PORTIA Workshop on Sensitive Data in Medical, Financial, and Content-Distribution Systems

July 8-9, 2004
Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center, Stanford University, Stanford CA

Program and Slides
Workshop Report

This workshop is intended to foster collaborations between computer scientists who seek to enhance the security and privacy of sensitive data about people and organizations and domain experts in fields that need technological solutions to address customer concerns and to fulfill legal obligations. The goal is to formulate specific technical problems that are important to user communities that deal with large amounts of sensitive data but are not satisfactorily solved by current technology.The workshop is open to all researchers working on privacy and related areas.

A half-day will be spent on each of three domains:

There will also be one half-day devoted to technological challenges common to all domains and user communities that deal with large amount of sensitive data. Activities will include invited presentations, contributed presentations, and break-out sessions.

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Joan Feigenbaum (Yale University)
Vitaly Shmatikov (SRI)
Vicky Weissman (Cornell University)

Important Dates:

May 1, 2004: Submissions due
May 1, 2004: Requests for travel support due
June 1, 2004: Accept/reject decisions sent
June 15, 2004: Final abstracts due
July 8-9, 2004: Workshop

Submission Instructions:

If you would like to speak at this workshop, please send a 1- to 2-page abstract of your proposed talk by May 1, 2004 to pw-org@csl.sri.com. If your submission is accepted, you will be expected to provide a final version of your abstract for posting on the workshop website by June 15, 2004. Links to complete papers may also be posted at the speakers' request but are not required.


Please register to the workshop by submitting the on-line registration form. Hotel reservations must be made separately, please contact Sheraton Palo Alto directly and mention SRI-Portia workshop.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the Palo Alto Sheraton for July 7-11. To get the special rate of $169 plus tax per night, please contact the hotel directly at 1-800-874-3516 or 650-328-2800, or by email at SheratonReservation@pahotel.com, and mention SRI-PORTIA workshop at Stanford. The cut-off date for hotel reservations is June 14. After June 14, rate and room availability are not guaranteed.

This workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation's ITR program through the PORTIA project on sensitive data.