import argparse import pickle import random import hashlib import functools as ft import operator as op import sys import os from typing import List, NamedTuple, Union from random import randint, choice from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Any from string import ascii_lowercase def compress(a: bytes, b: bytes) -> bytes: """Given two length-32 byte sequences, compress them into a single length-32 byte sequences. This function is collision-resistent. Note: the implementation is based on SHA-256. >>> compress(b"0"*32, "a"*32) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Non-bytes argument >>> compress(b"0"*32, b"0"*31) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Non-length-32 argument >>> compress(b"0"*32, b"0"*32).hex() '60e05bd1b195af2f94112fa7197a5c88289058840ce7c6df9693756bc6250f55' """ if not isinstance(a, bytes) or not isinstance(b, bytes): raise ValueError("Non-bytes argument") if len(a) != 32 or len(b) != 32: raise ValueError("Non-length-32 argument") return hashlib.sha256(a + b).digest() class IntMod: value: int modulus: int def __init__(self, value: int, modulus: int): r""" Create an `IntMod`. You must reduce value modulo `modulus` before storing it. >>> IntMod(5, 7) IntMod(5, 7) >>> IntMod(11, 7) IntMod(4, 7) >>> IntMod(-1, 7) IntMod(6, 7) >>> IntMod(7, 7) IntMod(0, 7) """ # Do not change. self.value = value % modulus self.modulus = modulus def __repr__(self) -> str: # Do not change. return f"IntMod({self.value}, {self.modulus})" def __add__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": """ Add an `IntMod` and another `IntMod` or an integer. You should use: * `isinstance(other, int)` and * `isinstance(other, IntMod)` >>> IntMod(5, 7) + IntMod(2, 7) IntMod(0, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) + IntMod(3, 7) IntMod(6, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) + 3 IntMod(6, 7) >>> 3 + IntMod(3, 7) IntMod(6, 7) """ if isinstance(other, IntMod): assert self.modulus == other.modulus return IntMod(self.value + other.value, self.modulus) elif isinstance(other, int): return self + IntMod(other, self.modulus) else: assert False, f"Can't add {self} to {other}" def __neg__(self) -> "IntMod": return IntMod(-self.value, self.modulus) def __mul__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": """ Multiply an `IntMod` and another `IntMod` or an integer. >>> IntMod(5, 7) * IntMod(2, 7) IntMod(3, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) * IntMod(3, 7) IntMod(2, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) * 3 IntMod(2, 7) >>> 3 * IntMod(3, 7) IntMod(2, 7) """ if isinstance(other, IntMod): assert self.modulus == other.modulus return IntMod(self.value * other.value, self.modulus) elif isinstance(other, int): return self * IntMod(other, self.modulus) else: assert False, f"Can't multiply {self} and {other}" def __truediv__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": """ Multiply an `IntMod` and another `IntMod` or an integer. >>> IntMod(5, 7) / IntMod(2, 7) IntMod(6, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) / IntMod(3, 7) IntMod(1, 7) >>> IntMod(3, 7) / 3 IntMod(1, 7) """ if isinstance(other, IntMod): assert self.modulus == other.modulus return IntMod(self.value * pow(other.value, -1, self.modulus), self.modulus) elif isinstance(other, int): return self / IntMod(other, self.modulus) else: assert False, f"Can't divide {self} and {other}" def __pow__(self, other: int) -> "IntMod": """Raise an `IntMod` to the power `other`. >>> IntMod(2, 7) ** 1 IntMod(2, 7) >>> IntMod(2, 7) ** 2 IntMod(4, 7) >>> IntMod(2, 7) ** 3 IntMod(1, 7) >>> IntMod(2, 7) ** 4 IntMod(2, 7) >>> IntMod(2, 7) ** 5 IntMod(4, 7) """ return IntMod(pow(self.value, other, self.modulus), self.modulus) def __eq__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> bool: # Equality definition. Do not change. if