
The HTML data type actually holds all sorts of trees, not just HTML.

I would have used it for combinator terms but I re-used existing code which defined CL.

data HTML = Txt String | Nd String [HTML] deriving Show

data CL = Com String | CL :@ CL
instance Show CL where
  showsPrec p = \case
    t :@ u -> showParen (p > 0) $ showsPrec 0 t . showsPrec 1 u
    -- Com s -> (if p > 0 then (' ':) else id) . (s++)
    Com s -> (s++)

Bracket Abstraction

polishShow = \case
  t :@ u -> ('o':) . polishShow t . polishShow u
  Com s -> (s++)

index x xs = lookup x $ zip xs $ iterate (Nd "S" . (:[])) $ Nd "Z" []

deBruijn = deBruijnWith []
deBruijnWith binds = \case
  Txt x -> maybe (Txt x) id $ index x binds
  Nd "\\" [Txt x, t] -> Nd "L" [deBruijnWith (x:binds) t]
  Nd "@" [t, u] -> Nd "@" [deBruijnWith binds t, deBruijnWith binds u]
  Nd "U" _ -> deBruijnWith binds $ Txt "U"

convertWith (#) = \case
  Nd "Z" _ -> (True:[], Com "I")
  Nd "S" [e] -> (False:g, d) where (g, d) = rec e
  Nd "L" [e] -> case rec e of
    ([], d) -> ([], Com "K" :@ d)
    (False:g, d) -> (g, ([], Com "K") # (g, d))
    (True:g, d) -> (g, d)
  Nd "@" [e1, e2] -> (zipWithDefault False (||) g1 g2, t1 # t2) where
    t1@(g1, _) = rec e1
    t2@(g2, _) = rec e2
  Txt s -> ([], Com s)
  where rec = convertWith (#)

kis = snd . convertWith (#) where
  ([], d1) # ([], d2) = d1 :@ d2
  ([], d1) # (True:[], Com "I") = d1
  ([], d1) # (True:g2, d2) = ([], Com "B" :@ d1) # (g2, d2)
  ([], d1) # (False:g2, d2) = ([], d1) # (g2, d2)
  (True:[], Com "I") # ([], d2) = Com "T" :@ d2
  (True:[], Com "I") # (False:g2, d2) = ([], Com "T") # (g2, d2)
  (True:g1, d1) # ([], d2) = ([], Com "R" :@ d2) # (g1, d1)
  (True:g1, d1) # (True:g2, d2) = (g1, ([], Com "S") # (g1, d1)) # (g2, d2)
  (True:g1, d1) # (False:g2, d2) = (g1, ([], Com "C") # (g1, d1)) # (g2, d2)
  (False:g1, d1) # ([], d2) = (g1, d1) # ([], d2)
  (False:g1, d1) # (True:[], Com "I") = d1
  (False:g1, d1) # (True:g2, d2) = (g1, ([], Com "B") # (g1, d1)) # (g2, d2)
  (False:g1, d1) # (False:g2, d2) = (g1, d1) # (g2, d2)

zipWithDefault d f     []     ys = f d <$> ys
zipWithDefault d f     xs     [] = flip f d <$> xs
zipWithDefault d f (x:xt) (y:yt) = f x y : zipWithDefault d f xt yt

skOnly = \case
  a :@ b -> skOnly a :@ skOnly b
  Com "I" -> s :@ k :@ k
  Com "B" -> s :@ (k :@ s) :@ k
  Com "C" -> s :@ (s :@ (k :@ (s :@ (k :@ s) :@ k)) :@ s) :@ (k :@ k)
  Com "R" -> s :@ (k :@ (s :@ (k :@ (s :@ s)) :@ k)) :@ k
  t -> t
  s = Com "S"
  k = Com "K"

skTo s = \case
  a :@ b -> skTo s a :@ skTo s b
  Com "K" -> x :@ x
  Com "S" -> x :@ (x :@ x)
  where x = Com s

skAbstract = toCom . skAbstract' where
  skAbstract' = \case
    Nd "\\" [Txt v, t] -> go v $ skAbstract' t
    Nd "@" as -> Nd "@" $ skAbstract' <$> as
    t -> t
  go v t = case t of
    Txt w | v == w -> Nd "I" []
          | otherwise -> Nd "@" [Nd "K" [], t]
    Nd "@" [a, b] -> Nd "@" [Nd "S" [], Nd "@" [go v a, go v b]]
    _ -> t
  toCom = \case
    Nd "@" [a, b] -> toCom a :@ toCom b
    Nd "I" [] -> Com "S" :@ Com "K" :@ Com "K"
    Nd com [] -> Com com

