Skype Proxy (IP over Skype)
Our project tries to answer this question: How can we leverage existing and deployed functionality to route around an adversary, who is trying to prevent a user from communicating with an end-host?
In particular, the two end-hosts that we are interested in are the Tor client (user) and the Tor Onion Router.
We have identified several methods which answers our question. In this page, we look at one approach that uses Skype to circumvent an adversary.
How it works
We leverage Skype's large number of supernodes to relay data for us. Skype has a plugin architecture that allows developers to access some of Skype's functionalities. For example, Skype allows an application to transmit datagrams between end-points identified by a Skype login. Skype does most of the heavy lifting like NAT traversal, identifying supernodes that can relay, and routing datagrams through those relays.
The list of functionalities are available on Skype's Developer Website. The feature that we use is called AP2AP.
High Level Overview
The client is unable to access the Tor network directly, as the firewall has blocked access to all Tor Onion Routers (OR). All ORs are also logged in to the Skype network and their login IDs are publicly known and distributed through a reliable directory service (by Emily/Siddhi). The following diagram shows a qualitative overview of the system.

Both the client and Onion Router (OR) run Skype and our Skype plugin, which Tor sees as a SOCKS proxy to reach the OR. When a user detects that direct connections are blocked, she configures Tor to use the SOCKS proxy.
Open questions
How easy/difficult is it to block Skype? Since we rely on Skype, it is important to understand its resilience to blocking. Skype has been known to be difficult to block using just IP addresses. It requires packet inspection. Some techniques are listed on this page: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~salman/skype/. Note that it blocks Skype completely, and not just the AP2AP interface which we use.
How much bandwidth is available? The Skype documentation notes that relayed traffic is throttled, but does not specify to what rate it is throttled. This needs to be measured.
How to choose new relays? The Skype API does not give control over the choice of supernode relays during datagram transmission. So, if a relay is blocked, we do not know how to force Skype to choose a new supernode relay.
How are new relays chosen? Once applications start transmitting datagrams, Skype changes supernode relays periodically. We do not know how this is done.
Can Skype block this application?