speed: zoom:
data Charser a = Charser { unCharser :: String -> Either String (a, String) }
instance Functor Charser where fmap f (Charser x) = Charser $ fmap (first f) . x
instance Applicative Charser where
  pure a = Charser \s -> Right (a, s)
  f <*> x = Charser \s -> do
    (fun, t) <- unCharser f s
    (arg, u) <- unCharser x t
    pure (fun arg, u)
instance Monad Charser where
  Charser f >>= g = Charser $ (good =<<) . f
    where good (r, t) = unCharser (g r) t
  return = pure
instance Alternative Charser where
  empty = Charser \_ -> Left ""
  (<|>) x y = Charser \s -> either (const $ unCharser y s) Right $ unCharser x s

sat f = Charser \case
  h:t | f h -> Right (h, t)
  _ -> Left "unsat"

eof = Charser \case
  [] -> Right ((), "")
  _ -> Left "want EOF"

char :: Char -> Charser Char
char = sat . (==)

string :: String -> Charser String
string s = mapM (sat . (==)) s

oneOf :: [Char] -> Charser Char
oneOf s = sat (`elem` s)

noneOf :: [Char] -> Charser Char
noneOf s = sat $ not . (`elem` s)

digitChar :: Charser Char
digitChar = sat $ \c -> '0' <= c && c <= '9'

lowerChar :: Charser Char
lowerChar = sat $ \c -> 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'

upperChar :: Charser Char
upperChar = sat $ \c -> 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'

letterChar :: Charser Char
letterChar = lowerChar <|> upperChar

newline :: Charser Char
newline = char '\n'

alphaNumChar :: Charser Char
alphaNumChar = letterChar <|> digitChar

space :: Charser ()
space = many (sat isSpace) *> pure ()

parse p _ = fmap fst . unCharser p
jsEval_ = (>> pure ()) . jsEval

data BLF a = Bubble a | Arg Int | Com String | Num Integer | a :@ a deriving Show
data Shape = Shape
  { _w :: Int
  , _elem :: String
  } deriving Show
data BL a = BL { _bl :: BLF (BL a), _sh :: a } deriving Show

data Bare = Bare { unBare :: BLF Bare } deriving Show

instance Show Bare where show (Bare x) = show x

cl = apps where
  apps = foldl1 enbubbleR <$> some atom
  atom = num <|> com <|> spch '(' *> apps <* spch ')'
  num = Bare . Num . readInteger <$> some digitChar <* space
  com = Bare . Com <$> comStr <* space
  comStr = (:) <$> letterChar <*> many alphaNumChar <|> some (oneOf "+-*^<>=")
  enbubbleR a b = case unBare b of
    _ :@ _ -> Bare $ a :@ Bare (Bubble b)
    _ -> Bare $ a :@ b

spch c = char c <* space

padding = 20
habubble = 70

place (Bare cl) = case cl of
  a :@ b -> do
    abl <- place a
    bbl <- place b
    hcat abl bbl
  Arg i -> single (Arg i) [['a'..]!!i]
  Com s -> single (Com s) s
  Num n -> single (Num n) $ show n
  Bubble a -> do
    a@(BL _ (Shape aw ak)) <- place a
    let w = aw + 2*padding
    k <- jsEval $ [r|
const wHalf = |]++show (div w 2)++[r|;
const g = svgnew("g");
const c = svgnew("circle");
c.setAttribute("stroke", "white");
c.setAttribute("stroke-width", "8");
c.setAttribute("fill", "none");
c.setAttribute("cx", wHalf);
c.setAttribute("r", wHalf);
const a = memo[|] ++ ak ++ [r|];
a.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show padding ++ [r|, 0)");
    pure $ BL (Bubble a) $ Shape w k

hcat a@(BL _ (Shape aw ak)) b@(BL _ (Shape bw bk)) = do
  k <- jsEval $ [r|
const g = svgnew("g");
g.appendChild(memo[|] ++ ak ++ [r|]);
const b = memo[|] ++ bk ++ [r|];
b.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show (aw + padding) ++ [r|,0)");
  pure $ BL (a :@ b) $ Shape (aw + bw + padding) k

single b s = BL b <$> stringBubble s

stringBubble s = Shape (textLen + 74) <$> jsEval ([r|
const g=svgnew("g");
g.innerHTML = `<path fill="none" stroke-width="8" stroke="|] ++ colour ++ [r|" d="
M 70 -70
A 70 70 0 0 0 70 70
L |] ++ show (textLen + 4) ++ [r| 70
A 70 70 0 0 0 |] ++ show (textLen + 4) ++ [r| -70
const e=svgnew("text");
e.setAttribute("x", "35");
e.setAttribute("y", "40");
e.setAttribute("fill", "|] ++ colour ++ [r|");
e.textContent = "|] ++ s ++ [r|";

  textLen = length s * 66
  colour = maybe "white" id $ lookup s
    [ ("B", "burlywood")
    , ("M", "magenta")
    , ("T", "turquoise")
    , ("K", "khaki")
    , ("I", "ivory")
    , ("S", "silver")
    , ("C", "chartreuse")
    , ("R", "red")
    , ("Y", "yellow")
    , ("Q", "aquamarine")

