Message-Aware Cryptographic Primitives
P. Golle, S. Jarecki and I. Mironov
We introduce a new type of cryptographic primitives which enforce high
communication or storage complexity. To evaluate these primitives on a
random input, one has to engage in a protocol of high communication
complexity, or one has to use a lot of storage. Therefore, the ability to
compute these primitives constitutes a certain "proof of work", since the
computing party is forced to contribute a lot of its communication or
storage resources to this task. Such primitives can be used in
applications which deal with non-malicious but selfishly
resource-maximizing parties. For example, they can be useful in
constructing peer-to-peer systems which are robust against so called "free
riders". In this paper we define two such primitives, a
communication-enforcing signature and a storage-enforcing commitment
scheme, and we give constructions for both.