isinstance(other, IntMod): assert self.modulus == other.modulus return self.value == other.value elif isinstance(other, int): return self.value == other else: assert False, f"Can't compare {self} == {other}" def __sub__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": # Subtraction definition. Do not change. return self + (-other) def __radd__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": # Addition is commutative. Do not change. return self + other def __rmul__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": # Multiplication is commutative. Do not change. return self * other def __req__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> bool: # Equality is commutative. Do not change. return self == other def __rsub__(self, other: Union[int, "IntMod"]) -> "IntMod": # Subtraction definition. Do not change. return -self + other class Ed25519: """A point on the twisted edwards curve, "edwards25519". See [RFC7748]( for a specification. """ # base field (prime) order p = 2**255 - 19 d = 37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555 order = 2**252 + int("14def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed", 16) def __init__(self, x: int, y: int): # check y*y - x*x = 1 + d*x*x*y*y (mod p) if (y * y - x * x - 1 - Ed25519.d * x * x * y * y) % Ed25519.p != 0: raise ValueError("Invalid x, y coordinate: does not satisfy curve equation") self.x = x % Ed25519.p self.y = y % Ed25519.p def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Ed25519): return False if self is other: return True return (self.x - other.x) % Ed25519.p == 0 and ( self.y - other.y ) % Ed25519.p == 0 def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.x == 0: return "Ed25519.identity()" elif self == Ed25519.generator(): return "Ed25519.generator()" else: return f"Ed25519({self.x}, {self.y})" @classmethod def generator(cls) -> "Ed25519": """Get the generator of the group >>> Ed25519.identity() * Ed25519.generator() Ed25519.generator() """ return cls( 15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202, 46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960, ) @classmethod def identity(cls) -> "Ed25519": """Get the identity of the group >>> Ed25519.identity() * Ed25519.generator() Ed25519.generator() """ return cls(0, 1) def __mul__(self, other: "Ed25519") -> "Ed25519": """Perform the group operation. >>> Ed25519.identity() * Ed25519.identity() Ed25519.identity() >>> Ed25519.identity() * Ed25519.generator() Ed25519.generator() >>> Ed25519.generator() * Ed25519.identity() Ed25519.generator() >>> g = Ed25519.generator() >>> (g * g) * g == g * (g * g) True >>> (g * g) * g != g * (g * g) False >>> (g * g) * g != g * g True """ if not isinstance(other, Ed25519): raise ValueError(f"Cannot multiple curve point by {type(other)}") x1 = self.x y1 = self.y x2 = other.x y2 = other.y p = Ed25519.p d = Ed25519.d prod = d * x1 % p * x2 % p * y1 % p * y2 % p x = (x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) % p * pow(1 + prod, -1, p) % p y = (y1 * y2 + x1 * x2) % p * pow(p + 1 - prod, -1, p) % p return Ed25519(x, y) def inverse(self) -> "Ed25519": """Get the inverse of a group element >>> g = Ed25519.generator() ** 5 >>> g * g.inverse() Ed25519.identity() """ return Ed25519(-self.x, self.y) def __pow__(self, other: Union[int, IntMod]) -> "Ed25519": """Raise a group element to a power. The power can be an integer or an integer modulo the group order. >>> gen = Ed25519.generator() >>> ga = gen ** 3 >>> ga ** 2 == gen ** 6 True >>> gen ** -3 * gen ** 3 Ed25519.identity() >>> neg_three_mod_order = IntMod(-3, Ed25519.order) >>> gen ** neg_three_mod_order * gen ** 3 Ed25519.identity() """ if isinstance(other, int): exp = other % self.order elif isinstance(other, IntMod): assert ( other.modulus == self.order ), f"Cannot compute {self} ** {other} the modulus {other.modulus} is the group order {self.order}" exp = other.value else: assert False, f"Cannot compute {self} ** {other}" def helper(b, e): assert e >= 0 if e == 0: return Ed25519.identity() elif e % 2 == 0: return helper(b * b, e // 2) else: return b * helper(b * b, e // 2) return helper(self, exp) def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: """Get this group element as bytes. >>> Ed25519.generator().to_bytes() b'Ed25519.generator()' >>> (Ed25519.generator() ** 2).to_bytes() b'Ed25519(24727413235106541002554574571675588834622768167397638456726423682521233608206, 15549675580280190176352668710449542251549572066445060580507079593062643049417)' """ return repr(self).encode() class ChaCha20State(NamedTuple): data: List[int] def add(self, dst: int, src: int):[dst] = ([dst] +[src]) & 0xFFFF_FFFF def xor(self, dst: int, src: int):[dst] = ([dst] ^[src]) & 0xFFFF_FFFF def rot(self, dst: int, n: int): assert 0 <= n < 31[dst] = (([dst] << n) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) | ( ([dst] >> (32 - n)) & 0xFFFF_FFFF ) def qr(self, a: int, b: int, c: int, d: int): """Quarter round function Test case from RFC7539 section 2.1.1 >>> st = ChaCha20State([0x11111111, 0x01020304, 0x9b8d6f43, 0x01234567]) >>> st.qr(0, 1, 2, 3) >>> assert == [0xea2a92f4, 0xcb1cf8ce, 0x4581472e, 0x5881c4bb] >>> st = ChaCha20State([0x879531e0, 0xc5ecf37d, 0x516461b1, 0xc9a62f8a, 0x44c20ef3, 0x3390af7f, 0xd9fc690b, 0x2a5f714c, 0x53372767, 0xb00a5631, 0x974c541a, 0x359e9963, 0x5c971061, 0x3d631689, 0x2098d9d6, 0x91dbd320]) >>> st.qr(2, 7, 8, 13) """ # fmt: off self.add(a, b); self.xor(d, a); self.rot(d, 16) self.add(c, d); self.xor(b, c); self.rot(b, 12) self.add(a, b); self.xor(d, a); self.rot(d, 8) self.add(c, d); self.xor(b, c); self.rot(b, 7) # fmt: on @classmethod def init(cls, key: bytes, counter: int, nonce: bytes) -> "ChaCha20State": """Initialize the ChaCha20 state >>> k = bytes.fromhex("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f") >>> n = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 09 00 00 00 4a 00 00 00 00") >>> c = 1 >>> st = ChaCha20State.init(k, c, n) """ consts = b"expand 32-byte k" if not isinstance(key, bytes) or len(key) != 32: raise ValueError("Expected 32 bytes of key") if not isinstance(counter, int) or not (0 <= counter < 2**32): raise ValueError("Expected 32-bit counter") if not isinstance(nonce, bytes) or len(nonce) != 12: raise ValueError("Expected 12 bytes of nonce") counter_bytes = counter.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little") data = consts + key + counter_bytes + nonce return cls( [ int.from_bytes(data[i : i + 4], byteorder="little") for i in range(0, 64, 4) ] ) def finish(self) -> bytes: return ft.reduce(op.add, [i.to_bytes(4, byteorder="little") for i in]) @staticmethod def get_block(key: bytes, ctr: int, nonce: bytes) -> bytes: """ >>> k = bytes.fromhex("00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f") >>> n = bytes.fromhex("00 00 00 09 00 00 00 4a 00 00 00 00") >>> c = 1 >>> out = ChaCha20State.get_block(k, c, n) >>> out.hex(" ") '10 f1 e7 e4 d1 3b 59 15 50 0f dd 1f a3 20 71 c4 c7 d1 f4 c7 33 c0 68 03 04 22 aa 9a c3 d4 6c 4e d2 82 64 46 07 9f aa 09 14 c2 d7 05 d9 8b 02 a2 b5 12 9c d1 de 16 4e b9 cb d0 83 e8 a2 50 3c 4e' """ st = ChaCha20State.init(key, ctr, nonce) orig_st =[:] for _ in range(10): # fmt: off st.qr( 0, 4, 8, 12) st.qr( 1, 5, 9, 13) st.qr( 2, 6, 10, 14) st.qr( 3, 7, 11, 15) st.qr( 0, 5, 10, 15) st.qr( 1, 6, 11, 12) st.qr( 2, 7, 8, 13) st.qr( 3, 4, 9, 14) # fmt: on st = ChaCha20State([(a + b) & 0xFFFF_FFFF for a, b in zip(orig_st,]) return st.finish() def prg(seed: bytes, n: int) -> bytes: """Generate `n` bytes from a PRG with `seed` (a length-32 byte sequence). Note: the implementation is based on ChaCha20, but this **is not** a secure stream cipher. >>> prg("a", 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Seed is not a byte sequence >>> prg(b"0", 