    , ("a", "aqua")
    , ("b", "bisque")
    , ("c", "coral")
    , ("d", "darksalmon")

demo = do
  s <- getContents
  jsEval $ "console.log(`" ++ s ++ "`);"
  case parse (space *> cl <* eof) "" s of
    Left e -> jsEval_ $ "console.log(`" ++ e ++ "`);"
    Right x -> render0 x

render0 x = do
  jsEval "memo_init();"
  b@(BL _ (Shape _ k)) <- place x
  jsEval $ "scr.appendChild(memo[" ++ k ++ "]);"
  global >>= \g -> setGlobal g{_anim = (Nothing, const $ render x)}

render x = do
  jsEval "memo_init();"
  b@(BL _ (Shape _ k)) <- place x
  jsEval $ "scr.appendChild(memo[" ++ k ++ "]);"
  global >>= \g -> setGlobal g{_pause = const $ jsEval_ "requestAnimationFrame(animate);"}
  reduce $ spinal [] b

spinal acc t = case t of
  (BL (x :@ _) _) -> spinal (t:acc) x
  _ -> t:acc

expr = foldl1 (\x y -> Bare $ x :@ y) <$> some atom where
  atom = arg <|> com <|> spch '(' *> expr <* spch ')'
  com = Bare . Com . (:[]) <$> alphaNumChar <* space
  arg = Bare . Arg . (\c -> ord c - ord 'a') <$> lowerChar

bad = Charser . const . Left

defn = do
  s <- (:) <$> upperChar <*> many digitChar
  args <- some letterChar
  let n = length args
  unless (args == take n ['a'..'z']) $ bad "use abc... for args"
  char '='
  x <- expr
  pure (s, (n, x))

mustDefn = either (error "bad defn") id . parse defn ""

combs = mustDefn <$>
  [ "Sabc=ac(bc)"
  , "Babc=a(bc)"
  , "Cabc=acb"
  , "Rabc=bca"
  , "Kab=a"
  , "Tab=ba"
  , "Ma=aa"
  , "Ia=a"
  , "Lab=a(bb)"
  , "Wab=abb"
  , "Vabc=cab"
  , "Ya=a(Ya)"
  , "Qabc=c(ba)"

  , "B1abcd=a(bcd)"
  , "Xa=aS(BKK)"

setAnim x = global >>= \g -> setGlobal g{_anim = x}

startAnim f = do
  setAnim (Nothing, f)
  jsEval_ "requestAnimationFrame(animate);"

cancelAnim = setAnim (Nothing, const $ pure ())

anim t = do
  (mt0, f) <- _anim <$> global
  t0 <- case mt0 of
    Nothing -> setAnim (Just t, f) *> pure t
    Just t0 -> pure t0
  f $ t - t0

slideX sh x0 x1 part = jsEval_ $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show (part (x1 - x0) + x0) ++ [r|, 0)");|]

slideScr x0 x1 part = jsEval_ $ [r|scr.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show (part (x1 - x0) + x0) ++ [r|, 0)");|]

growBubble sh sz part = do
  let n = show $ div (part (sz - _w sh) + _w sh) 2
  jsEval_ $ [r|
const e = memo[|] ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].firstChild;
e.setAttribute("r", "|] ++ n ++ [r|");
e.setAttribute("cx", "|] ++ n ++ [r|");

summon sh part = jsEval_ $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].setAttribute("opacity", "0.|] ++ tail (show $ 100 + part 99) ++ [r|");|]

vanish sh part = jsEval_ $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].setAttribute("opacity", "0.|] ++ tail (show $ 199 - part 99) ++ [r|");|]

popBubble sh part = jsEval_ $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].firstChild.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", "|] ++ show (20 - part 20) ++ " " ++ show (part 20) ++ [r|");|]

shake sh part = do
  let (x, y) = divMod (part 100000 `mod` 441) 21
  jsEval_ $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ [r|].setAttribute("transform", "translate|] ++ show (x - 10, y - 10) ++ [r|");|]

