This course is an introduction to the basic theory and
practice of cryptographic techniques used in computer
security. We will cover topics such as encryption
(secret-key and public-key), digital signatures, secure
authentication, electronic commerce (anonymous cash,
micropayments), key management, cryptographic hashing,
and a bit of zero-knowledge protocols.
The course requires a basic understanding of
probability theory. Some knowledge of modular arithmetic
will be helpful but not required. The course is intended
for advanced undergraduates and graduate students.
Textbook Information
We will be using two books:
- Cryptography Theory and Practice by D.
- Cryptography and Network Security, Second edition, by
William Stallings.
- Optional: Applied cryptography by B.
and research papers handed out in class.
- There will be four sections given by the TA's during the
- Sections will be held at Skilling 191 from 4:15 - 5:15 on channel E1
on the following dates:
- January 24th,
- February 7th,
- February 28th,
- March 6th.
- Attendance at the sections is optional.
Homework Assignments
- There will be four written
homework assignments and two programming project.
- You may collaborate when solving the written
assignments, however when writing up the
solutions you must do so on your own.
- Both programming projects can be done in pairs.
- You must hand in all four homework assignments
and two programming projects.
- Some of the assignments will contain extra credit
questions. You must solve extra credit questions
on your own.
- Homework assignments will be graded on a scale of
0 to 10.
- Assignments should be handed in on the due date.
There will be a final exam. No midterm exam.
Final placement in the class will be determined by the following formula:
0.4 H + 0.3 P + 0.3 F
- H is your average score on the four
written homework assignments.
- P is your average grade on the two programming
- F is your final exam score.