K-optimized, don’t think I’ll use it:

lacks v = \case
  Nd "@" [a, b] -> lacks v a && lacks v b
  Txt w -> v /= w
  _ -> False

rosenK = \case
  Nd "\\" [Txt v, x] -> elimV (rosenK x) where
    elimV t
      | lacks v t = Nd "K" [] # t
      | otherwise = case t of
        Txt _ -> Nd "S" [] # Nd "K" [] # Nd "K" []
        Nd "@" [a, b] -> Nd "S" [] # elimV a # elimV b
        _ -> t
  Nd "@" [a, b] -> rosenK a # rosenK b
  t -> t
  where f # x = Nd "@" [f, x]

Parser Combinators

data Charser a = Charser { unCharser :: String -> Either String (a, String) }
instance Functor Charser where fmap f (Charser x) = Charser $ fmap (first f) . x
instance Applicative Charser where
  pure a = Charser \s -> Right (a, s)
  f <*> x = Charser \s -> do
    (fun, t) <- unCharser f s
    (arg, u) <- unCharser x t
    pure (fun arg, u)
instance Monad Charser where
  Charser f >>= g = Charser $ (good =<<) . f
    where good (r, t) = unCharser (g r) t
  return = pure
instance Alternative Charser where
  empty = Charser \_ -> Left ""
  (<|>) x y = Charser \s -> either (const $ unCharser y s) Right $ unCharser x s

sat f = Charser \case
  h:t | f h -> Right (h, t)
  _ -> Left "unsat"

char c = sat (c ==)
oneOf s = sat (`elem` s)

eof = Charser \case
  [] -> Right ((), "")
  _ -> Left "want EOF"

bad = Charser . const . Left

lookahead (Charser x) = Charser \inp -> do
  (a, _) <- x inp
  pure (a, inp)

string s = mapM char s

lowerChar = sat $ \c -> 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
upperChar = sat $ \c -> 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z'
letterChar = lowerChar <|> upperChar

space = many (sat isSpace) *> pure ()
spaceLn = many $ many (char ' ') <* char '\n'

parse p = fmap fst . unCharser p

Logic formula parsers

boolExpr = iff where
  iff = foldr1 (\a b -> Nd "<=>" [a, b]) <$> impl `sepBy1` op "<=>"
  impl = foldr1 (\a b -> Nd "=>" [a, b]) <$> disj `sepBy1` op "=>"
  disj = foldl1 (\a b -> Nd "+" [a, b]) <$> conj `sepBy1` op "+"
  conj = foldl1 (\a b -> Nd "*" [a, b]) <$> lit `sepBy1` op "*"
  lit = op "~" *> (Nd "~" . (:[]) <$> atom) <|> atom
  atom = op "(" *> boolExpr <* op ")" <|> Txt <$> var
  var = some letterChar <* space
  op s = string s <* space

hol = quant <|> iff where
  quant = do
    q <- (string "forall" <|> string "exists") <* space
    v <- var
    op "."
    t <- hol
    pure $ Nd q [Txt v , t]
  iff = foldr1 (\a b -> Nd "<=>" [a, b]) <$> impl `sepBy1` op "<=>"
  impl = foldr1 (\a b -> Nd "=>" [a, b]) <$> disj `sepBy1` op "=>"
  disj = foldl1 (\a b -> Nd "+" [a, b]) <$> conj `sepBy1` (op "+" <|> op "|" <|> op "||")
  conj = foldl1 (\a b -> Nd "*" [a, b]) <$> lit `sepBy1` (op "*" <|> op "&" <|> op "&&")
  lit = (op "~" <|> op "-") *> (Nd "~" . (:[]) <$> atom) <|> app
  app = foldl1 (\a b -> Nd "@" [a, b]) <$> some atom
  atom = op "(" *> hol <* op ")" <|> Txt <$> var
  var = some letterChar <* space
  op s = string s <* space

lambda = flip (foldr lam) <$> (ch '\\' *> many var <* (ch '.' *> pure() <|> string "->" *> pure ()) <* space) <*> lambda
  <|> foldl1 app <$> some atom
  atom = ch '(' *> lambda <* ch ')' <|> var
  ch c = char c <* space
  var = Txt <$> some letterChar <* space
  app x y = Nd "@" [x, y]
  lam s t = Nd "\\" [s, t]

