is unchecked and the URL Guard toolbar disappears.)

2. Unregister the SpoofGuard.dll with regsvr32.exe. (Same as when installing but type "/WINNT/system32/regsvr32.exe /u SpoofGuard.dll" at the command prompt.)

3. Delete the SpoofGuard.dll file (if you want).


Source Code

SpoofGuard  is Open Source and was developed in Visual C++.  The zip contains all the code necessary to build the SpoofGuard dll.

Building the DLL Yourself:
1. All code is in C++ and uses both WTL classes and MFC. A brief guide to the code is available here.

2. You will need a recent version of Microsoft's Platform SDK and the Microsoft WTL 3.1 classes. You will also need to set up Visual Studio or whatever compiler you are using to access these libraries and header files. You can get the installers for both of these by searching for them at

3. In Visual C++, choose your Build Target from the "Build->Set Active Configuration" menu item. Compile with min size. For unicode to compile, a lot of the string constants and such need to be wrapped with the unicode macros. (You can enable unicode by going to "Project->Settings->c/C++" and adding UNICODE and _UNICODE definitions to the Preprocessor definitions in the "General" tab.)

4. You may also have to add the "wininet.lib" library to the project by choosing "Project->Settings->Link Tab->General Tab" and adding wininet.lib to "Object/Library Modules field.

5. Finally select "Build SpoofGuard.dll" from the Build menu to build the SpoofGuard.dll.


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