/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Netscape Communications Corporation.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Dr Vipul Gupta <vipul.gupta@sun.com>, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

** certutil.c
** utility for managing certificates and the cert database
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined(WIN32)
#include "fcntl.h"
#include "io.h"

#include "secutil.h"

#if defined(XP_UNIX)
#include <unistd.h>

#include "nspr.h"
#include "prtypes.h"
#include "prtime.h"
#include "prlong.h"

#include "pk11func.h"
#include "secasn1.h"
#include "cert.h"
#include "cryptohi.h"
#include "secoid.h"
#include "certdb.h"
#include "nss.h"

#define MIN_KEY_BITS            512
/* MAX_KEY_BITS should agree with MAX_RSA_MODULUS in freebl */
#define MAX_KEY_BITS            8192
#define DEFAULT_KEY_BITS        1024

#define GEN_BREAK(e) rv=e; break;

extern SECKEYPrivateKey *CERTUTIL_GeneratePrivateKey(KeyType keytype,
                                                     PK11SlotInfo *slot, 
                                                     int rsasize,
                                                     int publicExponent,
                                                     char *noise,
                                                     SECKEYPublicKey **pubkeyp,
                                                     char *pqgFile,
                                                     secuPWData *pwdata);

static char *progName;

static char *
Gets_s(char *buff, size_t size) {
    char *str;
    if (buff == NULL || size < 1) {
        return NULL;
    if ((str = fgets(buff, size, stdin)) != NULL) {
        int len = PORT_Strlen(str);
         * fgets() automatically converts native text file
         * line endings to '\n'.  As defensive programming
         * (just in case fgets has a bug or we put stdin in
         * binary mode by mistake), we handle three native 
         * text file line endings here:
         *   '\n'      Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X)
         *   '\r''\n'  DOS/Windows & OS/2
         *   '\r'      Mac OS Classic
         * len can not be less then 1, since in case with
         * empty string it has at least '\n' in the buffer
        if (buff[len - 1] == '\n' || buff[len - 1] == '\r') {
            buff[len - 1] = '\0';
            if (len > 1 && buff[len - 2] == '\r')
                buff[len - 2] = '\0';
    } else {
        buff[0] = '\0';
    return str;

static CERTGeneralName *
GetGeneralName (PRArenaPool *arena)
    CERTGeneralName *namesList = NULL;
    CERTGeneralName *current;
    CERTGeneralName *tail = NULL;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
    int intValue;
    char buffer[512];
    void *mark;

    PORT_Assert (arena);
    mark = PORT_ArenaMark (arena);
    do {
        puts ("\nSelect one of the following general name type: \n");
        puts ("\t1 - instance of other name\n\t2 - rfc822Name\n\t3 - dnsName\n");
        puts ("\t4 - x400Address\n\t5 - directoryName\n\t6 - ediPartyName\n");
        puts ("\t7 - uniformResourceidentifier\n\t8 - ipAddress\n\t9 - registerID\n");
        puts ("\tAny other number to finish\n\t\tChoice:");
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        intValue = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
         * Should use ZAlloc instead of Alloc to avoid problem with garbage
         * initialized pointers in CERT_CopyName
        if (intValue >= certOtherName && intValue <= certRegisterID) {
            if (namesList == NULL) {
                namesList = current = tail = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTGeneralName);
            } else {
                current = PORT_ArenaZNew(arena, CERTGeneralName);
            if (current == NULL) {
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        } else {
        current->type = intValue;
        puts ("\nEnter data:");
        fflush (stdout);
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        switch (current->type) {
            case certURI:
            case certDNSName:
            case certRFC822Name:
                current->name.other.data = PORT_ArenaAlloc (arena, strlen (buffer));
                if (current->name.other.data == NULL) {
                    GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
                  (current->name.other.data, buffer, current->name.other.len = strlen(buffer));

            case certEDIPartyName:
            case certIPAddress:
            case certOtherName:
            case certRegisterID:
            case certX400Address: {

                current->name.other.data = PORT_ArenaAlloc (arena, strlen (buffer) + 2);
                if (current->name.other.data == NULL) {
                    GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);

                PORT_Memcpy (current->name.other.data + 2, buffer, strlen (buffer));
                /* This may not be accurate for all cases.  For now, use this tag type */
                current->name.other.data[0] = (char)(((current->type - 1) & 0x1f)| 0x80);
                current->name.other.data[1] = (char)strlen (buffer);
                current->name.other.len = strlen (buffer) + 2;

            case certDirectoryName: {
                CERTName *directoryName = NULL;

                directoryName = CERT_AsciiToName (buffer);
                if (!directoryName) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "certutil: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n", buffer);
                rv = CERT_CopyName (arena, &current->name.directoryName, directoryName);
                CERT_DestroyName (directoryName);
        if (rv != SECSuccess)
        current->l.next = &(namesList->l);
        current->l.prev = &(tail->l);
        tail->l.next = &(current->l);
        tail = current;

    }while (1);

    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        PORT_ArenaRelease (arena, mark);
        namesList = NULL;
    return (namesList);

static SECStatus 
GetString(PRArenaPool *arena, char *prompt, SECItem *value)
    char buffer[251];
    char *buffPrt;

    buffer[0] = '\0';
    value->data = NULL;
    value->len = 0;
    puts (prompt);
    buffPrt = Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    /* returned NULL here treated the same way as empty string */
    if (buffPrt && strlen (buffer) > 0) {
        value->data = PORT_ArenaAlloc (arena, strlen (buffer));
        if (value->data == NULL) {
            PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
            return (SECFailure);
        PORT_Memcpy (value->data, buffer, value->len = strlen(buffer));
    return (SECSuccess);

static CERTCertificateRequest *
GetCertRequest(PRFileDesc *inFile, PRBool ascii)
    CERTCertificateRequest *certReq = NULL;
    CERTSignedData signedData;
    PRArenaPool *arena = NULL;
    SECItem reqDER;
    SECStatus rv;

    reqDER.data = NULL;
    do {
        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
        if (arena == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&reqDER, inFile, ascii);
        if (rv) 
        certReq = (CERTCertificateRequest*) PORT_ArenaZAlloc
                  (arena, sizeof(CERTCertificateRequest));
        if (!certReq) 
        certReq->arena = arena;

        /* Since cert request is a signed data, must decode to get the inner
        PORT_Memset(&signedData, 0, sizeof(signedData));
        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, &signedData, 
                SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_SignedDataTemplate), &reqDER);
        if (rv)
        rv = SEC_ASN1DecodeItem(arena, certReq, 
                SEC_ASN1_GET(CERT_CertificateRequestTemplate), &signedData.data);
   } while (0);

   if (!rv) {
        rv = CERT_VerifySignedDataWithPublicKeyInfo(&signedData, 
                &certReq->subjectPublicKeyInfo, NULL /* wincx */);

   if (rv) {
       PRErrorCode  perr = PR_GetError();
       fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to decode DER cert request (%s)\n", progName,
   return (certReq);

static PRBool 
GetYesNo(char *prompt) 
    char buf[3];
    char *buffPrt;

    buf[0] = 'n';
    buffPrt = Gets_s(buf, sizeof(buf));
    return (buffPrt && (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y')) ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE;

static SECStatus
AddCert(PK11SlotInfo *slot, CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name, char *trusts, 
        PRFileDesc *inFile, PRBool ascii, PRBool emailcert, void *pwdata)
    CERTCertTrust *trust = NULL;
    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
    SECItem certDER;
    SECStatus rv;

    certDER.data = NULL;
    do {
        /* Read in the entire file specified with the -i argument */
        rv = SECU_ReadDERFromFile(&certDER, inFile, ascii);
        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to read input file");

        /* Read in an ASCII cert and return a CERTCertificate */
        cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *)certDER.data, certDER.len);
        if (!cert) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not obtain certificate from file"); 

        /* Create a cert trust to pass to SEC_AddPermCertificate */
        trust = (CERTCertTrust *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
        if (!trust) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to allocate cert trust");

        rv = CERT_DecodeTrustString(trust, trusts);
        if (rv) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to decode trust string");

        if (!PK11_IsFriendly(slot)) {
            rv = PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwdata);
            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not authenticate to token or database");

        rv =  PK11_ImportCert(slot, cert, CK_INVALID_HANDLE, name, PR_FALSE);
        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not add certificate to token or database");

        rv = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(handle, cert, trust);
        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not change trust on certificate");

        if ( emailcert ) {
            CERT_SaveSMimeProfile(cert, NULL, pwdata);

    } while (0);

    CERT_DestroyCertificate (cert);

    return rv;

static SECStatus
AddExtensions(void *, const char *, const char *, PRBool, PRBool, PRBool, PRBool,
              PRBool, PRBool);

static SECStatus
CertReq(SECKEYPrivateKey *privk, SECKEYPublicKey *pubk, KeyType keyType,
        SECOidTag hashAlgTag, CERTName *subject, char *phone, int ascii, 
        const char *emailAddrs, const char *dnsNames,
        PRBool  keyUsage, 
        PRBool  extKeyUsage,
        PRBool  basicConstraint, 
        PRBool  authKeyID,
        PRBool  crlDistPoints, 
        PRBool  nscpCertType,
        PRFileDesc *outFile)
    CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *spki;
    CERTCertificateRequest *cr;
    SECItem *encoding;
    SECOidTag signAlgTag;
    SECItem result;
    SECStatus rv;
    PRArenaPool *arena;
    PRInt32 numBytes;
    void *extHandle;

    /* Create info about public key */
    spki = SECKEY_CreateSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pubk);
    if (!spki) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to create subject public key");
        return SECFailure;
    /* Generate certificate request */
    cr = CERT_CreateCertificateRequest(subject, spki, NULL);
    if (!cr) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to make certificate request");
        return SECFailure;

    if ( !arena ) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "out of memory");
        return SECFailure;
    extHandle = CERT_StartCertificateRequestAttributes(cr);
    if (extHandle == NULL) {
        PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
        return SECFailure;
    if (AddExtensions(extHandle, emailAddrs, dnsNames, keyUsage, extKeyUsage,
                      basicConstraint, authKeyID, crlDistPoints, nscpCertType)
                  != SECSuccess) {
        PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
        return SECFailure;

    /* Der encode the request */
    encoding = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(arena, NULL, cr,
    if (encoding == NULL) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "der encoding of request failed");
        return SECFailure;

