Problem Sets, Grading, and Projects
CS359C — Spring 2017

Grading and Course Workload

Problem Sets (45%): Problem sets should be written up clearly and succinctly. You will be required to use LaTeX to write up your problem sets using the provided template. All problem sets are due at the beginning of lecture (2:30pm) on the listed day. You must submit a hard copy of your submission. Problem set 0 will be a warm-up exercise in using LaTeX. The problem sets will be posted at least one week before their due date.

Collaboration Policy: You may discuss the problem sets with other students and you may work together to come up with solutions to the problems. If you do so, you must list the name of your collaborators on the first page of your submission. Each student must write up her/his problem set independently.

Late Submissions: You get three "late days" in total during the quarter. You may use a late day to submit a problem set, the project proposal, or project milestone after the deadline. You will have to deliver the late submission to our TA (Sam Kim) personally. You can use at most two late days for any single assignment, and you may only use late days in one-day increments (no partial late days). You may not use late days for the final project report,
Problem Set 0 (5%): Due April 12, 2017
Problem Set 1 (20%): Due April 26, 2017
Problem Set 2 (20%): Due May 10, 2017
Course Project (45%): The course project provides an opportunity for you to conduct an in-depth study of a topic of your choice in cryptography. Possibilities include writing a survey on 2-3 papers on a special topic, building a cryptographic system, or working on a research problem in cryptography. The project will be something you work on throughout the quarter. At the end of the quarter, you will submit a 4-6 page report describing the work and any outcomes of your project. The final report you submit will be posted on the course website for other students to read. Concrete details on project requirements and sample projects will be available at the beginning of the quarter.

Collaboration Policy: Each student must complete their project individually (not in teams). If you are planning to undertake a particularly ambitious project that, for example, involves a lot of programming/implementation work, you may ask the course staff for an exception to this rule.
Project Proposal (5%): Due April 19, 2017
Project Milestone (10%): Due May 17, 2017
Project Report (30%): Due June 7, 2017
Class Participation (10%): You should attend the lectures and be prepared to discuss and ask questions about the course material.
Lecture Scribing (5% extra credit): You have the opportunity to scribe one lecture in LaTeX using the provided template for up to 5% extra credit. You should use the provided scribe template.