movie action epilogue = startAnim $ frame 1 action epilogue

movieFast n action epilogue = startAnim $ frame n action epilogue

data Global = Global
  { _dur :: Int
  , _anim :: (Maybe Int, Int -> IO ())
  , _pause :: Int -> IO ()

playpause = do
  g <- global
  setGlobal g
    { _anim = (Nothing, _pause g)
    , _pause = snd $ _anim g
  snd (_anim g) 0

getDur :: IO Int
getDur = _dur <$> global

setDur :: Int -> IO ()
setDur n = global >>= \g -> setGlobal g{_dur = n}

frame speedup movers epilogue ms = do
  dur <- getDur
  let part n = n * speedup * ms `div` dur
  if speedup * ms >= dur then (mapM_ ($ id) movers *> epilogue) else do
    mapM_ ($ part) movers
    jsEval_ "requestAnimationFrame(animate);"

setAnimSpeed = do
  n <- readInteger <$> getContents
  setDur $ 2^(12 - n)

strip (BL t _) = case t of
  Bubble a -> Bare $ Bubble $ strip a
  x :@ y -> Bare $ strip x :@ strip y
  Com c -> Bare $ Com c
  Num n -> Bare $ Num n

argOf (BL (x :@ y) _) = y

bareReduce n x args = foldl ((Bare .) . (:@)) (go 0 x) rest where
  (used, rest) = splitAt n args
  go prec (Bare b) = case b of
    Arg i -> used!!i
    Com _ -> Bare b
    x :@ y -> case prec of
      0 -> Bare $ go 0 x :@ go 1 y
      1 -> case go 2 x of
        Bare (Bubble x') -> Bare $ Bubble $ Bare $ x' :@ go 1 y
        x' -> Bare $ Bubble $ Bare $ x' :@ go 1 y
      2 -> Bare $ case go 2 x of
        Bare (Bubble x') -> x' :@ go 1 y
        x' -> x' :@ go 1 y

unspinalBare f spine = foldl ((Bare .) . (:@)) f $ strip . argOf <$> spine

intops =
  [ ("+", (+))
  , ("-", (-))
  , ("*", (*))
  , ("^", (^))
  , ("mod", mod)
  , ("div", div)

intTests =
  [ ("<", (<))
  , (">", (>))
  , ("<=", (<=))
  , (">=", (>=))
  , ("==", (==))
  , ("/=", (/=))

clearTootip = jsEval_ "tooltip.innerHTML = '';"

rebubble = go 0 where
  go prec (Bare b) = case b of
    x :@ y -> case prec of
      0 -> Bare $ go 0 x :@ go 1 y
      1 -> Bare $ Bubble $ Bare $ go 0 x :@ go 1 y
    _ -> Bare b

reduce (BL h sh:spine) = case h of
  Bubble x -> do
    let next = foldl ((Bare .) . (:@)) (strip x) $ strip . argOf <$> spine
    movieFast 4 [popBubble sh, slideScr 0 (-2*padding), slideX sh 0 padding] $ render next
  Num n | h:t <- spine -> do
    let next = foldl ((Bare .) . (:@)) (strip $ argOf h) $ Bare (Num n) : (strip . argOf <$> t)
    let hSh = _sh $ argOf h
    movie [slideX sh 0 $ _w hSh + padding, slideX hSh (_w sh + padding) 0] $ render next
  Com s
    | Just op <- lookup s intops, sp1:sp2:rest <- spine, BL (Num a) aSh <- argOf sp1, BL (Num b) bSh <- argOf sp2 -> do
      let result = Bare $ Num $ op a b
      BL _ rSh <- place result
      jsEval $ [r|
const x = memo[|] ++ _elem rSh ++ [r|];
x.setAttribute("opacity", "0");
      let f = if null rest then id else (slideX (_sh (last rest)) 0 (_w rSh - _w (_sh sp2)):)
      movie (f $ summon rSh : (vanish <$> [aSh, bSh, sh])) $ render $ unspinalBare result rest
-- TODO: Compiler bug? If following line deleted, compiles and runs slowly.
  Com s
    | Just (n, x) <- lookup s combs, n <= length spine -> do
      lhs <- place $ foldl ((Bare .) . (:@)) (Bare $ Com s) $ (Bare . Com . (:[])) <$> take n ['a'..]
      rhs <- place $ rebubble x
      jsEval $ [r|
tooltip.innerHTML = '<text x="|] ++ show (_w (_sh lhs) + 40) ++ [r|" y="40" fill="white">&LongRightArrow;</text>';
const x = memo[|] ++ _elem (_sh lhs) ++ [r|];
const y = memo[|] ++ _elem (_sh rhs) ++ [r|];
y.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show (140 + _w (_sh lhs)) ++ [r|,0)");
      (_, (movers, edge, present)) <- rollCall 0 ([shake sh], _w sh + padding, []) x
      let next = bareReduce n x $ strip . argOf <$> spine
      -- jsEval $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ "].remove();"