    /* Sign the request */
    signAlgTag = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(keyType, hashAlgTag);
    if (signAlgTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unknown Key or Hash type");
        return SECFailure;
    rv = SEC_DerSignData(arena, &result, encoding->data, encoding->len, 
                         privk, signAlgTag);
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "signing of data failed");
        return SECFailure;

    /* Encode request in specified format */
    if (ascii) {
        char *obuf;
        char *name, *email, *org, *state, *country;
        SECItem *it;
        int total;

        it = &result;

        obuf = BTOA_ConvertItemToAscii(it);
        total = PL_strlen(obuf);

        name = CERT_GetCommonName(subject);
        if (!name) {
            fprintf(stderr, "You must specify a common name\n");
            return SECFailure;

        if (!phone)
            phone = strdup("(not specified)");

        email = CERT_GetCertEmailAddress(subject);
        if (!email)
            email = strdup("(not specified)");

        org = CERT_GetOrgName(subject);
        if (!org)
            org = strdup("(not specified)");

        state = CERT_GetStateName(subject);
        if (!state)
            state = strdup("(not specified)");

        country = CERT_GetCountryName(subject);
        if (!country)
            country = strdup("(not specified)");

                   "\nCertificate request generated by Netscape certutil\n");
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "Phone: %s\n\n", phone);
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "Common Name: %s\n", name);
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "Email: %s\n", email);
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "Organization: %s\n", org);
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "State: %s\n", state);
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "Country: %s\n\n", country);

        PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n", NS_CERTREQ_HEADER);
        numBytes = PR_Write(outFile, obuf, total);
        if (numBytes != total) {
            SECU_PrintSystemError(progName, "write error");
            return SECFailure;
        PR_fprintf(outFile, "\n%s\n", NS_CERTREQ_TRAILER);
    } else {
        numBytes = PR_Write(outFile, result.data, result.len);
        if (numBytes != (int)result.len) {
            SECU_PrintSystemError(progName, "write error");
            return SECFailure;
    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus 
ChangeTrustAttributes(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name, char *trusts)
    SECStatus rv;
    CERTCertificate *cert;
    CERTCertTrust *trust;
    cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, name);
    if (!cert) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not find certificate named \"%s\"",
        return SECFailure;

    trust = (CERTCertTrust *)PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CERTCertTrust));
    if (!trust) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to allocate cert trust");
        return SECFailure;

    /* This function only decodes these characters: pPwcTCu, */
    rv = CERT_DecodeTrustString(trust, trusts);
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to decode trust string");
        return SECFailure;

    rv = CERT_ChangeCertTrust(handle, cert, trust);
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to modify trust attributes");
        return SECFailure;

    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus
printCertCB(CERTCertificate *cert, void *arg)
    SECStatus rv;
    SECItem data;
    CERTCertTrust *trust = (CERTCertTrust *)arg;
    data.data = cert->derCert.data;
    data.len = cert->derCert.len;

    rv = SECU_PrintSignedData(stdout, &data, "Certificate", 0,
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "problem printing certificate");
    if (trust) {
        SECU_PrintTrustFlags(stdout, trust,
                             "Certificate Trust Flags", 1);
    } else if (cert->trust) {
        SECU_PrintTrustFlags(stdout, cert->trust,
                             "Certificate Trust Flags", 1);



static SECStatus
DumpChain(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name)
    CERTCertificate *the_cert;
    CERTCertificateList *chain;
    int i, j;
    the_cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(name, NULL);
    if (!the_cert) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "Could not find: %s\n", name);
        return SECFailure;
    chain = CERT_CertChainFromCert(the_cert, 0, PR_TRUE);
    if (!chain) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "Could not obtain chain for: %s\n", name);
        return SECFailure;
    for (i=chain->len-1; i>=0; i--) {
        CERTCertificate *c;
        c = CERT_FindCertByDERCert(handle, &chain->certs[i]);
        for (j=i; j<chain->len-1; j++) printf("  ");
        printf("\"%s\" [%s]\n\n", c->nickname, c->subjectName);
    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus
listCerts(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name, PK11SlotInfo *slot,
          PRBool raw, PRBool ascii, PRFileDesc *outfile, void *pwarg)
    SECItem data;
    PRInt32 numBytes;
    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
    CERTCertList *certs;
    CERTCertListNode *node;

    /* List certs on a non-internal slot. */
    if (!PK11_IsFriendly(slot) && PK11_NeedLogin(slot))
            PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwarg);
    if (name) {
        CERTCertificate *the_cert;
        the_cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, name);
        if (!the_cert) {
            the_cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(name, NULL);
            if (!the_cert) {
                SECU_PrintError(progName, "Could not find: %s\n", name);
                return SECFailure;
        certs = CERT_CreateSubjectCertList(NULL, handle, &the_cert->derSubject,
                PR_Now(), PR_FALSE);

        for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certs); !CERT_LIST_END(node,certs);
                                                node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
            the_cert = node->cert;
            /* now get the subjectList that matches this cert */
            data.data = the_cert->derCert.data;
            data.len = the_cert->derCert.len;
            if (ascii) {
                PR_fprintf(outfile, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", NS_CERT_HEADER, 
                        BTOA_DataToAscii(data.data, data.len), NS_CERT_TRAILER);
                rv = SECSuccess;
            } else if (raw) {
                numBytes = PR_Write(outfile, data.data, data.len);
                if (numBytes != (PRInt32) data.len) {
                   SECU_PrintSystemError(progName, "error writing raw cert");
                    rv = SECFailure;
                rv = SECSuccess;
            } else {
                rv = printCertCB(the_cert, the_cert->trust);
            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
    } else {

        certs = PK11_ListCertsInSlot(slot);
        if (certs) {
            for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(certs); !CERT_LIST_END(node,certs);
                                                node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) {
            rv = SECSuccess;
    if (certs) {
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "problem printing certificate nicknames");
        return SECFailure;

    return SECSuccess;  /* not rv ?? */

static SECStatus
ListCerts(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name, PK11SlotInfo *slot,
          PRBool raw, PRBool ascii, PRFileDesc *outfile, secuPWData *pwdata)
    SECStatus rv;

    if (slot == NULL) {
        CERTCertList *list;
        CERTCertListNode *node;

        list = PK11_ListCerts(PK11CertListAll, pwdata);
        for (node = CERT_LIST_HEAD(list); !CERT_LIST_END(node, list);
             node = CERT_LIST_NEXT(node)) 
            SECU_PrintCertNickname(node, stdout);
        return SECSuccess;
    } else {
        rv = listCerts(handle,name,slot,raw,ascii,outfile,pwdata);
    return rv;

static SECStatus 
DeleteCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name)
    SECStatus rv;
    CERTCertificate *cert;

    cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, name);
    if (!cert) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not find certificate named \"%s\"",
        return SECFailure;

    rv = SEC_DeletePermCertificate(cert);
    if (rv) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to delete certificate");
        return SECFailure;

    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus
ValidateCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, char *name, char *date,
             char *certUsage, PRBool checkSig, PRBool logit, secuPWData *pwdata)
    SECStatus rv;
    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
    int64 timeBoundary;
    SECCertificateUsage usage;
    CERTVerifyLog reallog;
    CERTVerifyLog *log = NULL;

    if (!certUsage) {
            PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
            return (SECFailure);
    switch (*certUsage) {
        case 'O':
            usage = certificateUsageStatusResponder;
        case 'C':
            usage = certificateUsageSSLClient;
        case 'V':
            usage = certificateUsageSSLServer;
        case 'S':
            usage = certificateUsageEmailSigner;
        case 'R':
            usage = certificateUsageEmailRecipient;
            PORT_SetError (SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
            return (SECFailure);
    do {
        cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, name);
        if (!cert) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not find certificate named \"%s\"",
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)

        if (date != NULL) {
            rv = DER_AsciiToTime(&timeBoundary, date);
            if (rv) {
                SECU_PrintError(progName, "invalid input date");
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
        } else {
            timeBoundary = PR_Now();

        if ( logit ) {
            log = &reallog;
            log->count = 0;
            log->head = NULL;
            log->tail = NULL;
            log->arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
            if ( log->arena == NULL ) {
                SECU_PrintError(progName, "out of memory");
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
        rv = CERT_VerifyCertificate(handle, cert, checkSig, usage,
                             timeBoundary, pwdata, log, &usage);
        if ( log ) {
            if ( log->head == NULL ) {
                fprintf(stdout, "%s: certificate is valid\n", progName);
                GEN_BREAK (SECSuccess)
            } else {
                char *name;
                CERTVerifyLogNode *node;
                node = log->head;
                while ( node ) {
                    if ( node->cert->nickname != NULL ) {
                        name = node->cert->nickname;
                    } else {
                        name = node->cert->subjectName;
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s : %s\n", name, 
                    node = node->next;
        } else {
            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
                PRErrorCode perr = PORT_GetError();
                fprintf(stdout, "%s: certificate is invalid: %s\n",
                        progName, SECU_Strerror(perr));
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
            fprintf(stdout, "%s: certificate is valid\n", progName);
            GEN_BREAK (SECSuccess)
    } while (0);

    if (cert) {

    return (rv);

static SECStatus
printKeyCB(SECKEYPublicKey *key, SECItem *data, void *arg)
    if (key->keyType == rsaKey) {
        fprintf(stdout, "RSA Public-Key:\n");
        SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &key->u.rsa.modulus, "modulus", 1);
    } else {
        fprintf(stdout, "DSA Public-Key:\n");
        SECU_PrintInteger(stdout, &key->u.dsa.publicValue, "publicValue", 1);
    return SECSuccess;

/* callback for listing certs through pkcs11 */
static SECStatus
secu_PrintKey(FILE *out, int count, SECKEYPrivateKey *key)
    char *name;

    name = PK11_GetPrivateKeyNickname(key);
    if (name == NULL) {
        /* should look up associated cert */
        name = PORT_Strdup("< orphaned >");
    fprintf(out, "<%d> %s\n", count, name);