Schönfinkel’s Showstoppers

texShow prec = \case
  Nd "forall" [Txt v, t] -> showParen (prec > 0) $ tex "forall" . (v++) . ('.':) . texShow 0 t
  Nd "exists" [Txt v, t] -> showParen (prec > 0) $ tex "exists". (v++) . ('.':) . texShow 0 t
  Nd "<=>" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 1) $ texShow 2 a . tex "iff" . texShow 2 b
  Nd "=>" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 2) $ texShow 3 a . tex "implies" . texShow 2 b
  Nd "+" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 3) $ texShow 3 a . tex "vee" . texShow 3 b
  Nd "*" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 4) $ texShow 4 a . tex "wedge" . texShow 4 b
  Nd "@" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 5) $ texShow 5 a . tex "" . texShow 6 b
  Nd "~" [a] -> showParen (prec > 6) $ tex "neg" . texShow 6 a
  Txt s -> (s++)
  where tex s = ('\\':) . (s++) . (' ':)

nandShow x = foldr1 (.) $ intersperse ("; "++) $ f:defs where
  (f, defs) = runState (go x) []
  addDef f = get >>= put . (f:)
  go = \case
    Nd "NAND" [a, b] -> showParen True <$> ((.) <$> go a <*> go b)
    Nd "=" [Txt v, a] -> do
      addDef . ((v++) . ('=':) .) =<< go a
      pure (v++)
    Nd "UNAND" [Txt v, a, b] -> do
      goA <- go a
      goB <- go b
      pure $ showParen True $ (v++) . ('.':) . goA . (" "++) . goB
    Nd "@" [a, b] -> do
      goA <- go a
      goB <- go b
      pure $ showParen True $ goA . (" "++) . goB
    Txt s -> pure (s++)

nandify = \case
  Nd "<=>" [a, b] -> nandify $ Nd "*" [Nd "=>" [a, b], Nd "=>" [b, a]]
  Nd "=>" [a, b] -> nandify $ Nd "+" [anti a, b]
  Nd "+" [a, b] -> nand (nandify $ anti a) (nandify $ anti b)
  Nd "*" [a, b] -> nandify $ anti $ nand (nandify a) (nandify b)
  Nd "~" [x] -> case x of
    Nd "*" [a, b] -> nand (nandify a) (nandify b)
    a -> nand na na where na = nandify a
  t -> t
  nand a b = Nd "NAND" [a, b]

anti = \case
  Nd "~" [a] -> a
  a -> Nd "~" [a]

shareNandify x = evalState (go x) 0 where
  share a = case a of
    Txt _ -> pure (a, a)
    _ -> do
      k <- get
      put $ k + 1
      let v = Txt $ show k
      ga <- go a
      pure (Nd "=" [v, ga], v)
  go = \case
    Nd "=" [v, a] -> Nd "=" . (v:) . (:[]) <$> go a
    Nd "<=>" [a, b] -> do
      (defA, refA) <- share a
      (defB, refB) <- share b
      go $ Nd "*" [Nd "=>" [defA, defB], Nd "=>" [refB, refA]]
    Nd "=>" [a, b] -> go $ Nd "+" [anti a, b]
    Nd "+" [a, b] -> nand <$> go (anti a) <*> go (anti b)
    Nd "*" [a, b] -> go . anti =<< nand <$> go a <*> go b
    Nd "~" [x] -> case x of
      Nd "*" [a, b] -> nand <$> go a <*> go b
      a -> do
        (def, ref) <- share =<< go a
        pure $ nand def ref
    t -> pure t
  nand a b = Nd "NAND" [a, b]