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Seed has length 1. It should be 32. >>> prg(b"0" * 32, 5).hex() '5408783b02' >>> prg(b"0" * 32, 6).hex() '5408783b02a4' >>> for i in range(10): ... assert len(prg(b"0" * 32, i)) == i ... assert prg(b"0" * 32, i) == prg(b"0" * 32, i+1)[:i] """ if not isinstance(seed, bytes): raise ValueError("Seed is not a byte sequence") if len(seed) != 32: raise ValueError(f"Seed has length {len(seed)}. It should be 32.") n_blocks = int(n / 16) + 1 # not a real nonce because we want a stream cipher nonce = b"0" * 4 * 3 return bytes().join( ChaCha20State.get_block(seed, i, nonce) for i in range(n_blocks) )[:n] def random_bytes(n: int) -> bytes: """Generate n random bytes. Useful tools: * `random.randint`/`random.getrandbits` * the `bytes` constructor when given a list of numbers between 0 and 255 >>> bytes([97, 98]) b'ab' Actual tests: >>> 0 <= random_bytes(5)[0] < 256 True >>> len(random_bytes(4)) 4 >>> assert len(set(random_bytes(1000))) > 100 """ return bytes(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(n)) def bytes_to_bitstring(bs: bytes) -> str: """Return a bitstring that is equivalent to this byte-sequence. Each byte should be converted to an 8-bit binary string (that represents the binary number equal to the bytes), and those strings should be concatenated together. Thus, our bitstring is "little endian". To get the 8-bit binary number, try using a python format string like shown below: >>> n = 7 >>> f'{n:b}' '111' >>> f'{n:6b}' ' 111' >>> f'{n:06b}' '000111' Actual tests: >>> bytes_to_bitstring(b"a") '01100001' >>> bytes_to_bitstring(b"\x01\x02") '0000000100000010' >>> bytes_to_bitstring(b"\x01\x02a") '000000010000001001100001' """ return "".join(f"{b:08b}" for b in bs) def bitstring_to_bytes(bits: str) -> bytes: """Return a byte sequence that is equivalent to this bitstring. This should be an inverse function for bytes_to_bitstring. Each 8-bit binary sub-string should be converted to a number, and these numbers give the bytes. Useful tools: >>> int('11', 2) 3 >>> int('1001', 2) 9 >>> int('00001111', 2) 15 Actual tests: >>> bitstring_to_bytes(bytes_to_bitstring(b'a')) b'a' >>> bitstring_to_bytes(bytes_to_bitstring(b'ab')) b'ab' >>> bitstring_to_bytes('0111100101101111011101010010000001100111011011110111010000100000011010010111010000100001') b'you got it!' """ assert len(bits) % 8 == 0 return bytes(int(bits[i : i + 8], 2) for i in range(0, len(bits), 8)) def xor(bit0: str, bit1: str) -> str: """Given two bits (as strings), compute the xor: >>> xor('0', '0') '0' >>> xor('0', '1') '1' >>> xor('1', '0') '1' >>> xor('1', '1') '0' """ assert bit0 in "01" assert bit1 in "01" return str(int(bit0) ^ int(bit1)) def bitstring_xor(bits0: str, bits1: str) -> str: """Given two bitstrings of equal length, compute the bit-wise xor (also a bitstring). >>> bitstring_xor('0', '0') '0' >>> bitstring_xor('0011', '0101') '0110' """ assert all(b in "01" for b in bits0) assert all(b in "01" for b in bits1) return "".join(xor(a, b) for a, b in zip(bits0, bits1)) def one_time_pad_encrypt(msg: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes: """Encrypt the msg using a one-time-pad with this key. Recall: the idea is to XOR the msg and key together... >>> one_time_pad_encrypt(b'hi', bytes([0, 0])) b'hi' >>> one_time_pad_encrypt(b'hi', b'\x50\x78') == b'8\x11' True >>> one_time_pad_encrypt(b'wow!', b'98sd') == b'NW\x04E' True """ assert len(msg) == len(key) return bitstring_to_bytes( bitstring_xor(bytes_to_bitstring(msg), bytes_to_bitstring(key)) ) def one_time_pad_decrypt(ct: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes: """Decrypt the ciphertext using key. >>> k = random_bytes(5) >>> one_time_pad_decrypt(one_time_pad_encrypt(b"what!", k), k) b'what!' >>> k = random_bytes(9) >>> one_time_pad_decrypt(one_time_pad_encrypt(b"roundtrip", k), k) b'roundtrip' >>> k = random_bytes(15) >>> one_time_pad_decrypt(one_time_pad_encrypt(b"cancer symptoms", k), k) b'cancer symptoms' """ assert len(ct) == len(key) return one_time_pad_encrypt(ct, key) def stream_cipher_encrypt(msg: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes: r"""Encrypt the msg using a one-time-pad with this key. Recall: the idea is to use `prg` to expand the key into a one-time pad key. You must use the first `len(msg)` bytes from the PRG for the test below to pass. >>> stream_cipher_encrypt(b'hi', b"0" * 32) b' bytes: r"""Decrypt the ciphertext using key. >>> k = random_bytes(32) >>> stream_cipher_decrypt(stream_cipher_encrypt(b"what!", k), k) b'what!' >>> k = random_bytes(32) >>> stream_cipher_decrypt(stream_cipher_encrypt(b"roundtrip", k), k) b'roundtrip' >>> k = random_bytes(32) >>> stream_cipher_decrypt(stream_cipher_encrypt(b"cancer symptoms", k), k) b'cancer symptoms' """ assert len(key) == 32 otp = prg(key, len(ct)) return one_time_pad_decrypt(ct, otp) def pad_with_length(data: bytes) -> bytes: r"""this function (1) adds 0 bytes to the end of `data` until its length is a multiple of 32. (2) formats the *original* length of `data` as a 256-bit binary string (use a format string) (3) converts that binary string to 32 bytes (use `bitstring_to_bytes`) (4) adds those to `data` too (5) returns the result. >>> pad_with_length(b'') b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' >>> pad_with_length(b'1') b'1\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01' >>> pad_with_length(b'1'*32) b'11111111111111111111111111111111\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 ' """ n = len(data) while len(data) % 32 != 0: data += b"\x00" data += bitstring_to_bytes(f"{n:0256b}") return data def daisy_chain_hash(data: bytes) -> bytes: r"""do a daisy-chain hash. use `compress`. pseudo-code: function DaisyChainHash(data): data = pad_with_length(data) accumulator = 32 zero bytes for block in (data as 32-byte blocks): accumulator = compression(accumulator, block) return accumulator >>> daisy_chain_hash(b'') b"\xf5\xa5\xfdB\xd1j 0'\x98\xefn\xd3\t\x97\x9bC\x00=# \xd9\xf0\xe8\xea\x981\xa9'Y\xfbK" >>> daisy_chain_hash(b'hi there') b'\xc0|\xe1\xea\xa8\xbf\xbf\x0b\xa2\xce@\n`bw\x19{\xbe*O0\xb9Y\xaa\xe8u\x88\xc3\x81X\xb1\xa1' """ a = b"\x00" * 32 data = pad_with_length(data) for i in range(0, len(data), 32): a = compress(a, data[i : i + 32]) return a def diffie_hellman_key_gen() -> Tuple[int, Ed25519]: """ Generate a Diffie-Hellman secret-key, public-key pair. The secret key (sk) is a random integer from {0, 1, ..., order-1}. The public key (pk) is the group generator raised to sk. Tests: The generator ** sk should be pk: >>> sk, pk = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> Ed25519.generator() ** sk == pk True 100 runs should give 100 different secret keys: >>> len(set(diffie_hellman_key_gen()[0] for _ in range(100))) 100 """ sk = randint(0, Ed25519.order - 1) pk = Ed25519.generator() ** sk return (sk, pk) def diffie_hellman_derive_shared(sk: int, pk: Ed25519) -> bytes: r""" Generate a Diffie-Hellman shared key from your sk and their pk. This should be done by 1. using Diffie-Hellman to derive a shared *group* element, 2. convering that element to bytes using `Ed25519.to_bytes` and then 3. hashing those bytes using `daisy_chain_hash` Tests: >>> sk1, pk1 = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> sk2, pk2 = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> k1 = diffie_hellman_derive_shared(sk1, pk2) >>> k2 = diffie_hellman_derive_shared(sk2, pk1) >>> k1 == k2 True >>> daisy_chain_hash(Ed25519.identity().to_bytes()) b'd\xc7T\xdd\x0e\xbf\xb4\xe6F\xd9\xa8\xac\x16\xa0\xbf\x1d\x15{*)\xaa\x19\xb1\x17\x03vs\xcb\x07\x9e\xbaQ' >>> diffie_hellman_derive_shared(0, Ed25519.generator()) b'd\xc7T\xdd\x0e\xbf\xb4\xe6F\xd9\xa8\xac\x16\xa0\xbf\x1d\x15{*)\xaa\x19\xb1\x17\x03vs\xcb\x07\x9e\xbaQ' """ return daisy_chain_hash((pk**sk).to_bytes()) def public_key_encrypt(pk: Ed25519, m: bytes) -> Tuple[Ed25519, bytes]: """Perform a Diffie-Hellman-based public key encryption. See the notes for the algorithm to implement. Use: * `Ed25519` * `daisy_chain_hash` * `stream_cipher_encrypt` Since encryption is randomized, different encryptions of the same message aren't equal! >>> sk, pk = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> public_key_encrypt(pk, b'hi') == public_key_encrypt(pk, b'hi') False It's hard to test this function any further on its own. One you've implemented `public_key_dec`, run its tests. """ x = randint(0, Ed25519.order - 1) k = daisy_chain_hash((pk**x).to_bytes()) c = stream_cipher_encrypt(m, k) return (Ed25519.generator() ** x, c) def public_key_decrypt(sk: int, ct: Tuple[Ed25519, bytes]) -> bytes: """Perform a Diffie-Hellman-based public key decryption. See the notes for the algorithm to implement. Use: * `daisy_chain_hash` * `stream_cipher_decrypt` Testing and encryption and decryption: >>> sk, pk = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> ct = public_key_encrypt(pk, b'test message') >>> public_key_decrypt(sk, ct) b'test message' """ pk, c = ct k = daisy_chain_hash((pk**sk).to_bytes()) m = stream_cipher_decrypt(c, k) return m def hash_to_ed25519_exp(i: bytes): """ Hash some bytes to the set {0, 1, ..., Ed25519.order - 1}. You should do this by: * hashing the bytes using `daisy_chain_hash` * turning them into a bit-string using `bytes_to_bitstring` * parsing the bitstring as a binary number using `int(..., 2)` * wrapping that number modulo `Ed25519.order`. >>> hash_to_ed25519_exp(b"") 2554841951840909954615001403685847680091511646998319114990040052939481059432 >>> hash_to_ed25519_exp(b"ok") 1763860046563134991747666434043362542916729735611754082581760026286200666356 """ return ( int(bytes_to_bitstring(daisy_chain_hash(i)), 2) % Ed25519.order ) def schnorr_sign(msg: bytes, sk: int) -> Tuple[Ed25519, int]: """Sign a message using a schnorr signature. >>> sk, pk = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> R, z = schnorr_sign(b"ok", sk) >>> 0 <= z < Ed25519.order True """ assert isinstance(sk, int) assert isinstance(msg, bytes) r = randint(0, Ed25519.order - 1) pk = Ed25519.generator() ** sk R = Ed25519.generator() ** r x = hash_to_ed25519_exp(msg + pk.to_bytes() + R.to_bytes()) z = (sk * x + r) % Ed25519.order return (R, z) def schnorr_verify(msg: bytes, pk: Ed25519, sig: Tuple[Ed25519, int]) -> bool: """ >>> sk, pk = diffie_hellman_key_gen() >>> sig = schnorr_sign(b"ok", sk) >>> schnorr_verify(b"ok", pk, sig) True >>> schnorr_verify(b"o", pk, sig) False >>> schnorr_verify(b"ok", Ed25519.generator(), sig) False """ assert isinstance(pk, Ed25519) R, z = sig x = hash_to_ed25519_exp(msg + pk.to_bytes() + R.to_bytes()) return pk**x * R == Ed25519.generator() ** z def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Cryptographic toolkit") sub = p.add_subparsers(dest="cmd") keygen = sub.add_parser("keygen", help="generate a random symmetric key") keygen.add_argument( "-k", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the key to" ) passwd_to_key = sub.add_parser( "passwd-to-key", help="generate a symmetric key from a password" ) passwd_to_key.add_argument( "-p", required=True, metavar="PASSWORD", help="the password" ) passwd_to_key.add_argument( "-k", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the key to" ) enc = sub.add_parser("enc", help="symmetric encryption") enc.add_argument( "-k", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the key from" ) enc.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the message from" ) enc.add_argument( "-c", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the ciphertext to", ) dec = sub.add_parser("dec", help="symmetric decryption") dec.add_argument( "-k", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the key from" ) dec.add_argument( "-c", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the ciphertext from", ) dec.