    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus
listKeys(PK11SlotInfo *slot, KeyType keyType, void *pwarg)
    SECKEYPrivateKeyList *list;
    SECKEYPrivateKeyListNode *node;
    int count;

    if (PK11_NeedLogin(slot))
            PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwarg);

    list = PK11_ListPrivateKeysInSlot(slot);
    if (list == NULL) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "problem listing keys");
        return SECFailure;
    for (count=0, node=PRIVKEY_LIST_HEAD(list) ; !PRIVKEY_LIST_END(node,list);
                          node= PRIVKEY_LIST_NEXT(node),count++) {
        secu_PrintKey(stdout, count, node->key);

    if (count == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: no keys found\n", progName);
        return SECFailure;
    return SECSuccess;

static SECStatus
ListKeys(PK11SlotInfo *slot, char *keyname, int index, 
         KeyType keyType, PRBool dopriv, secuPWData *pwdata)
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;

    if (slot == NULL) {
        PK11SlotList *list;
        PK11SlotListElement *le;

        list= PK11_GetAllTokens(CKM_INVALID_MECHANISM,PR_FALSE,PR_FALSE,pwdata);
        if (list) for (le = list->head; le; le = le->next) {
            rv = listKeys(le->slot,keyType,pwdata);
    } else {
        rv = listKeys(slot,keyType,pwdata);
    return rv;

static SECStatus
DeleteKey(char *nickname, secuPWData *pwdata)
    SECStatus rv;
    CERTCertificate *cert;
    PK11SlotInfo *slot;

    slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
    if (PK11_NeedLogin(slot))
        PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, pwdata);
    cert = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(nickname, pwdata);
    if (!cert) {
        return SECFailure;
    rv = PK11_DeleteTokenCertAndKey(cert, pwdata);
    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        SECU_PrintError("problem deleting private key \"%s\"\n", nickname);
    return rv;

 *  L i s t M o d u l e s
 *  Print a list of the PKCS11 modules that are
 *  available. This is useful for smartcard people to
 *  make sure they have the drivers loaded.
static SECStatus
    PK11SlotList *list;
    PK11SlotListElement *le;

    /* get them all! */
    if (list == NULL) return SECFailure;

    /* look at each slot*/
    for (le = list->head ; le; le = le->next) {
      printf ("\n");
      printf ("    slot: %s\n", PK11_GetSlotName(le->slot));
      printf ("   token: %s\n", PK11_GetTokenName(le->slot));

    return SECSuccess;

static void 
Usage(char *progName)
#define FPS fprintf(stderr, 
    FPS "Type %s -H for more detailed descriptions\n", progName);
    FPS "Usage:  %s -N [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-f pwfile]\n", progName);
    FPS "Usage:  %s -T [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-h token-name] [-f pwfile]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -A -n cert-name -t trustargs [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-a] [-i input]\n", 
    FPS "\t%s -B -i batch-file\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -C [-c issuer-name | -x] -i cert-request-file -o cert-file\n"
        "\t\t [-m serial-number] [-w warp-months] [-v months-valid]\n"
        "\t\t [-f pwfile] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5]\n"
        "\t\t [-6] [-7 emailAddrs] [-8 dns-names]\n",
    FPS "\t%s -D -n cert-name [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -E -n cert-name -t trustargs [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-a] [-i input]\n", 
    FPS "\t%s -G -n key-name [-h token-name] [-k rsa] [-g key-size] [-y exp]\n" 
        "\t\t [-f pwfile] [-z noisefile] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -G [-h token-name] -k dsa [-q pqgfile -g key-size] [-f pwfile]\n"
        "\t\t [-z noisefile] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -G [-h token-name] -k ec -q curve [-f pwfile]\n"
        "\t\t [-z noisefile] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -K [-n key-name] [-h token-name] [-k dsa|ec|rsa|all]\n", 
    FPS "\t%s -K [-n key-name] [-h token-name] [-k dsa|rsa|all]\n", 
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "\t\t [-f pwfile] [-X] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n");
    FPS "\t%s -L [-n cert-name] [-X] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-r] [-a]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -M -n cert-name -t trustargs [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n",
    FPS "\t%s -O -n cert-name [-X] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);
    FPS "\t%s -R -s subj -o cert-request-file [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix] [-p phone] [-a]\n"
        "\t\t [-y emailAddrs] [-k key-type] [-h token-name] [-f pwfile] [-g key-size]\n",
    FPS "\t%s -V -n cert-name -u usage [-b time] [-e] \n"
        "\t\t[-X] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n",
    FPS "\t%s -S -n cert-name -s subj [-c issuer-name | -x]  -t trustargs\n"
        "\t\t [-k key-type] [-q key-params] [-h token-name] [-g key-size]\n"
        "\t\t [-m serial-number] [-w warp-months] [-v months-valid]\n"
        "\t\t [-f pwfile] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n"
        "\t\t [-p phone] [-1] [-2] [-3] [-4] [-5] [-6] [-7 emailAddrs]\n"
        "\t\t [-8 dns-names]\n",
    FPS "\t%s -U [-X] [-d certdir] [-P dbprefix]\n", progName);

static void LongUsage(char *progName)

    FPS "%-15s Add a certificate to the database        (create if needed)\n",
    FPS "%-15s Run a series of certutil commands from a batch file\n", "-B");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the batch file\n", "   -i batch-file");
    FPS "%-15s Add an Email certificate to the database (create if needed)\n",
    FPS "%-20s Specify the nickname of the certificate to add\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s Set the certificate trust attributes:\n",
        "   -t trustargs");
    FPS "%-25s p \t valid peer\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s P \t trusted peer (implies p)\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s c \t valid CA\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s T \t trusted CA to issue client certs (implies c)\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s C \t trusted CA to issue server certs (implies c)\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s u \t user cert\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s w \t send warning\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s g \t make step-up cert\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f pwfile");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s The input certificate is encoded in ASCII (RFC1113)\n",
        "   -a");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the certificate file (default is stdin)\n",
        "   -i input");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Create a new binary certificate from a BINARY cert request\n",
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the issuer cert\n",
        "   -c issuer-name");
    FPS "%-20s The BINARY certificate request file\n",
        "   -i cert-request ");
    FPS "%-20s Output binary cert to this file (default is stdout)\n",
        "   -o output-cert");
    FPS "%-20s Self sign\n",
        "   -x");
    FPS "%-20s Cert serial number\n",
        "   -m serial-number");
    FPS "%-20s Time Warp\n",
        "   -w warp-months");
    FPS "%-20s Months valid (default is 3)\n",
        "   -v months-valid");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f pwfile");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s Create key usage extension\n",
        "   -1 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create basic constraint extension\n",
        "   -2 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create authority key ID extension\n",
        "   -3 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create crl distribution point extension\n",
        "   -4 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create netscape cert type extension\n",
        "   -5 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create extended key usage extension\n",
        "   -6 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create an email subject alt name extension\n",
        "   -7 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create an dns subject alt name extension\n",
        "   -8 ");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Generate a new key pair\n",
    FPS "%-20s Name of token in which to generate key (default is internal)\n",
        "   -h token-name");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"ec\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Key size in bits, (min %d, max %d, default %d) (not for ec)\n",
        "   -g key-size", MIN_KEY_BITS, MAX_KEY_BITS, DEFAULT_KEY_BITS);
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Key size in bits, (min %d, max %d, default %d)\n",
        "   -g key-size", MIN_KEY_BITS, MAX_KEY_BITS, DEFAULT_KEY_BITS);
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "%-20s Set the public exponent value (3, 17, 65537) (rsa only)\n",
        "   -y exp");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f password-file");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the noise file to be used\n",
        "   -z noisefile");
    FPS "%-20s read PQG value from pqgfile (dsa only)\n",
        "   -q pqgfile");
    FPS "%-20s Elliptic curve name (ec only)\n",
        "   -q curve-name");
    FPS "%-20s One of sect163k1, nistk163, sect163r1, sect163r2,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s nistb163, sect193r1, sect193r2, sect233k1, nistk233,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s sect233r1, nistb233, sect239k1, sect283k1, nistk283,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s sect283r1, nistb283, sect409k1, nistk409, sect409r1,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s nistb409, sect571k1, nistk571, sect571r1, nistb571,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s secp160k1, secp160r1, secp160r2, secp192k1, secp192r1,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s nistp192, secp224k1, secp224r1, nistp224, secp256k1,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s secp256r1, nistp256, secp384r1, nistp384, secp521r1,\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s nistp521, prime192v1, prime192v2, prime192v3, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s prime239v1, prime239v2, prime239v3, c2pnb163v1, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s c2pnb163v2, c2pnb163v3, c2pnb176v1, c2tnb191v1, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s c2tnb191v2, c2tnb191v3, c2onb191v4, c2onb191v5, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s c2pnb208w1, c2tnb239v1, c2tnb239v2, c2tnb239v3, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s c2onb239v4, c2onb239v5, c2pnb272w1, c2pnb304w1, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s c2tnb359w1, c2pnb368w1, c2tnb431r1, secp112r1, \n", "");
    FPS "%-20s secp112r2, secp128r1, secp128r2, sect113r1, sect113r2\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s sect131r1, sect131r2\n", "");
    FPS "%-20s Key database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d keydir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Delete a certificate from the database\n",
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the cert to delete\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s List all modules\n", /*, or print out a single named module\n",*/
    FPS "%-20s Module database directory (default is '~/.netscape')\n",
        "   -d moddir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s force the database to open R/W\n",
        "   -X");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s List all keys\n", /*, or print out a single named key\n",*/
    FPS "%-20s Name of token in which to look for keys (default is internal,"
        " use \"all\" to list keys on all tokens)\n",
        "   -h token-name ");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to list (\"all\", \"dsa\", \"ec\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to list (\"all\", \"dsa\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f password-file");
    FPS "%-20s Key database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d keydir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s force the database to open R/W\n",
        "   -X");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s List all certs, or print out a single named cert\n",
    FPS "%-20s Pretty print named cert (list all if unspecified)\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s force the database to open R/W\n",
        "   -X");
    FPS "%-20s For single cert, print binary DER encoding\n",
        "   -r");
    FPS "%-20s For single cert, print ASCII encoding (RFC1113)\n",
        "   -a");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Modify trust attributes of certificate\n",
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the cert to modify\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s Set the certificate trust attributes (see -A above)\n",
        "   -t trustargs");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Create a new certificate database\n",
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "\n");
    FPS "%-15s Reset the Key database or token\n",
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s Token to reset (default is internal)\n",
        "   -h token-name");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "\n");
    FPS "%-15s Print the chain of a certificate\n",
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the cert to modify\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s force the database to open R/W\n",
        "   -X");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Generate a certificate request (stdout)\n",
    FPS "%-20s Specify the subject name (using RFC1485)\n",
        "   -s subject");
    FPS "%-20s Output the cert request to this file\n",
        "   -o output-req");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"ec\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "%-20s Name of token in which to generate key (default is internal)\n",
        "   -h token-name");
    FPS "%-20s Key size in bits, RSA keys only (min %d, max %d, default %d)\n",
        "   -g key-size", MIN_KEY_BITS, MAX_KEY_BITS, DEFAULT_KEY_BITS);
    FPS "%-20s Name of file containing PQG parameters (dsa only)\n",
        "   -q pqgfile");
    FPS "%-20s Elliptic curve name (ec only)\n",
        "   -q curve-name");
    FPS "%-20s See the \"-G\" option for a full list of supported names.\n",
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f pwfile");
    FPS "%-20s Key database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d keydir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the contact phone number (\"123-456-7890\")\n",
        "   -p phone");
    FPS "%-20s Output the cert request in ASCII (RFC1113); default is binary\n",
        "   -a");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Validate a certificate\n",
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the cert to Validate\n",
        "   -n cert-name");
    FPS "%-20s validity time (\"YYMMDDHHMMSS[+HHMM|-HHMM|Z]\")\n",
        "   -b time");
    FPS "%-20s Check certificate signature \n",
        "   -e ");   
    FPS "%-20s Specify certificate usage:\n", "   -u certusage");
    FPS "%-25s C \t SSL Client\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s V \t SSL Server\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s S \t Email signer\n", "");
    FPS "%-25s R \t Email Recipient\n", "");   
    FPS "%-25s O \t OCSP status responder\n", "");   
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s force the database to open R/W\n",
        "   -X");
    FPS "\n");