elimExists = \case
  Nd "exists" [Txt v, t] -> anti $ Nd "forall" [Txt v, anti t]
  Nd f xs -> Nd f $ elimExists <$> xs
  t -> t

unandify = go . elimExists where
  go = \case
    Nd "forall" [Txt v, t] -> case t of
      Nd "+" [a, b] -> unand v (go $ anti a) (go $ anti b)
      Nd "~" [Nd "*" [a, b]] -> unand v (go a) (go b)
      Nd "~" [a] -> unand v ua ua where ua = go a
      _ -> unand v n n where n = go $ anti t
    Nd "<=>" [a, b] -> go $ Nd "*" [Nd "=>" [a, b], Nd "=>" [b, a]]
    Nd "=>" [a, b] -> go $ Nd "+" [anti a, b]
    Nd "+" [a, b] -> unand "_" (go $ anti a) (go $ anti b)
    Nd "*" [a, b] -> go $ anti $ unand "_" (go a) (go b)
    Nd "~" [x] -> case x of
      Nd "*" [a, b] -> unand "_" (go a) (go b)
      a -> unand "_" ua ua where ua = go a
    t -> t
  unand v a b = Nd "UNAND" [Txt v, a, b]

shareUnandify = (`evalState` 0) . go . elimExists where
  share a = case a of
    Txt _ -> pure (a, a)
    _ -> do
      k <- get
      put $ k + 1
      let v = Txt $ show k
      ga <- go a
      pure (Nd "=" [v, ga], v)
  go = \case
    Nd "forall" [Txt v, t] -> case t of
      Nd "+" [a, b] -> unand v <$> go (anti a) <*> go (anti b)
      Nd "~" [Nd "*" [a, b]] -> unand v <$> go a <*> go b
      Nd "~" [a] -> fmap (uncurry $ unand v) . share =<< go a
      _ -> fmap (uncurry $ unand v) . share =<< go (anti t)
    Nd "<=>" [a, b] -> do
      (defA, refA) <- share a
      (defB, refB) <- share b
      go $ Nd "*" [Nd "=>" [defA, defB], Nd "=>" [refB, refA]]
    Nd "=>" [a, b] -> go $ Nd "+" [anti a, b]
    Nd "+" [a, b] -> unand "_" <$> go (anti a) <*> go (anti b)
    Nd "*" [a, b] -> go . anti =<< unand "_" <$> go a <*> go b
    Nd "~" [x] -> case x of
      Nd "*" [a, b] -> unand "_" <$> go a <*> go b
      a -> fmap (uncurry $ unand "_") . share =<< go a
    t -> pure t
  unand v a b = Nd "UNAND" [Txt v, a, b]

unandLamb = \case
  Nd "UNAND" [Txt v, a, b] -> Nd "U" [] # lamb v a # lamb v b
  Nd "@" as -> Nd "@" $ unandLamb <$> as
  t -> t
  f # x = Nd "@" [f, x]
  lamb v a = Nd "\\" [Txt v, unandLamb a]

lambShow prec = \case
  Nd "\\" [Txt v, a] -> showParen (prec > 0) $ ("\\"++) . (v++) . (" -> "++) . lambShow 0 a
  Nd "@" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 1) $ lambShow 1 a . (' ' :) . lambShow 2 b
  Nd s [] -> (s++)
  Txt s -> (s++)

combShow prec = \case
  Nd "@" [a, b] -> showParen (prec > 0) $ combShow 0 a . (' ' :) . combShow 1 b
  Nd s [] -> (s++)
  Txt s -> (s++)


A worst-in-class AsciiDoctor.

