Lattice-based folding: benchmarking Latticefold, and towards Nova-style folding

Albert Garreta


I will discuss our performance results for Ajtai commitments and the Latticefold scheme, comparing them to the performance of other popular non-latticed-based approaches. I will also present our work-in-progress (as of now) design of a lattice-based analogue of Nova.


Albert Garreta is the Lead Cryptography Researcher at Nethermind. His current focus is on cryptography and blockchain technology, specializing on zero-knowledge proofs. Previously, he was a postdoc at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and the University of the Basque Country. He obtained his PhD from Stevens Institute of Technology.

Time and Place

Tuesday, October 22, 04:00pm
Gates 287 & Zoom