    FPS "%-15s Make a certificate and add to database\n",
    FPS "%-20s Specify the nickname of the cert\n",
        "   -n key-name");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the subject name (using RFC1485)\n",
        "   -s subject");
    FPS "%-20s The nickname of the issuer cert\n",
        "   -c issuer-name");
    FPS "%-20s Set the certificate trust attributes (see -A above)\n",
        "   -t trustargs");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"ec\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
    FPS "%-20s Type of key pair to generate (\"dsa\", \"rsa\" (default))\n",
        "   -k key-type");
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "%-20s Name of token in which to generate key (default is internal)\n",
        "   -h token-name");
    FPS "%-20s Key size in bits, RSA keys only (min %d, max %d, default %d)\n",
        "   -g key-size", MIN_KEY_BITS, MAX_KEY_BITS, DEFAULT_KEY_BITS);
    FPS "%-20s Name of file containing PQG parameters (dsa only)\n",
        "   -q pqgfile");
    FPS "%-20s Elliptic curve name (ec only)\n",
        "   -q curve-name");
    FPS "%-20s See the \"-G\" option for a full list of supported names.\n",
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
    FPS "%-20s Self sign\n",
        "   -x");
    FPS "%-20s Cert serial number\n",
        "   -m serial-number");
    FPS "%-20s Time Warp\n",
        "   -w warp-months");
    FPS "%-20s Months valid (default is 3)\n",
        "   -v months-valid");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the password file\n",
        "   -f pwfile");
    FPS "%-20s Cert database directory (default is ~/.netscape)\n",
        "   -d certdir");
    FPS "%-20s Cert & Key database prefix\n",
        "   -P dbprefix");
    FPS "%-20s Specify the contact phone number (\"123-456-7890\")\n",
        "   -p phone");
    FPS "%-20s Create key usage extension\n",
        "   -1 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create basic constraint extension\n",
        "   -2 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create authority key ID extension\n",
        "   -3 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create crl distribution point extension\n",
        "   -4 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create netscape cert type extension\n",
        "   -5 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create extended key usage extension\n",
        "   -6 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create an email subject alt name extension\n",
        "   -7 ");
    FPS "%-20s Create an dns subject alt name extension\n",
        "   -8 ");
    FPS "\n");

#undef FPS

static CERTCertificate *
MakeV1Cert(     CERTCertDBHandle *      handle, 
                CERTCertificateRequest *req,
                char *                  issuerNickName, 
                PRBool                  selfsign, 
                unsigned int            serialNumber,
                int                     warpmonths,
                int                     validityMonths)
    CERTCertificate *issuerCert = NULL;
    CERTValidity *validity;
    CERTCertificate *cert = NULL;
    PRExplodedTime printableTime;
    PRTime now, after;

    if ( !selfsign ) {
        issuerCert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(handle, issuerNickName);
        if (!issuerCert) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "could not find certificate named \"%s\"",
            return NULL;

    now = PR_Now();
    PR_ExplodeTime (now, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
    if ( warpmonths ) {
        printableTime.tm_month += warpmonths;
        now = PR_ImplodeTime (&printableTime);
        PR_ExplodeTime (now, PR_GMTParameters, &printableTime);
    printableTime.tm_month += validityMonths;
    after = PR_ImplodeTime (&printableTime);

    /* note that the time is now in micro-second unit */
    validity = CERT_CreateValidity (now, after);

    cert = CERT_CreateCertificate(serialNumber, 
                                  (selfsign ? &req->subject 
                                            : &issuerCert->subject), 
                                  validity, req);
    if ( issuerCert ) {
        CERT_DestroyCertificate (issuerCert);

static SECStatus 
AddKeyUsage (void *extHandle)
    SECItem bitStringValue;
    unsigned char keyUsage = 0x0;
    char buffer[5];
    int value;
    PRBool yesNoAns;

    while (1) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 0 - Digital Signature\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 1 - Non-repudiation\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 2 - Key encipherment\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 3 - Data encipherment\n", "");   
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 4 - Key agreement\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 5 - Cert signing key\n", "");   
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 6 - CRL signing key\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s Other to finish\n", "");
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer))) {
            value = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
            if (value < 0 || value > 6)
            if (value == 0) {
                /* Checking that zero value of variable 'value'
                 * corresponds to '0' input made by user */
                char *chPtr = strchr(buffer, '0');
                if (chPtr == NULL) {
            keyUsage |= (0x80 >> value);
        else {          /* gets() returns NULL on EOF or error */

    bitStringValue.data = &keyUsage;
    bitStringValue.len = 1;
    yesNoAns = GetYesNo("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");

    return (CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension
            (extHandle, SEC_OID_X509_KEY_USAGE, &bitStringValue,


static CERTOidSequence *
  CERTOidSequence *rv = (CERTOidSequence *)NULL;
  PRArenaPool *arena = (PRArenaPool *)NULL;

  if( (PRArenaPool *)NULL == arena ) {
    goto loser;

  rv = (CERTOidSequence *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(CERTOidSequence));
  if( (CERTOidSequence *)NULL == rv ) {
    goto loser;

  rv->oids = (SECItem **)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(arena, sizeof(SECItem *));
  if( (SECItem **)NULL == rv->oids ) {
    goto loser;

  rv->arena = arena;
  return rv;

  if( (PRArenaPool *)NULL != arena ) {
    PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);

  return (CERTOidSequence *)NULL;

static void
DestroyOidSequence(CERTOidSequence *os)
  if (os->arena) {
    PORT_FreeArena(os->arena, PR_FALSE);

static SECStatus
AddOidToSequence(CERTOidSequence *os, SECOidTag oidTag)
  SECItem **oids;
  PRUint32 count = 0;
  SECOidData *od;

  od = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(oidTag);
  if( (SECOidData *)NULL == od ) {
    return SECFailure;

  for( oids = os->oids; (SECItem *)NULL != *oids; oids++ ) {

  /* ArenaZRealloc */

    PRUint32 i;

    oids = (SECItem **)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(os->arena, sizeof(SECItem *) * (count+2));
    if( (SECItem **)NULL == oids ) {
      return SECFailure;
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
      oids[i] = os->oids[i];

    /* ArenaZFree(os->oids); */

  os->oids = oids;
  os->oids[count] = &od->oid;

  return SECSuccess;


const SEC_ASN1Template CERT_OidSeqTemplate[] = {
          offsetof(CERTOidSequence, oids),
          SEC_ASN1_SUB(SEC_ObjectIDTemplate) }

static SECItem *
EncodeOidSequence(CERTOidSequence *os)
  SECItem *rv;

  rv = (SECItem *)PORT_ArenaZAlloc(os->arena, sizeof(SECItem));
  if( (SECItem *)NULL == rv ) {
    goto loser;

  if( !SEC_ASN1EncodeItem(os->arena, rv, os, CERT_OidSeqTemplate) ) {
    goto loser;

  return rv;

  return (SECItem *)NULL;

static SECStatus 
AddExtKeyUsage (void *extHandle)
  char buffer[5];
  int value;
  CERTOidSequence *os;
  SECStatus rv;
  SECItem *item;
  PRBool yesNoAns;

  os = CreateOidSequence();
  if( (CERTOidSequence *)NULL == os ) {
    return SECFailure;

  while (1) {
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 0 - Server Auth\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 1 - Client Auth\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 2 - Code Signing\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 3 - Email Protection\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 4 - Timestamp\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 5 - OCSP Responder\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 6 - Step-up\n", "");
    fprintf(stdout, "%-25s Other to finish\n", "");

    if (Gets_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
        rv = SECFailure;
        goto loser;
    value = PORT_Atoi(buffer);

    if (value == 0) {
        /* Checking that zero value of variable 'value'
         * corresponds to '0' input made by user */
        char *chPtr = strchr(buffer, '0');
        if (chPtr == NULL) {

    switch( value ) {
    case 0:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_SERVER_AUTH);
    case 1:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CLIENT_AUTH);
    case 2:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_CODE_SIGN);
    case 3:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_EMAIL_PROTECT);
    case 4:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_EXT_KEY_USAGE_TIME_STAMP);
    case 5:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_OCSP_RESPONDER);
    case 6:
      rv = AddOidToSequence(os, SEC_OID_NS_KEY_USAGE_GOVT_APPROVED);
      goto endloop;

    if( SECSuccess != rv ) goto loser;

  item = EncodeOidSequence(os);

  yesNoAns = GetYesNo("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");

  rv = CERT_AddExtension(extHandle, SEC_OID_X509_EXT_KEY_USAGE, item,
                         yesNoAns, PR_TRUE);
  return rv;

static SECStatus 
AddNscpCertType (void *extHandle)
    SECItem bitStringValue;
    unsigned char keyUsage = 0x0;
    char buffer[5];
    int value;
    PRBool yesNoAns;

    while (1) {
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 0 - SSL Client\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 1 - SSL Server\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 2 - S/MIME\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 3 - Object Signing\n", "");   
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 4 - Reserved for future use\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 5 - SSL CA\n", "");   
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 6 - S/MIME CA\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s 7 - Object Signing CA\n", "");
        fprintf(stdout, "%-25s Other to finish\n", "");
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
            return SECFailure;
        value = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
        if (value < 0 || value > 7)
        if (value == 0) {
            /* Checking that zero value of variable 'value'
             * corresponds to '0' input made by user */
            char *chPtr = strchr(buffer, '0');
            if (chPtr == NULL) {
        keyUsage |= (0x80 >> value);

    bitStringValue.data = &keyUsage;
    bitStringValue.len = 1;
    yesNoAns = GetYesNo("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");

    return (CERT_EncodeAndAddBitStrExtension
            (extHandle, SEC_OID_NS_CERT_EXT_CERT_TYPE, &bitStringValue,


static SECStatus 
AddSubjectAltNames(PRArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName **existingListp,
                    const char *names, CERTGeneralNameType type)
    CERTGeneralName *nameList = NULL;
    CERTGeneralName *current = NULL;
    PRCList *prev = NULL;
    const char *cp;
    char *tbuf;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;