tops = Nd "div" <$> top [] `sepBy` spaceLn

top attrs = (attr >>= top . (:attrs)) <|> addAttrs attrs <$> block

addAttrs as t = case as of
  [] -> t
  _ -> Nd "attr" $ t:(Txt <$> as)

attr = char '[' *> some (sat (/= ']')) <* char ']' <* spaceLn

block = heading <|> image <|> eqnblock <|> litblock <|> list <|> passthrough <|> paragraph

image = do
  file <- string "image::" *> some (sat (/= '[')) <* string "[]" <* spaceLn
  pure $ Nd "img" [Txt file]

eqnblock = do
  s <- (++) <$> string "\\[" <*> go
  pure $ Txt s
  go = do
    s <- line
    if take 2 (reverse s) == "]\\" then pure s else (s++) . ('\n':) <$> go

litblock = do
  n <- length <$> some (char '-') <* char '\n'
  when (n < 4) $ bad "want at least 4 dashes"
  Nd "pre" . (:[]) . Txt <$> go n
  go n = do
    s <- line
    if all (== '-') s && length s == n then pure "" else (s++) . ('\n':) <$> go n

line = many (sat (/= '\n')) <* char '\n'

heading = do
  lvl <- some (char '=') <* some (char ' ')
  s <- reverse <$> line
    (a, b) = span (== '=') s
    (sp, c) = span (== ' ') b
  pure . Nd "h2". (:[]) . Txt . reverse
    $ if lvl == a && not (null sp) then c else s

sub tag ch s
  | (pre, _:s1) <- break (== ch) s, (t, _:post) <- break (== ch) s1 = ([Txt pre, Nd tag [Txt t]]++) $ sub tag ch post
  | otherwise = [Txt s]

sublist tag ch = concatMap \case
  Txt t -> sub tag ch t
  Nd s xs | s /= "code" -> [Nd s $ sublist tag ch xs]
  x -> [x]

suball = sublist "strong" '*' . sublist "em" '_' . sublist "code" '`'

paragraph = do
  r <- go
  if null r then bad "EOF" else pure . Nd "p" $ suball [Txt r]
  go = eof *> pure "" <|> do
    s <- line
    if all isSpace s then pure [] else (s++) . ('\n':) <$> go

passthrough = do
  n <- length <$> some (char '+') <* char '\n'
  when (n < 4) $ bad "want at least 4 pluses"
  Txt <$> go n
  go n = do
    s <- line
    if all (== '+') s && length s == n then pure "" else (s++) . ('\n':) <$> go n

list = list' []
list' parentMarkers = do
  marker <- lookahead $ some (oneOf "*-")
  when (elem marker parentMarkers) $ bad "parent"
    item = do
      string marker
      many $ char ' '
      Nd "li" . suball . (:[]) . Txt <$> line
  Nd "ul" <$> some (item <|> list' (marker:parentMarkers))

bloat = \case
  Txt s -> (s++)
  Nd "attr" (h:as) -> ("<div class='"++) . foldr (.) id (bloatAttr <$> as) . ("'>"++) . bloat h . ("</div>\n"++)
  Nd "img" [Txt f] -> ("<img src='"++) . (f++) . ("'>"++)
  Nd s kids -> ('<':) . (s++) . ('>':) . foldr (\x y -> bloat x . y) id kids . ("</"++) . (s++) . (">\n"++)

bloatAttr = \case
  Txt ('.':cl) -> (" "++) . (cl++)
  _ -> id

Act I: Combinators

cover = [r|

><h2 style='border:none;'>MacGyver's Haskell Compiler</h2>
Combinators, Duct Tape, and Two Minutes


aboutMe = [r|
= About Me =

&#x1F466; Undergrad: was taught OOP; FP = fringe

  * saw HUGS once: slow toy language
  * 3rd ICFP Programming Contest: Eiffel

&#x1F468; Grad: cryptography

  * rebelled against OOP, wrote C

&#x1F474; Real World: non-FP jobs

  * dabbled in Haskell

Right prop = parse boolExpr "a*~b => c+d"

boolMagic = [r|
= Propositional Magic =

Pick a Boolean expression, any Boolean expression.

|] ++ texShow 0 prop [r|

Watch closely... &#x1FA84;

|] ++ nandShow (nandify prop) [r|

Where did the logic symbols go?!


sheffer = [r|
= Secret: NAND =

A B = \neg (A \wedge B)

Peirce 1880 (unpublished), Stamm 1911, Sheffer 1913, ...

A \iff B &\rightsquigarrow& (A \implies B) \wedge (B \implies A) \\
A \implies B &\rightsquigarrow& \neg A \vee B \\
A \vee B &\rightsquigarrow& (\neg A)(\neg B) \\
A \wedge B &\rightsquigarrow& \neg(A B) \\
\neg A &\rightsquigarrow& A A \\

NAND is _functionally complete_.

