Collaboration Policy: You may discuss the problem sets with other students and you may work together to come up with solutions to the problems. If you do so, you must list the name of your collaborators on the first page of your submission. Each student must write up her/his problem set independently.
Late Submissions: You get three "late days" in total during the quarter. You may use a late day to submit a problem set, the project proposal, or project milestone after the deadline. You will have to deliver the late submission to our TA (Sam Kim) personally. You can use at most two late days for any single assignment, and you may only use late days in one-day increments (no partial late days). You may not use late days for the final project report,
Problem Set 0 (5%): Due April 12, 2017
Problem Set 1 (20%): Due April 26, 2017
Problem Set 2 (20%): Due May 10, 2017