     * walk down the comma separated list of names. NOTE: there is
     * no sanity checks to see if the email address look like email addresses.
    for (cp=names; cp; cp = PORT_Strchr(cp,',')) {
        int len;
        char *end;

        if (*cp == ',') {
        end = PORT_Strchr(cp,',');
        len = end ? end-cp : PORT_Strlen(cp);
        if (len <= 0) {
        tbuf = PORT_ArenaAlloc(arena,len+1);
        tbuf[len] = 0;
        current = (CERTGeneralName *) PORT_ZAlloc(sizeof(CERTGeneralName));
        if (!current) {
            rv = SECFailure;
        if (prev) {
            current->l.prev = prev;
            prev->next = &(current->l);
        } else {
            nameList = current;
        current->type = type;
        current->name.other.data = (unsigned char *)tbuf;
        current->name.other.len = PORT_Strlen(tbuf);
        prev = &(current->l);
    /* at this point nameList points to the head of a doubly linked, but not yet 
       circular, list and current points to its tail. */
    if (rv == SECSuccess && nameList) {
        if (*existingListp != NULL) {
            PRCList *existingprev;
            /* add nameList to the end of the existing list */
            existingprev = (*existingListp)->l.prev;
            (*existingListp)->l.prev = &(current->l);
            nameList->l.prev = existingprev;
            existingprev->next = &(nameList->l);
            current->l.next = &((*existingListp)->l);
        else {
            /* make nameList circular and set it as the new existingList */
            nameList->l.prev = prev;
            current->l.next = &(nameList->l);
            *existingListp = nameList;
    return rv;

static SECStatus 
AddEmailSubjectAlt(PRArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName **existingListp,
                    const char *emailAddrs)
    return AddSubjectAltNames(arena, existingListp, emailAddrs, certRFC822Name);

static SECStatus 
AddDNSSubjectAlt(PRArenaPool *arena, CERTGeneralName **existingListp,
                    const char *dnsNames)
    return AddSubjectAltNames(arena, existingListp, dnsNames, certDNSName);

static SECStatus 
AddBasicConstraint(void *extHandle)
    CERTBasicConstraints basicConstraint;    
    SECItem encodedValue;
    SECStatus rv;
    char buffer[10];
    PRBool yesNoAns;

    encodedValue.data = NULL;
    encodedValue.len = 0;
    do {
        basicConstraint.pathLenConstraint = CERT_UNLIMITED_PATH_CONSTRAINT;
        basicConstraint.isCA = GetYesNo ("Is this a CA certificate [y/N]?");

        buffer[0] = '\0';
        puts ("Enter the path length constraint, enter to skip [<0 for unlimited path]:");
        Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
        if (PORT_Strlen (buffer) > 0)
            basicConstraint.pathLenConstraint = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
        rv = CERT_EncodeBasicConstraintValue (NULL, &basicConstraint, &encodedValue);
        if (rv)
            return (rv);

        yesNoAns = GetYesNo ("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");

        rv = CERT_AddExtension
             (extHandle, SEC_OID_X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS,
              &encodedValue, yesNoAns, PR_TRUE);
    } while (0);
    PORT_Free (encodedValue.data);
    return (rv);

static SECItem *
SignCertEx(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert,
           PRBool selfsign, SECOidTag hashAlgTag,
           SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey,
           char *issuerNickName, void *pwarg,
           SECItem* randParams)
  SECItem der;
  SECItem *result = NULL;
  SECKEYPrivateKey *caPrivateKey = NULL;
  SECStatus rv;
  PRArenaPool *arena;
  SECOidTag algID;
  void *dummy;

  if (!selfsign) {
    CERTCertificate *issuer = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(issuerNickName, pwarg);
    if( (CERTCertificate *)NULL == issuer ) {
      SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to find issuer with nickname %s",
      return (SECItem *)NULL;

    privKey = caPrivateKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(issuer, pwarg);
      if (caPrivateKey == NULL) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to retrieve key %s", issuerNickName);
        return NULL;
    arena = cert->arena;

    /* only supports RSA MD5 and SHA1 rand*/
    if (privKey->keyType == rsaKey && hashAlgTag == SEC_OID_MD5) {
    } else if  (privKey->keyType == rsaKey && hashAlgTag == SEC_OID_SHA1) {
    } else {
      /* no supported */
      printf("NO SUPPORT for %d, changed to RAND_MD5_WITH_RSA\n", hashAlgTag);

    SECItem* p = (SECItem*) PORT_Alloc(sizeof(SECItem));
    p->type = siSaltValue;
    p->data = (unsigned char*) PORT_Alloc(randParams->len + 2);
    p->data[0] = 0x04;
    p->data[1] = randParams->len;
    p->len = randParams->len + 2;
    memcpy(&p->data[2], randParams->data, randParams->len);
    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &cert->signature, algID, p);
    PORT_Free(p->data); PORT_Free(p);

    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not set signature algorithm id.");
        goto done;

    /* we only deal with cert v3 here */
    *(cert->version.data) = 2;
    cert->version.len = 1;

    der.len = 0;
    der.data = NULL;
    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (arena, &der, cert,
    if (!dummy) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not encode certificate.\n");
        goto done;

    result = (SECItem *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (SECItem));
    if (result == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate item for certificate data.\n");
        goto done;
    rv = SEC_DerSignDataEx(arena, result, der.data, der.len, privKey, algID,

    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not sign encoded certificate data.\n");
        result = NULL;
        goto done;
    cert->derCert = *result;
    if (caPrivateKey) {
    return result;

static SECItem *
SignCert(CERTCertDBHandle *handle, CERTCertificate *cert, PRBool selfsign, 
         SECOidTag hashAlgTag,
         SECKEYPrivateKey *privKey, char *issuerNickName, void *pwarg)
    SECItem der;
    SECItem *result = NULL;
    SECKEYPrivateKey *caPrivateKey = NULL;    
    SECStatus rv;
    PRArenaPool *arena;
    SECOidTag algID;
    void *dummy;

    if( !selfsign ) {
      CERTCertificate *issuer = PK11_FindCertFromNickname(issuerNickName, pwarg);
      if( (CERTCertificate *)NULL == issuer ) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to find issuer with nickname %s", 
        return (SECItem *)NULL;

      privKey = caPrivateKey = PK11_FindKeyByAnyCert(issuer, pwarg);
      if (caPrivateKey == NULL) {
        SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to retrieve key %s", issuerNickName);
        return NULL;
    arena = cert->arena;

    algID = SEC_GetSignatureAlgorithmOidTag(privKey->keyType, hashAlgTag);
    if (algID == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unknown key or hash type for issuer.");
        goto done;

    rv = SECOID_SetAlgorithmID(arena, &cert->signature, algID, 0);
    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not set signature algorithm id.");
        goto done;

    /* we only deal with cert v3 here */
    *(cert->version.data) = 2;
    cert->version.len = 1;

    der.len = 0;
    der.data = NULL;
    dummy = SEC_ASN1EncodeItem (arena, &der, cert,
    if (!dummy) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not encode certificate.\n");
        goto done;

    result = (SECItem *) PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (SECItem));
    if (result == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not allocate item for certificate data.\n");
        goto done;

    rv = SEC_DerSignData(arena, result, der.data, der.len, privKey, algID);
    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Could not sign encoded certificate data.\n");
        result = NULL;
        goto done;
    cert->derCert = *result;
    if (caPrivateKey) {
    return result;

static SECStatus 
AddAuthKeyID (void *extHandle)
    CERTAuthKeyID *authKeyID = NULL;    
    PRArenaPool *arena = NULL;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
    PRBool yesNoAns;

    do {
        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
        if ( !arena ) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "out of memory");
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);

        if (GetYesNo ("Enter value for the authKeyID extension [y/N]?") == 0)
        authKeyID = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (CERTAuthKeyID));
        if (authKeyID == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);

        rv = GetString (arena, "Enter value for the key identifier fields, enter to omit:",
        if (rv != SECSuccess)
        authKeyID->authCertIssuer = GetGeneralName (arena);
        if (authKeyID->authCertIssuer == NULL && SECFailure == PORT_GetError ())

        rv = GetString (arena, "Enter value for the authCertSerial field, enter to omit:",

        yesNoAns = GetYesNo ("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");

        rv = SECU_EncodeAndAddExtensionValue
            (arena, extHandle, authKeyID, yesNoAns,
             (EXTEN_EXT_VALUE_ENCODER) CERT_EncodeAuthKeyID);
        if (rv)
    } while (0);
    if (arena)
        PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
    return (rv);
static SECStatus 
AddCrlDistPoint(void *extHandle)
    PRArenaPool *arena = NULL;
    CERTCrlDistributionPoints *crlDistPoints = NULL;
    CRLDistributionPoint *current;
    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
    int count = 0, intValue;
    char buffer[512];

    if ( !arena )
        return (SECFailure);

    do {
        current = NULL;
        current = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (*current));
        if (current == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);