Moon landing used the dual (NOR) &#x1F680; &#x1F319;

sharing = [r|
= Sharing =

\neg A = A A

Duplicate circuit A?

|] ++ nandShow (nandify prop) [r|

No! Split wire, feed output to both inputs of NAND gate.

|] ++ nandShow (shareNandify prop) [r|

lazy evaluation, call-by-need, common subexpression elimination, hash consing, memoization, flyweight pattern, code reuse, top-down dynamic programming, dynamic linking, automatic differentiation, ...

Right johnStuartMill = parse hol "(forall x . Man x => Mortal x) * Man Socrates => Mortal Socrates"

Right usb = parse hol "forall f . exists g . forall x . ~(f x & g x)"

predMagic = [r|
= Higher-Order Magic =

Pick a higher-order logic formula, any higher-order logic formula.

|] ++ texShow 0 johnStuartMill [r|

"All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal"

Nothing up my sleeve... &#x1FA84;

|] ++ nandShow (shareUnandify johnStuartMill) [r|

No higher-order logic symbols!

predSecret = [r|
= Secret: universally quantified NAND =

x.A B = \forall x . \neg (A \wedge B)

Schönfinkel 1920:

\exists x . A &\rightsquigarrow& \neg \forall x . \neg A \\
\forall x . A &\rightsquigarrow& x . (\neg A) (\neg A) \\
A \iff B &\rightsquigarrow& (A \implies B) \wedge (B \implies A) \\
A \implies B &\rightsquigarrow& \neg A \vee B \\
A \vee B &\rightsquigarrow& \_.(\neg A)(\neg B) \\
A \wedge B &\rightsquigarrow& \neg (\_.A B) \\
\neg A &\rightsquigarrow& \_.A A \\


varless = [r|
= USB Trick =

Next volunteer:

|] ++ texShow 0 usb [r|

Logic symbols begone! &#x1FA84;

|] ++ nandShow (unandify usb) [r|

Watch carefully... &#x1FA84;

|] ++ shows (kis $ deBruijn $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

All variables have vanished! &#x1F632;


varlessSecret1 = [r|
= Preprocessing =

Instead of ad hoc notation:

|] ++ nandShow (unandify usb) [r|

write as lambda term using \(U f g = \forall a. \neg (f a \wedge g a)\)

|] ++ lambShow 0 (unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|


varlessSecret2 = [r|
= Secret: Combinators =

Schönfinkel 1920: _combinators_ are cleverly chosen functions:

S x y z &=& x z (y z) \\
B x y z &=& x   (y z) \\

|] ++ lambShow 0 (unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

_Bracket abstraction_: lambdas &dzigrarr; combinators

|] ++ shows (kis $ deBruijn $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|


skk = [r|
= Identity crisis =

Given S and K combinators:

S x y z = x z (y z)  -- Reader instance of (<*>)
K x y = x            -- const

How to build the identity function? `\x -> x`

`K K`? But `K K x = K`. We have `K x K = x` but lack C (aka `flip`) for `C K K`.

Solution: `S K K -- Haskell: (<*>) const const`

S K K x = K x (K x) = x

What else can we build from S and K?

skAlgorithm = [r|
= SK bracket abstraction =

S and K are Turing complete: can create any lambda term:

\lambda x . x &\rightsquigarrow& S K K \\
\lambda x . y &\rightsquigarrow& K y \\
\lambda x . A B &\rightsquigarrow& S (\lambda x . A) (\lambda x . B)  \\

|] ++ shows (skAbstract $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

Will talk about a better algorithm if time allows.

eliminateU = [r|
= Two's company =

Make U implicit:

|] ++ lambShow 0 (unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

Prepend `"\U ->"`, bracket abstraction: &#x1FA84;

|] ++ shows (skOnly $ kis $ deBruijnWith ["U"] $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

Can write any logic formula with just S and K.


lastCombinator = [r|
= Last combinator standing =

Fokker 1992: Define \( X = \lambda f.f S (\lambda x y z. x) \).

|] ++ shows (skOnly $ kis $ deBruijnWith ["U"] $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

