CS 355: Topics in Cryptography
(Fall 2007)
Course topics change every year. The topics for this year are
listed below along with links to relevant papers.
The course is intended for graduate students interested in
cryptography research.
Topics - highly tentative
- Introduction. Crash course in probability, pair wise independence, large deviation bounds.
Part I: Pseudorandomness
- A bit of complexity theory.
Definition of one-way functions and
one-way permutations.
- Motivation and definition of PRNGs.
Next bit test. Proof of universality.
- Hard core bits. Blum-Micali generator. Example: discrete log.
Proof of Yao's XOR lemma (section 3).
See also a simple write-up.
- Goldreich-Levin theorem. Naslund's theorem. Subset sum PRNG.
Subset sum pseudorandom generator
(section 2)
Alternate proof of Goldreich-Levin
theorem. (section 3.3)
- Definition of PRFs. Applications.
- The GGM Construction. The NR construction based on DDH.
- Motivation and Definition of PRPs.
The Luby-Rackoff construction a la Naor-Reignold.
Modes of operation for block-ciphers.
Luby Rackoff revisited.
- Left-over-hash Lemma. Extractors.
Proof and applications (Section 4).
Part II: Basic distributed computation.
- Introduction to secure function evaluation. Applications.
- Oblivious transfer. Yao's two party protocol.
- The BGW multi-party protocol.
Part III: Cryptographic privacy
- Private Information Retrieval. The KO and CMS protocols.
A Survey on Private Information Retrieval
- Private computation of decision trees.
- Private computation of set intersection.
- Searching on encrypted data.
Part IV: Cryptographic content protection
- Broadcast encryption: FN, NNL.
- Tracing traitors. Combinatorial and algebraic constructions.
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Last update: Sep. 21, 2002 by
Dan Boneh.