CS 154 Course Overview

(Fall 1997)


The formal prerequisite is CS109B however the course will be mostly self contained.

Textbook Information

We will be using the book:
Introduction to the theory of computation by Mike Sipser.

Homework Assignments

There will be seven written homework assignments. It is alright for you to collaborate on solving the assignments, however when writing up the solutions you must do so on your own.

You have the option of not handing in one of the homework assignments.

Some of the homework assignments will contain extra credit questions. You must solve extra credit questions on your own.

Homework assignments will be graded on a scale of 0 to 10.

Assignments must be handed in on the due date.


There will be a midterm and a final exam.


Your final placement in the class will be determined by the follwing forumla:

0.3 H + 0.3 M + 0.4 F
Those in CS154N will be graded using the formula

0.5 H + 0.5 F

where H is your average score on the best three of the four final homework assignments.

Last update: Sep 19, 1997 by
Dan Boneh