Then \( K = X X, S = X(X X) \)

|] ++ shows (skTo "X" $ skOnly $ kis $ deBruijnWith ["U"] $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|


justTrees = [r|
= And then there were none =

Write X as (): &#x1F332;

|] ++ shows (skTo "()" $ skOnly $ kis $ deBruijnWith ["U"] $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

Or remove parentheses with prefix operator aka Polish notation `oAB = (AB)`

|] ++ polishShow (skTo "X" $ skOnly $ kis $ deBruijnWith ["U"] $ unandLamb $ unandify usb) [r|

(Łukasiewicz 1929)


combsummary = [r|
= Combinators: the ultimate building blocks =

NAND: Functionally complete. Generates all Boolean expressions.

{S, K}: Turing complete. Generates all lambda terms. (Such as lambda encoding of NAND!)

Arose from logic ("combinatory logic"; "building blocks of logic") but go
beyond. Building blocks of lambda calculus. Of computation.

&#x1F9F1; By chance we use BRICKS combinators. (SK alone is clunky.)

bricks = [r|
= A VM built with BRICKS =

Combinator intepreters are simple:

      case 'B': lazy(3,       arg(1), apparg(2, 3)); break;  // Bxyz = x(yz)
      case 'R': lazy(3, apparg(2, 3),       arg(1)); break;  // Rxyz = yzx
      case 'I': sp[1] = arg(1); sp++;                break;  // Ix   = x
      case 'C': lazy(3, apparg(1, 3),       arg(2)); break;  // Cxyz = xzy
      case 'K': lazy(2,          'I',       arg(1)); break;  // Kx   = x
      case 'S': lazy(3, apparg(1, 3), apparg(2, 3)); break;  // Sxyz = xz(yz)
      case ':': lazy(4, apparg(4, 1), arg(2)); break;
      case 'T': lazy(2, arg(2), arg(1)); break;
      case 'Y': lazy(1, arg(1), sp[1]); break;
-------- primitives like Int arithmetic.

Haskell BRICKS: `(.), flip flip, id, flip, const, (<*>)`

timeline1 = [r|
= Combinators: the original building blocks =

1920 - Moses Schönfinkel invents combinators, tells Göttingen Mathematical Society

1926 - Haskell Curry rediscovers combinators

1928 - Alonzo Church invents lambda calculus

1932 - Church publishes lambda calculus

1937 - Alan Turing publishes _On Computable Numbers_

timeline2 = [r|
= History is messy =

1924 - Heinrich Behmann publishes Schönfinkel's ideas + his own ideas (one wrong).
Bracket abstraction: "We will not give the complete demonstration here but only
explain the role of the different particular functions in this reduction."

1925 - John von Neumann publishes combinator-like things (inspired by Schönfinkel?) with a "reduction theorem"; "we do not go into the very simple proof".

1927 - Curry learns of Schönfinkel's work

1930 - Curry publishes complete demonstration with BCKW

1950 - Rosenbloom publishes SK algorithm

Hindley, _History of lambda-calculus and combinatory logic_

scanfinkel = [r|

fastforward = [r|
= Combinators: the historic building blocks =
1966 - Peter Landin invents ISWIM (+ 699 more languages); "Church without lambda"

1967 - ISWIM inspires PAL.

1972 - David Turner invents SASL, inspired by PAL. One compiler uses combinators.

1979 - KRC = succ SASL. One compiler uses combinators.

1985 - Miranda = succ SASL/KRC. Uses combinators.

1987 - Haskell ~ succ Miranda. Uses combinators.

combobreak = [r|
199? - GHC encounters issues with combinators.

  * Tries supercombinators (compiler invents specialized combinators for each program)
  * Abandons combinators for STG, the Spineless Tagless G-Machine

2018 - Oleg Kiselyov publishes new abstraction algorithm. "Perhaps combinators as the compilation target of real functional languages deserve a second look."

Let's take a look!

