CS 255 Course Overview

(Winter 1998)


This course is an introduction to the basic theory and practice of cryptographic techniques used in computer security. We will cover topics such as encryption (secret-key and public-key), digital signatures, secure authentication, electronic commerce (anonymous cash, micropayments), pseudo-random bit generation, key management, zero-knowledge protocols.


The course requires a basic understanding of probability theory. Some knowledge of modular arithmetic will be helpful but not required. The course is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students.

Textbook Information

We will be using two books: and research papers handed out in class.

Homework Assignments

There will be four homework assignments two of which will include programming assignments. You may collaborate when solving the assignments, however when writing up the solutions you must do so on your own.


There will be a final exam. No midterm exam.


Your final placement in the class will be determined by the follwing forumla:

0.6 H + 0.4 F

Last update: Dec, 21, 1997 by
Dan Boneh