        /* Get the distributionPointName fields - this field is optional */
        puts ("Enter the type of the distribution point name:\n");
        puts ("\t1 - Full Name\n\t2 - Relative Name\n\tAny other number to finish\n\t\tChoice: ");
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        intValue = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
        switch (intValue) {
            case generalName:
                current->distPointType = intValue;
                current->distPoint.fullName = GetGeneralName (arena);
                rv = PORT_GetError();
            case relativeDistinguishedName: {
                CERTName *name;

                current->distPointType = intValue;
                puts ("Enter the relative name: ");
                fflush (stdout);
                if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
                    GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
                /* For simplicity, use CERT_AsciiToName to converse from a string
                   to NAME, but we only interest in the first RDN */
                name = CERT_AsciiToName (buffer);
                if (!name) {
                    GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
                rv = CERT_CopyRDN (arena, &current->distPoint.relativeName, name->rdns[0]);
                CERT_DestroyName (name);
        if (rv != SECSuccess)

        /* Get the reason flags */
        puts ("\nSelect one of the following for the reason flags\n");
        puts ("\t0 - unused\n\t1 - keyCompromise\n\t2 - caCompromise\n\t3 - affiliationChanged\n");
        puts ("\t4 - superseded\n\t5 - cessationOfOperation\n\t6 - certificateHold\n");
        puts ("\tAny other number to finish\t\tChoice: ");
        if (Gets_s (buffer, sizeof(buffer)) == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        intValue = PORT_Atoi (buffer);
        if (intValue == 0) {
            /* Checking that zero value of variable 'value'
             * corresponds to '0' input made by user */
            char *chPtr = strchr(buffer, '0');
            if (chPtr == NULL) {
                intValue = -1;
        if (intValue >= 0 && intValue <8) {
            current->reasons.data = PORT_ArenaAlloc (arena, sizeof(char));
            if (current->reasons.data == NULL) {
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
            *current->reasons.data = (char)(0x80 >> intValue);
            current->reasons.len = 1;
        puts ("Enter value for the CRL Issuer name:\n");
        current->crlIssuer = GetGeneralName (arena);
        if (current->crlIssuer == NULL && (rv = PORT_GetError()) == SECFailure)

        if (crlDistPoints == NULL) {
            crlDistPoints = PORT_ArenaZAlloc (arena, sizeof (*crlDistPoints));
            if (crlDistPoints == NULL) {
                GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        crlDistPoints->distPoints = PORT_ArenaGrow (arena, 
             sizeof (*crlDistPoints->distPoints) * count,
             sizeof (*crlDistPoints->distPoints) *(count + 1));
        if (crlDistPoints->distPoints == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        crlDistPoints->distPoints[count] = current;
        if (GetYesNo ("Enter more value for the CRL distribution point extension [y/N]") == 0) {
            /* Add null to the end of the crlDistPoints to mark end of data */
            crlDistPoints->distPoints = PORT_ArenaGrow(arena, 
                 sizeof (*crlDistPoints->distPoints) * count,
                 sizeof (*crlDistPoints->distPoints) *(count + 1));
            crlDistPoints->distPoints[count] = NULL;        

    } while (1);
    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
        PRBool yesNoAns = GetYesNo ("Is this a critical extension [y/N]?");
        rv = SECU_EncodeAndAddExtensionValue(arena, extHandle, crlDistPoints,
              yesNoAns, SEC_OID_X509_CRL_DIST_POINTS,
              (EXTEN_EXT_VALUE_ENCODER)  CERT_EncodeCRLDistributionPoints);
    if (arena)
        PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
    return (rv);

static SECStatus
AddExtensions(void *extHandle, const char *emailAddrs, const char *dnsNames,
        PRBool  keyUsage, 
        PRBool  extKeyUsage,
        PRBool  basicConstraint, 
        PRBool  authKeyID,
        PRBool  crlDistPoints, 
        PRBool  nscpCertType)
    SECStatus   rv = SECSuccess;
    do {
        /* Add key usage extension */
        if (keyUsage) {
            rv = AddKeyUsage(extHandle);
            if (rv)

        /* Add extended key usage extension */
        if (extKeyUsage) {
            rv = AddExtKeyUsage(extHandle);
            if (rv)

        /* Add basic constraint extension */
        if (basicConstraint) {
            rv = AddBasicConstraint(extHandle);
            if (rv)

        if (authKeyID) {
            rv = AddAuthKeyID (extHandle);
            if (rv)

        if (crlDistPoints) {
            rv = AddCrlDistPoint (extHandle);
            if (rv)
        if (nscpCertType) {
            rv = AddNscpCertType(extHandle);
            if (rv)

        if (emailAddrs || dnsNames) {
            PRArenaPool *arena;
            CERTGeneralName *namelist = NULL;
            SECItem item = { 0, NULL, 0 };
            arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
            if (arena == NULL) {
                rv = SECFailure;

            rv = AddEmailSubjectAlt(arena, &namelist, emailAddrs);

            rv |= AddDNSSubjectAlt(arena, &namelist, dnsNames);

            if (rv == SECSuccess) {
                rv = CERT_EncodeAltNameExtension(arena, namelist, &item);
                if (rv == SECSuccess) {
                   rv = CERT_AddExtension(extHandle,
                                           &item, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
            PORT_FreeArena(arena, PR_FALSE);
    } while (0);
    return rv;

/* Note,
 * The correct way of doing this is to add additional command line options
 * to enable the randomized hash.
 * Here, we take the short cut. The changes here are:
 * 1) for self signed certifiates, still use the old way of signing.
 * 2) if not self-signed, this always use the new randomized hash.
static SECStatus
        CERTCertDBHandle *handle, 
        char *  issuerNickName, 
        PRFileDesc *inFile,
        PRFileDesc *outFile, 
        SECKEYPrivateKey *selfsignprivkey,
        void    *pwarg,
        SECOidTag hashAlgTag,
        unsigned int serialNumber, 
        int     warpmonths,
        int     validityMonths,
        const char *emailAddrs,
        const char *dnsNames,
        PRBool  ascii,
        PRBool  selfsign,
        PRBool  keyUsage, 
        PRBool  extKeyUsage,
        PRBool  basicConstraint, 
        PRBool  authKeyID,
        PRBool  crlDistPoints, 
        PRBool  nscpCertType)
    void *      extHandle;
    SECItem *   certDER;
    PRArenaPool *arena                  = NULL;
    CERTCertificate *subjectCert        = NULL;
    CERTCertificateRequest *certReq     = NULL;
    SECStatus   rv                      = SECSuccess;
    SECItem     reqDER;
    CERTCertExtension **CRexts;

    reqDER.data = NULL;
    do {
        arena = PORT_NewArena(DER_DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
        if (!arena) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure);
        /* Create a certrequest object from the input cert request der */
        certReq = GetCertRequest(inFile, ascii);
        if (certReq == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)

        subjectCert = MakeV1Cert (handle, certReq, issuerNickName, selfsign,
                                  serialNumber, warpmonths, validityMonths);
        if (subjectCert == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
        extHandle = CERT_StartCertExtensions (subjectCert);
        if (extHandle == NULL) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
        rv = AddExtensions(extHandle, emailAddrs, dnsNames, keyUsage, extKeyUsage,
                          basicConstraint, authKeyID, crlDistPoints, nscpCertType);
        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
            GEN_BREAK (SECFailure)
        if (certReq->attributes != NULL &&
            certReq->attributes[0] != NULL &&
            certReq->attributes[0]->attrType.data != NULL &&
            certReq->attributes[0]->attrType.len   > 0    &&
                == SEC_OID_PKCS9_EXTENSION_REQUEST) {
            rv = CERT_GetCertificateRequestExtensions(certReq, &CRexts);
            if (rv != SECSuccess)
            rv = CERT_MergeExtensions(extHandle, CRexts);
            if (rv != SECSuccess)


        if (selfsign) {
          /* Use the existing alg. non-randomized */
          certDER = SignCert(handle, subjectCert, selfsign, hashAlgTag,
                             selfsignprivkey, issuerNickName,pwarg);
        } else {
          /* Change this to use randomized hash */
          SECItem* rand_params = (SECItem*) PORT_Alloc(sizeof (SECItem));
          rand_params->type = siSaltValue;
          rand_params->data= (unsigned char*) malloc(16 * sizeof (unsigned char));

          /* hard code the salt value for the prototype. This is for easier
           * verification of output, etc. */
          /* TODO(wshao) Use PRNG for salt data */
          memcpy (rand_params->data, "Gce;lf04EqFgzBV-?@", 16);
          rand_params->len = 16;

          certDER = SignCertEx(handle, subjectCert, selfsign, hashAlgTag,
                               selfsignprivkey, issuerNickName,pwarg, rand_params);

        if (certDER) {
           if (ascii) {
                PR_fprintf(outFile, "%s\n%s\n%s\n", NS_CERT_HEADER, 
                           BTOA_DataToAscii(certDER->data, certDER->len), 
           } else {
                PR_Write(outFile, certDER->data, certDER->len);

    } while (0);
    CERT_DestroyCertificateRequest (certReq);
    CERT_DestroyCertificate (subjectCert);
    PORT_FreeArena (arena, PR_FALSE);
    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
        PRErrorCode  perr = PR_GetError();
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to create cert (%s)\n", progName,
    return (rv);

/*  Certutil commands  */
enum {
    cmd_AddCert = 0,

/*  Certutil options */
enum {
    opt_SSOPass = 0,

static int 
certutil_main(int argc, char **argv, PRBool initialize)
    CERTCertDBHandle *certHandle;
    PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
    CERTName *  subject         = 0;
    PRFileDesc *inFile          = PR_STDIN;
    PRFileDesc *outFile         = NULL;
    char *      certfile        = "tempcert";
    char *      certreqfile     = "tempcertreq";
    char *      slotname        = "internal";
    char *      certPrefix      = "";
    KeyType     keytype         = rsaKey;
    char *      name            = NULL;
    SECOidTag   hashAlgTag      = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN;
    int         keysize         = DEFAULT_KEY_BITS;
    int         publicExponent  = 0x010001;
    unsigned int serialNumber   = 0;
    int         warpmonths      = 0;
    int         validityMonths  = 3;
    int         commandsEntered = 0;
    char        commandToRun    = '\0';
    secuPWData  pwdata          = { PW_NONE, 0 };
    PRBool      readOnly        = PR_FALSE;
    PRBool      initialized     = PR_FALSE;