      let goners = concat $ zipWith (\x (BL (_ :@ (BL _ sh)) _) -> if x `elem` present then [] else [vanish sh]) (take n [0..]) spine

      flip mapM_ (take n spine) \(BL _ sh) -> do
        jsEval $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ "].remove();"
        jsEval $ "scr.appendChild(memo[" ++ _elem sh++ "]);"
      movers <- pure $ if n == length spine then movers else slideX (_sh $ last spine) 0 (edge - _w (_sh $ spine!!(n-1))):movers
      movie (goners ++ movers) $ do
        jsEval $ "memo[" ++ _elem sh ++ "].remove();"
        movieFast 2 [slideScr 0 -(_w sh + padding)] $ clearTootip >> render next
  Com s
    | Just op <- lookup s intTests, sp1:sp2:rest <- spine, BL (Num a) aSh <- argOf sp1, BL (Num b) bSh <- argOf sp2 -> do
      let result = Bare $ if op a b then Com "K" else Bare (Com "K") :@ Bare (Com "I")
      BL _ rSh <- place result
      jsEval $ "scr.appendChild(memo[" ++ _elem rSh++ "]);"
      let f = if null rest then id else (slideX (_sh (last rest)) 0 (_w rSh - _w (_sh sp2)):)
      movie (f $ summon rSh : (vanish <$> [aSh, bSh, sh])) $ render $ unspinalBare result rest
  _ -> do
    jsEval_ $ "console.log('normal form');"
  rollCall prec (movers, edge, present) (Bare b) = case b of
    Arg i -> do
        BL (_ :@ BL a aSh) par = spine!!i
        x0 = _w par - _w aSh
      (aSh, present) <- if not (elem i present) then pure (aSh, i:present) else do
        k <- jsEval $ [r|
  const g=svgnew("g");
  g.innerHTML = memo[|] ++ _elem aSh ++ [r|].innerHTML;
  g.setAttribute("transform", memo[|] ++ _elem aSh ++ [r|].getAttribute("transform"));
        pure (Shape (_w aSh) k, present)
      (pad, f, sh1) <- newBub a aSh x0
      pure ((sh1, edge), (slideX sh1 x0 edge:f movers, edge + _w aSh + pad, present))

    Com s -> do
      sh <- stringBubble s
      jsEval $ [r|
const x = memo[|] ++ _elem sh ++ [r|];
x.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show edge ++ [r|,0)");
x.setAttribute("opacity", "0");
      (pad, f, sh1) <- newBub (Com s) sh edge
      pure ((sh1, edge), (summon sh:f movers, edge + _w sh + pad, present))
    -- TODO: Draw primitives from scratch.
    x :@ y -> case prec of
      0 -> do
        (_, (action, edge, present)) <- rollCall 0 (movers, edge, present) x
        rollCall 1 (action, edge + padding, present) y
      1 -> do
        ((sh, x1), (movers, edge, present)) <- rollCall 2 (movers, edge, present) x
        (_, (movers, edge, present)) <- rollCall 1 (movers, edge + padding, present) y
        pure (undefined, (growBubble sh (edge + padding - x1):movers, edge + padding, present))
      2 -> do
        (shx, (action, edge, present)) <- rollCall 2 (movers, edge, present) x
        first (const shx) <$> rollCall 1 (action, edge + padding, present) y
      newBub a sh x0 = if prec == 2
        then case a of
          Bubble _ -> pure (-padding, id, sh)
          _ -> do
            k <- jsEval $ [r|
const g=svgnew("g");
const c=svgnew("circle");
c.setAttribute("stroke-width", "8");
c.setAttribute("cx", "70");
c.setAttribute("r", "70");
c.setAttribute("fill", "none");
c.setAttribute("stroke", "white");
g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(|] ++ show x0 ++ [r|, 0)");
            pure (padding, (slideX sh x0 (edge + padding):), Shape (2*habubble) k)
        else pure (0, id, sh)
  grow (sh, x1) (movers, edge, present) = do
    pure (undefined, (growBubble sh (edge + padding - x1):movers, edge + padding, present))
setGlobal Global
  { _dur = undefined
  , _anim = (Nothing, const $ pure ())
  , _pause = const $ pure ()