- Unzip the downloaded the zip file. You should see the following directory
|---- build/
|---- edu/
|---- stanford/
|---- ....
|---- html/
|---- index.html
|---- IOError.jsp
|---- image/
|---- folder.gif
|---- ....
|---- lib/
|---- cos-09May2002.jar
|---- mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar
|---- multipart.jar
|---- ....
|---- metadata/
|---- web.xml
|---- mysql_scritps/
|---- create.sql
|---- drop.sql
|---- script/
|---- default.js
|---- style/
|---- defualt.css
|---- UserGuide.html
|---- InstallGuide.html
|---- SetupSSLForTomcat.html
- Create database and tables.
- Assuming MySQL has already been installed, you need to create database
for the ustorit. You can choose the database name, say "ustorit".
- After the database "ustorit" has been created, you can now prepare for
the table creation. First, you need to modify the 2 script files under
directory mysql_scripts, i.e. create.sql and drop.sql. Replace every
database_name with the real name of the database you just created,
"ustorit" in this case. Save the changes and then run the script file to
create tables. Please refer to the MySQL menu on how to run the scripts at
For example, change the following line
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_name.users
to the following CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ustorit.users
- Configure the application-wide parameters. Open the file web.xml under the
metadata directory, you'll see there are several context-param elements whose
values need to be configured. You must provide values for these parameters in
order for the application to run, with only one exception to the
DatabaseUserPassword. If MySQL admin does not specify a password, then you can
leave this value empty.
For example,
- Create the application context in Tomcat.
- Create a new directory, say "ustorit", under the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/.
Then create directory "WEB-INF" under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ustorit/. Then
create directory "classes" and directory "lib" under WEB-INF.
- Copy the following files "indext.html" and "IOError.jsp" under directory
"ustorit_release/html" to "TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ustorit/".
- Copy directory "image/", "script/", "style/",together with the files,
under directory "ustorit_release/" to "TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ustorit/".
- Copy directory (together with the classes files) "edu/stanford/...."
under the directory "ustorit_release/build/" to
- Copy all the files under the directory "ustorit_release/lib/" to
- Copy file "web.xml" under "ustorit_release/metadata/" to directory
Now you should see the following under the application context directory.
|---- webapps/
|---- ustorit/
|---- WEB-INF/
|---- classes/
|---- edu/
|---- stanford/
|---- ....
|---- lib/
|---- cos-09May2002.jar
|---- mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar
|---- multipart.jar
|---- ....
|---- web.xml
|---- image/
|---- folder.gif
|---- ....
|---- script/
|---- default.js
|---- style/
|---- defualt.css
|---- index.html
|---- IOError.jsp
- Add the web application context for ustorit to the server.xml
configuration file. Open the server.xml under directory TOMCAT_HOME/conf/. Add
the following underneath the context for examples.
<Context path="/ustorit" docBase="ustorit"
debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
<Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
prefix="localhost_ustorit_log." suffix=".txt"
If you have not enabled the SSL, please refer to online document on how to
configure SSL for tomcat at http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.0-doc/ssl-howto.html
- Start Tomcat.