#ifdef __HASTE__
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Haste.DOM
import Haste.Events
import Data.List
import Text.Parsec
data Deb = Zero | Succ Deb | Lam Deb | App Deb Deb deriving Show
infixl 5 :#
data Com = Com :# Com | S | I | C | K | B | Sn Int | Bn Int | Cn Int
ski :: Deb -> (Int, Com)
ski deb = case deb of
Zero -> (1, I)
Succ d | x@(n, _) <- ski d -> (n + 1, f (0, K) x)
App d1 d2 | x@(a, _) <- ski d1
, y@(b, _) <- ski d2 -> (max a b, f x y)
Lam d | (n, e) <- ski d -> case n of
0 -> (0, K :# e)
_ -> (n - 1, e)
f (a, x) (b, y) = case (a, b) of
(0, 0) -> x :# y
(0, n) -> Bn n :# x :# y
(n, 0) -> Cn n :# x :# y
(n, m) | n == m -> Sn n :# x :# y
| n < m -> Bn (m - n) :# (Sn n :# x) :# y
| otherwise -> Cn (n - m) :# (Bn (n - m) :# Sn m :# x) :# y
λ to SKI, logarithmically
Please see my newer notes instead. This page is kept for historical reasons.
It relies on memoizing the bulk variants of the B, C, and S combinators:
In particular, \(B_1, C_1, S_1\) are the standard \(B, C, S\) combinators. Linear complexity is implied by:
linBulk :: Com -> Com
linBulk b = case b of
Bn n -> iterate ((B:# B):#) B !! (n - 1)
Cn n -> iterate ((B:#(B:#C):#B):#) C !! (n - 1)
Sn n -> iterate ((B:#(B:#S):#B):#) S !! (n - 1)
x :# y -> linBulk x :# linBulk y
_ -> b
Bulk discount
How about without memoization? Observe:
Hence we can build up the bulk combinators in a manner analogous to repeated squaring when exponentiating, resulting in a logarithmic factor in lieu of a linear one. In short: binary, not unary.
Define the following combinators:
To compute \(S_{50}\) for example, write 50 in binary: 11010. Then chain together \(b_0\) or \(b_1\) depending on the bits:
Similarly for the other bulk combinators.
logBulk :: Com -> Com
logBulk b = case b of
-- C' = \cfgx.c(fx) g = B(BC)B
-- S' = \cfgx.c fx (gx) = B(BS)B
Bn n -> go n (K:#I) :# B :# I
Cn n -> go n (K:#(C:#I:#I)) :# (B:#(B:#C):#B) :# I
Sn n -> go n (K:#(C:#I:#I)) :# (B:#(B:#S):#B) :# I
x :# y -> logBulk x :# logBulk y
_ -> b
go n base = foldr (:#) base $ ([b0, b1]!!) <$> bits [] n
bits acc 0 = reverse acc
bits acc n | (q, r) <- divMod n 2 = bits (r:acc) q
b0 = C:#B:#(S:#B:#I)
b1 = C:#(B:#S:#(B:#(B:#B):#(C:#B:#(S:#B:#I)))):#B
Therefore, if memoization is forbidden, we can easily transform a lambda term of length N to a combinatory logic term of length O(N log N).
Show Me
instance Show Com where
show S = "S"
show I = "I"
show C = "C"
show K = "K"
show B = "B"
show (l :# r) = (show l ++) $ case r of
_ :# _ -> "(" ++ show r ++ ")"
_ -> show r
show (Bn n) = "B_" ++ show n
show (Cn n) = "C_" ++ show n
show (Sn n) = "S_" ++ show n
For example:
λ> print $ logBulk $ Sn 1234 CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(K(CII))))))))))))(B(BS)B)I λ> print $ logBulk $ Bn 1234 CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(CB(SBI)(CB(SBI)(C(BS(B(BB)(CB(SBI))))B(KI)))))))))))BI
source :: Parsec String [String] Deb
source = term where
term = lam <|> app
lam = do
orig <- getState
vs <- between lam0 lam1 (many1 v)
modifyState (reverse vs ++)
t <- term
putState orig
pure $ iterate Lam t !! length vs
where lam0 = str "\\" <|> str "\0955"
lam1 = str "->" <|> str "."
v = many1 alphaNum <* ws
app = foldl1' App <$> many1 ((ind =<< v) <|>
between (str "(") (str ")") term)
ind s = (iterate Succ Zero !!) .
maybe (error $ s ++ " is free") id . elemIndex s <$> getState
str = (>> ws) . string
ws = many (oneOf " \t") >> optional (try $ string "--" >> many (noneOf "\n"))
#ifdef __HASTE__
main = withElems ["input", "lin", "log", "skiB"] $
\[iEl, linEl, logEl, skiB] -> do
skiB `onEvent` Click $ const $ do
s <- getProp iEl "value"
let v = snd . ski <$> runParser source [] "" s
setProp linEl "value" $ either (("error" ++) . show) show v
setProp logEl "value" $ either (("error" ++) . show) show $ logBulk <$> v
amain = print $ logBulk $ Sn 1234
main = do
s = "\\l.l(\\h t x.t(\\c n.c h(x c n)))(\\a.a)(\\a b.b)"
Right out = logBulk <$> snd . ski <$> runParser source [] "" s
print out