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the message to" ) pk_keygen = sub.add_parser( "pk-keygen", help="generate a random public key/secret key pair" ) pk_keygen.add_argument( "-pk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the public key to", ) pk_keygen.add_argument( "-sk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the secret key to", ) pk_enc = sub.add_parser("pk-enc", help="public key encryption") pk_enc.add_argument( "-pk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the public key from", ) pk_enc.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the message from" ) pk_enc.add_argument( "-c", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the ciphertext to", ) pk_dec = sub.add_parser("pk-dec", help="public key decryption") pk_dec.add_argument( "-sk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the secret key from", ) pk_dec.add_argument( "-c", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the ciphertext from", ) pk_dec.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the message to" ) sign = sub.add_parser("sign", help="create a signature") sign.add_argument( "-sk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the secret key from", ) sign.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the message from" ) sign.add_argument( "-s", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to write the signature to" ) verify = sub.add_parser( "verify", help="verify a signature; prints 'True' or 'False'" ) verify.add_argument( "-pk", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the public key from", ) verify.add_argument( "-m", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the message from" ) verify.add_argument( "-s", required=True, metavar="FILE", help="which file to read the signature from", ) return p.parse_args() def write_bytes_to_file(bs: bytes, file_path: str): """Create a file at `file_path` and write `bs` to it""" assert isinstance(bs, bytes) assert isinstance(file_path, str) if os.path.exists(file_path): raise ValueError(f"Cannot write to file '{file_path}' because it already exits. Delete it first, if you want.") with open(file_path, "wb") as file: file.write(bs) def read_bytes_from_file(file_path: str): """Read the file at `file_path` and return its contents as bytes""" assert isinstance(file_path, str) with open(file_path, "rb") as file: return def any_object_to_bytes(a: Any) -> bytes: """Convert any object to a sequence of bytes""" return pickle.dumps(a) def any_object_from_bytes(bs: bytes) -> Any: """The inverse of `any_object_to_bytes`""" return pickle.loads(bs) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.cmd == "keygen": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:", args.k) elif args.cmd == "passwd-to-key": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:", args.k, args.p.encode("ascii")) elif args.cmd == "enc": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:", args.k, args.m, args.c) elif args.cmd == "dec": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:", args.k, args.m, args.c) elif args.cmd == "pk-keygen": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:",, elif args.cmd == "pk-enc": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:",, args.m, args.c) elif args.cmd == "pk-dec": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:",, args.m, args.c) elif args.cmd == "sign": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:",, args.m, args.s) elif args.cmd == "verify": # TODO: replace with your code print("arguments:",, args.m, args.s) elif args.cmd is None: print("No subcommand given! Re-run with -h.") sys.exit(1) else: print(f"Unknown command {args.cmd}") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()