    SECKEYPrivateKey *privkey = NULL;
    SECKEYPublicKey *pubkey = NULL;

    int i;
    SECStatus rv;

    secuCommand certutil;

secuCommandFlag certutil_commands[] =
        { /* cmd_AddCert             */  'A', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_CreateNewCert       */  'C', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_DeleteCert          */  'D', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_AddEmailCert        */  'E', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_DeleteKey           */  'F', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_GenKeyPair          */  'G', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_PrintHelp           */  'H', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_ListKeys            */  'K', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_ListCerts           */  'L', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_ModifyCertTrust     */  'M', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_NewDBs              */  'N', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_DumpChain           */  'O', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_CertReq             */  'R', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_CreateAndAddCert    */  'S', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_TokenReset          */  'T', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_ListModules         */  'U', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_CheckCertValidity   */  'V', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_ChangePassword      */  'W', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_Version             */  'Y', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* cmd_Batch               */  'B', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE }

secuCommandFlag certutil_options[] =
        { /* opt_SSOPass             */  '0', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddKeyUsageExt      */  '1', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddBasicConstraintExt*/ '2', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddAuthorityKeyIDExt*/  '3', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddCRLDistPtsExt    */  '4', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddNSCertTypeExt    */  '5', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_AddExtKeyUsageExt   */  '6', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_ExtendedEmailAddrs  */  '7', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_ExtendedDNSNames    */  '8', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_ASCIIForIO          */  'a', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_ValidityTime        */  'b', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_IssuerName          */  'c', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_CertDir             */  'd', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_VerifySig           */  'e', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_PasswordFile        */  'f', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_KeySize             */  'g', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_TokenName           */  'h', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_InputFile           */  'i', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_KeyIndex            */  'j', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_KeyType             */  'k', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_DetailedInfo        */  'l', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_SerialNumber        */  'm', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Nickname            */  'n', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_OutputFile          */  'o', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_PhoneNumber         */  'p', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_DBPrefix            */  'P', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_PQGFile             */  'q', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_BinaryDER           */  'r', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Subject             */  's', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Trust               */  't', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Usage               */  'u', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Validity            */  'v', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_OffsetMonths        */  'w', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_SelfSign            */  'x', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_RW                  */  'X', PR_FALSE, 0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Exponent            */  'y', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_NoiseFile           */  'z', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE },
        { /* opt_Hash                */  'Z', PR_TRUE,  0, PR_FALSE }

    certutil.numCommands = sizeof(certutil_commands) / sizeof(secuCommandFlag);
    certutil.numOptions = sizeof(certutil_options) / sizeof(secuCommandFlag);
    certutil.commands = certutil_commands;
    certutil.options = certutil_options;

    progName = PORT_Strrchr(argv[0], '/');
    progName = progName ? progName+1 : argv[0];

    rv = SECU_ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, progName, &certutil);

    if (rv != SECSuccess)

    if (certutil.commands[cmd_PrintHelp].activated)

    if (certutil.options[opt_PasswordFile].arg) {
        pwdata.source = PW_FROMFILE;
        pwdata.data = certutil.options[opt_PasswordFile].arg;

    if (certutil.options[opt_CertDir].activated)

    if (certutil.options[opt_KeySize].activated) {
        keysize = PORT_Atoi(certutil.options[opt_KeySize].arg);
        if ((keysize < MIN_KEY_BITS) || (keysize > MAX_KEY_BITS)) {
                       "%s -g:  Keysize must be between %d and %d.\n",
                       progName, MIN_KEY_BITS, MAX_KEY_BITS);
            return 255;
        if (keytype == ecKey) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -g:  Not for ec keys.\n", progName);
            return 255;
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */


    /*  -h specify token name  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_TokenName].activated) {
        if (PL_strcmp(certutil.options[opt_TokenName].arg, "all") == 0)
            slotname = NULL;
            slotname = PL_strdup(certutil.options[opt_TokenName].arg);

    /*  -Z hash type  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_Hash].activated) {
        char * arg = certutil.options[opt_Hash].arg;
        hashAlgTag = SECU_StringToSignatureAlgTag(arg);
        if (hashAlgTag == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -Z:  %s is not a recognized type.\n",
                       progName, arg);
            return 255;

    /*  -k key type  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_KeyType].activated) {
        char * arg = certutil.options[opt_KeyType].arg;
        if (PL_strcmp(arg, "rsa") == 0) {
            keytype = rsaKey;
        } else if (PL_strcmp(arg, "dsa") == 0) {
            keytype = dsaKey;
        } else if (PL_strcmp(arg, "ec") == 0) {
            keytype = ecKey;
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
        } else if (PL_strcmp(arg, "all") == 0) {
            keytype = nullKey;
        } else {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -k:  %s is not a recognized type.\n",
                       progName, arg);
            return 255;

    /*  -m serial number */
    if (certutil.options[opt_SerialNumber].activated) {
        int sn = PORT_Atoi(certutil.options[opt_SerialNumber].arg);
        if (sn < 0) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -m:  %s is not a valid serial number.\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_SerialNumber].arg);
            return 255;
        serialNumber = sn;

    /*  -P certdb name prefix */
    if (certutil.options[opt_DBPrefix].activated) {
        if (certutil.options[opt_DBPrefix].arg) {
            certPrefix = strdup(certutil.options[opt_DBPrefix].arg);
        } else {

    /*  -q PQG file or curve name */
    if (certutil.options[opt_PQGFile].activated) {
        if ((keytype != dsaKey) && (keytype != ecKey)) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -q: specifies a PQG file for DSA keys" \
                       " (-k dsa) or a named curve for EC keys (-k ec)\n)",
        if (keytype != dsaKey) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -q: PQG file is for DSA key (-k dsa).\n)",
#endif /* NSS_ENABLE_ECC */
            return 255;

    /*  -s subject name  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_Subject].activated) {
        subject = CERT_AsciiToName(certutil.options[opt_Subject].arg);
        if (!subject) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_Subject].arg);
            return 255;

    /*  -v validity period  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_Validity].activated) {
        validityMonths = PORT_Atoi(certutil.options[opt_Validity].arg);
        if (validityMonths < 0) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -v: incorrect validity period: \"%s\"\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_Validity].arg);
            return 255;

    /*  -w warp months  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_OffsetMonths].activated)
        warpmonths = PORT_Atoi(certutil.options[opt_OffsetMonths].arg);

    /*  -y public exponent (for RSA)  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_Exponent].activated) {
        publicExponent = PORT_Atoi(certutil.options[opt_Exponent].arg);
        if ((publicExponent != 3) &&
            (publicExponent != 17) &&
            (publicExponent != 65537)) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s -y: incorrect public exponent %d.", 
                                   progName, publicExponent);
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Must be 3, 17, or 65537.\n");
            return 255;

    /*  Check number of commands entered.  */
    commandsEntered = 0;
    for (i=0; i< certutil.numCommands; i++) {
        if (certutil.commands[i].activated) {
            commandToRun = certutil.commands[i].flag;
        if (commandsEntered > 1)
    if (commandsEntered > 1) {
        PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: only one command at a time!\n", progName);
        PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "You entered: ");
        for (i=0; i< certutil.numCommands; i++) {
            if (certutil.commands[i].activated)
                PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, " -%c", certutil.commands[i].flag);
        PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "\n");
        return 255;
    if (commandsEntered == 0) {
        PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "%s: you must enter a command!\n", progName);

    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListCerts].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_PrintHelp].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_ListKeys].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_ListModules].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CheckCertValidity].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_Version].activated ) {
        readOnly = !certutil.options[opt_RW].activated;

    /*  -A, -D, -F, -M, -S, -V, and all require -n  */
    if ((certutil.commands[cmd_AddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_DeleteCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_DeleteKey].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_DumpChain].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_ModifyCertTrust].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CheckCertValidity].activated) &&
        !certutil.options[opt_Nickname].activated) {
                  "%s -%c: nickname is required for this command (-n).\n",
                   progName, commandToRun);
        return 255;

    /*  -A, -E, -M, -S require trust  */
    if ((certutil.commands[cmd_AddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_AddEmailCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_ModifyCertTrust].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) &&
        !certutil.options[opt_Trust].activated) {
                  "%s -%c: trust is required for this command (-t).\n",
                   progName, commandToRun);
        return 255;

    /*  if -L is given raw or ascii mode, it must be for only one cert.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListCerts].activated &&
        (certutil.options[opt_ASCIIForIO].activated ||
         certutil.options[opt_BinaryDER].activated) &&
        !certutil.options[opt_Nickname].activated) {
                "%s: nickname is required to dump cert in raw or ascii mode.\n",
        return 255;
    /*  -L can only be in (raw || ascii).  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListCerts].activated &&
        certutil.options[opt_ASCIIForIO].activated &&
        certutil.options[opt_BinaryDER].activated) {
                   "%s: cannot specify both -r and -a when dumping cert.\n",
        return 255;

    /*  For now, deny -C -x combination */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateNewCert].activated &&
        certutil.options[opt_SelfSign].activated) {
                   "%s: self-signing a cert request is not supported.\n",
        return 255;

    /*  If making a cert request, need a subject.  */
    if ((certutil.commands[cmd_CertReq].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) &&
        !certutil.options[opt_Subject].activated) {
                   "%s -%c: subject is required to create a cert request.\n",
                   progName, commandToRun);
        return 255;

    /*  If making a cert, need a serial number.  */
    if ((certutil.commands[cmd_CreateNewCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) &&
         !certutil.options[opt_SerialNumber].activated) {
        /*  Make a default serial number from the current time.  */
        PRTime now = PR_Now();
        LL_USHR(now, now, 19);
        LL_L2UI(serialNumber, now);

    /*  Validation needs the usage to validate for.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CheckCertValidity].activated &&
        !certutil.options[opt_Usage].activated) {
                   "%s -V: specify a usage to validate the cert for (-u).\n",
        return 255;
    /*  To make a cert, need either a issuer or to self-sign it.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated &&
        !(certutil.options[opt_IssuerName].activated ||
          certutil.options[opt_SelfSign].activated)) {
                   "%s -S: must specify issuer (-c) or self-sign (-x).\n",
        return 255;

