UStorit User Guide
- Go to
and follow the instruction there to install a client certificate in your browser.
- Go to, You should be
directed to the "Home" page
- If you are a first time user, create your home locker by clicking the
"Create home locker" link in the navigation bar.
- Click the "Home locker" link in the navigation bar to manage your lockers
and files.
- In the directory tree, there is a permission link to the right of each
locker/file name. Click it to manage access to your lockers or files.
Permissions are given to aliases or groups defined by yourself.
- Click the "Address Book" link in the navigation bar to assign aliases
to users in the system. You can search users by name, domain, organization,
or location. The user needs to exist in the system first.
- Click the "Groups" link to manage your group definitions. You can add
members to a group, where a member may be your previously defined
groups/aliases, or other user/group's group/aliases. You can browse other
users' group definitions if you are given the corresponding read permission.
You can also manage the read permission to your groups and aliases,
controlling who can see the definitions of them.
- If you visit a locker or a file very often, you can add it to your
- Click the "Go" link to see your favorites or to search for other people's
resources that you have access to.
- Click "Mail Center" to send messages to others and view messages sent by
- Each locker/file has an associated "Bulletin Board", which can be used to
exchange information.
- You can set up to use more than one email addresses to access your
account. Click the "Email Manager" link to manage the email addresses.