The darray_t
data type manages an array of pointers of type void \*
allocating more memory when necessary.
Declared in pbc_darray.h
void darray_init(darray_t a)
Initialize a dynamic array a. Must be called before a is used.
void darray_clear(darray_t a)
Clears a dynamic array a. Should be called after a is no longer needed.
void darray_append(darray_t a, void *p)
Appends p to the dynamic array a.
void * darray_at(darray_t a, int i)
Returns the pointer at index i in the dynamic array a.
void darray_remove_index(darray_t a, int n)
Removes the pointer at index i in the dynamic array a.
int darray_count(darray_t a)
Returns the number of pointers held in a.