    /*  Using slotname == NULL for listing keys and certs on all slots, 
     *  but only that. */
    if (!(certutil.commands[cmd_ListKeys].activated ||
          certutil.commands[cmd_DumpChain].activated ||
          certutil.commands[cmd_ListCerts].activated) && slotname == NULL) {
                   "%s -%c: cannot use \"-h all\" for this command.\n",
                   progName, commandToRun);
        return 255;

    /*  Using keytype == nullKey for list all key types, but only that.  */
    if (!certutil.commands[cmd_ListKeys].activated && keytype == nullKey) {
                   "%s -%c: cannot use \"-k all\" for this command.\n",
                   progName, commandToRun);
        return 255;

    /*  -S  open outFile, temporary file for cert request.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) {
        outFile = PR_Open(certreqfile, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
        if (!outFile) {
                       "%s -o: unable to open \"%s\" for writing (%ld, %ld)\n",
                       progName, certreqfile,
                       PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            return 255;

    /*  Open the input file.  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_InputFile].activated) {
        inFile = PR_Open(certutil.options[opt_InputFile].arg, PR_RDONLY, 0);
        if (!inFile) {
                       "%s:  unable to open \"%s\" for reading (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_InputFile].arg,
                       PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            return 255;

    /*  Open the output file.  */
    if (certutil.options[opt_OutputFile].activated && !outFile) {
        outFile = PR_Open(certutil.options[opt_OutputFile].arg, 
                          PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR, 00660);
        if (!outFile) {
                       "%s:  unable to open \"%s\" for writing (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_OutputFile].arg,
                       PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            return 255;

    name = SECU_GetOptionArg(&certutil, opt_Nickname);


    if (PR_TRUE == initialize) {
        /*  Initialize NSPR and NSS.  */
        rv = NSS_Initialize(SECU_ConfigDirectory(NULL), certPrefix, certPrefix,
                            "secmod.db", readOnly ? NSS_INIT_READONLY: 0);
        if (rv != SECSuccess) {
            rv = SECFailure;
            goto shutdown;
        initialized = PR_TRUE;
    certHandle = CERT_GetDefaultCertDB();

    if (certutil.commands[cmd_Version].activated) {
        printf("Certificate database content version: command not implemented.\n");

    if (PL_strcmp(slotname, "internal") == 0)
        slot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
    else if (slotname != NULL)
        slot = PK11_FindSlotByName(slotname);

    /*  If creating new database, initialize the password.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_NewDBs].activated) {
        SECU_ChangePW(slot, 0, certutil.options[opt_PasswordFile].arg);

    /* The following 8 options are mutually exclusive with all others. */

    /*  List certs (-L)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListCerts].activated) {
        rv = ListCerts(certHandle, name, slot,
                       (outFile) ? outFile : PR_STDOUT, &pwdata);
        goto shutdown;
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_DumpChain].activated) {
        rv = DumpChain(certHandle, name);
        goto shutdown;
    /*  XXX needs work  */
    /*  List keys (-K)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListKeys].activated) {
        rv = ListKeys(slot, name, 0 /*keyindex*/, keytype, PR_FALSE /*dopriv*/,
        goto shutdown;
    /*  List modules (-U)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ListModules].activated) {
        rv = ListModules();
        goto shutdown;
    /*  Delete cert (-D)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_DeleteCert].activated) {
        rv = DeleteCert(certHandle, name);
        goto shutdown;
    /*  Delete key (-F)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_DeleteKey].activated) {
        rv = DeleteKey(name, &pwdata);
        goto shutdown;
    /*  Modify trust attribute for cert (-M)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ModifyCertTrust].activated) {
        rv = ChangeTrustAttributes(certHandle, name, 
        goto shutdown;
    /*  Change key db password (-W) (future - change pw to slot?)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_ChangePassword].activated) {
        rv = SECU_ChangePW(slot, 0, certutil.options[opt_PasswordFile].arg);
        goto shutdown;
    /*  Reset the a token */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_TokenReset].activated) {
        char *sso_pass = "";

        if (certutil.options[opt_SSOPass].activated) {
            sso_pass = certutil.options[opt_SSOPass].arg;
        rv = PK11_ResetToken(slot,sso_pass);

        goto shutdown;
    /*  Check cert validity against current time (-V)  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CheckCertValidity].activated) {
        /* XXX temporary hack for fips - must log in to get priv key */
        if (certutil.options[opt_VerifySig].activated) {
            if (slot && PK11_NeedLogin(slot))
                PK11_Authenticate(slot, PR_TRUE, &pwdata);
        rv = ValidateCert(certHandle, name, 
        goto shutdown;

     *  Key generation

    /*  These commands require keygen.  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CertReq].activated ||
        certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated ||
        certutil.commands[cmd_GenKeyPair].activated) {
        /*  XXX Give it a nickname.  */
        privkey = 
            CERTUTIL_GeneratePrivateKey(keytype, slot, keysize,
        if (privkey == NULL) {
            SECU_PrintError(progName, "unable to generate key(s)\n");
            rv = SECFailure;
            goto shutdown;
        privkey->wincx = &pwdata;
        PORT_Assert(pubkey != NULL);

        /*  If all that was needed was keygen, exit.  */
        if (certutil.commands[cmd_GenKeyPair].activated) {
            rv = SECSuccess;
            goto shutdown;

     *  Certificate request

    /*  Make a cert request (-R).  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CertReq].activated) {
        rv = CertReq(privkey, pubkey, keytype, hashAlgTag, subject,
                     outFile ? outFile : PR_STDOUT);
        if (rv) 
            goto shutdown;
        privkey->wincx = &pwdata;

     *  Certificate creation

    /*  If making and adding a cert, create a cert request file first without
     *  any extensions, then load it with the command line extensions
     *  and output the cert to another file.
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) {
        rv = CertReq(privkey, pubkey, keytype, hashAlgTag, subject,
                     outFile ? outFile : PR_STDOUT);
        if (rv) 
            goto shutdown;
        privkey->wincx = &pwdata;
        inFile  = PR_Open(certreqfile, PR_RDONLY, 0);
        if (!inFile) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to open file \"%s\" (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       certreqfile, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            rv = SECFailure;
            goto shutdown;
        outFile = PR_Open(certfile, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE, 00660);
        if (!outFile) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to open file \"%s\" (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       certfile, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            rv = SECFailure;
            goto shutdown;

    /*  Create a certificate (-C or -S).  */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_CreateNewCert].activated) {
        rv = CreateCert(certHandle, 
                        inFile, outFile, privkey, &pwdata, hashAlgTag,
                        serialNumber, warpmonths, validityMonths,
        if (rv) 
            goto shutdown;

     * Adding a cert to the database (or slot)
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) { 
        PORT_Assert(inFile != PR_STDIN);
        inFile = PR_Open(certfile, PR_RDONLY, 0);
        if (!inFile) {
            PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Failed to open file \"%s\" (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       certfile, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            rv = SECFailure;
            goto shutdown;

    /* -A -E or -S    Add the cert to the DB */
    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_AddCert].activated ||
         certutil.commands[cmd_AddEmailCert].activated) {
        rv = AddCert(slot, certHandle, name, 
        if (rv) 
            goto shutdown;

    if (certutil.commands[cmd_CreateAndAddCert].activated) {
        PORT_Assert(inFile != PR_STDIN);

    if (slot) {
    if (privkey) {
    if (pubkey) {

    /* Open the batch command file.
     * - If -B <command line> option is specified, the contents in the
     * command file will be interpreted as subsequent certutil
     * commands to be executed in the current certutil process
     * context after the current certutil command has been executed.
     * - Each line in the command file consists of the command
     * line arguments for certutil.
     * - The -d <configdir> option will be ignored if specified in the
     * command file.
     * - Quoting with double quote characters ("...") is supported
     * to allow white space in a command line argument.  The
     * double quote character cannot be escaped and quoting cannot
     * be nested in this version.
     * - each line in the batch file is limited to 512 characters

    if ((SECSuccess == rv) && certutil.commands[cmd_Batch].activated) {
        FILE* batchFile = NULL;
        char nextcommand[512];
        if (!certutil.options[opt_InputFile].activated ||
            !certutil.options[opt_InputFile].arg) {
                       "%s:  no batch input file specified.\n",
            return 255;
        batchFile = fopen(certutil.options[opt_InputFile].arg, "r");
        if (!batchFile) {
                       "%s:  unable to open \"%s\" for reading (%ld, %ld).\n",
                       progName, certutil.options[opt_InputFile].arg,
                       PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
            return 255;
        /* read and execute command-lines in a loop */
        while ( (SECSuccess == rv ) &&
                fgets(nextcommand, sizeof(nextcommand), batchFile)) {
            /* we now need to split the command into argc / argv format */
            char* commandline = PORT_Strdup(nextcommand);
            PRBool invalid = PR_FALSE;
            int newargc = 2;
            char* space = NULL;
            char* nextarg = NULL;
            char** newargv = NULL;
            char* crlf = PORT_Strrchr(commandline, '\n');
            if (crlf) {
                *crlf = '\0';

            newargv = PORT_Alloc(sizeof(char*)*(newargc+1));
            newargv[0] = progName;
            newargv[1] = commandline;
            nextarg = commandline;
            while ((space = PORT_Strpbrk(nextarg, " \f\n\r\t\v")) ) {
                while (isspace(*space) ) {
                    *space = '\0';
                    space ++;
                if (*space == '\0') {
                } else if (*space != '\"') {
                    nextarg = space;
                } else {
                    char* closingquote = strchr(space+1, '\"');
                    if (closingquote) {
                        *closingquote = '\0';
                        nextarg = closingquote+1;
                    } else {
                        invalid = PR_TRUE;
                        nextarg = space;
                newargv = PORT_Realloc(newargv, sizeof(char*)*(newargc+1));
                newargv[newargc-1] = space;
            newargv[newargc] = NULL;
            /* invoke next command */
            if (PR_TRUE == invalid) {
                PR_fprintf(PR_STDERR, "Missing closing quote in batch command :\n%s\nNot executed.\n",
                rv = SECFailure;
            } else {
                if (0 != certutil_main(newargc, newargv, PR_FALSE) )
                    rv = SECFailure;

    if ((initialized == PR_TRUE) && NSS_Shutdown() != SECSuccess) {

    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 255;

main(int argc, char **argv)
    return certutil_main(argc, argv, PR_TRUE);