Intermission: two-minute compiler

twoMinutes = [r|
= Build a Haskell compiler in 2 minutes =

$ git clone && cd zh23
$ time make precisely
$ time make reply  # Compiles REPL edition of itself.
$ ./reply
> product [1..10]

<textarea rows="10" style="width:100%;" spellcheck="false"></textarea>

Act II: Lambdas

intocomb = [r|
= Into combinators: squeezing Haskell into BRICKS =

compile = parse >>= typeCheck >>= toLambda >>= bracketAbstract

parse           :: String -> AST
typeCheck       :: AST    -> AST
toLambda        :: AST    -> Lambda
bracketAbstract :: Lambda -> Combinator

`bracketAbstract`: Done! (Ineffciently.)

`toLambda`: How to rewrite everything as lambda terms?

intolamb = [r|
= Into lambdas: squeezing Haskell into Var | Lam | App =

data Term = Var String
          | Lam Var Term
          | App Term Term

Functions ("Church without lambda"):

`f x y = rhs` &dzigrarr; `f = \x y -> rhs`


`let x = t in rhs` &dzigrarr; `(\x -> rhs) t`

But data types? case? recursion? mutual recursion?

scottencoding = [r|
= Data =

How to turn data types into lambda terms?

data Mono = Kono Bool | Sono | Ano Int Char

Hint: what is the only meaningful thing we can do with a `Mono` value?

&#x1F50D; Answer: scrutinize with `case`

scrutinize value = case value of
  Kono x  -> doThis (not x)
  Sono    -> doThat
  Ano x y -> doTheOther y (x*x)

scottencoding2 = [r|
= Scott Encoding =

scrutinize value = case value of
  Kono x  -> doThis (not x)
  Sono    -> doThat
  Ano x y -> doTheOther y (x*x)

&#x1F937; Naively force `case` to be a lambda term:

scrutinize value = value
  (\x   -> doThis (not x))
  (\    -> doThat)
  (\x y -> doTheOther y (x*x))

&#x1F44D; The Scott encoding is the lambda term that makes it work.

Ano 42 'B' = \f g h -> h 42 'B'
Ano = \x y f g h -> h x y

scottencoding3 = [r|
= Scott Encoding Examples =

True  = \x y -> x
False = \x y -> y

(,) = \x y f -> f x y

Left  = \x f g -> f x
Right = \x f g -> g x

[]  = \    f g -> f
(:) = \x y f g -> g x y

Nothing = \  f g -> f
Just    = \x f g -> g x

Booleans: I prefer the other way around, but it's Church dogma.

mutrec1 = [r|
= Mutual Recursion =

Which defined first?

chicken = sequence [lay egg, cross road, otherFowlDeeds]
egg     = become chicken

Solution: use a placeholder to mostly define one first.

chicken1 = \e -> sequence [lay e, cross road, otherFowlDeeds]
egg      = become (chicken1 egg)
chicken  = chicken1 egg

Mutual recursion &dzigrarr; single recursion.

It's like the first word of this sentence, which is a placeholder whose
meaning we supply later. ("It's sunny." "It takes one to know one.")

placeholderdef = [r|
placeholder: an element of a sentence that is required by syntactic constraints
but carries little or no semantic information, for example the word _it_ as a
subject in _it is a pity that she left_, where the true subject is _that she
left_. |]

mutrec2 = [r|
May need multiple placeholders.

larva = sequence [insult imago, become pupa]
pupa  = sequence [admonish larva, become imago]
imago = sequence [find imago, lay egg]
egg   = become larva


larva1 = \p i e -> sequence [insult (i e), become (p i e)]
pupa1  =   \i e -> sequence [admonish (larva1 pupa1 i e), become (i e)]
imago1 =     \e -> sequence [find (imago1 e), lay e]
egg    =           become (larva1 pupa1 imago1 egg)
larva  = larva1 pupa1 imago1 egg
pupa   = pupa1 imago1 egg
imago  = imago1 egg

(alternate strategy for `let`: placeholders + move all definitions to top
level; _lambda lifting_)

recursion1 = [r|
= Recursion =

fib = \n -> if n <= 1 then n else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

Mostly define it with a placeholder?

fib1 = \x n -> if n <= 1 then n else x (n - 1) + x (n - 2)

Then `fib = fib1 fib1`? No! RHS is wrong:

... fib1 (n - 1) + fib1 (n - 2)

As before, we must pass placeholders to placeholders...

... x x (n - 1) + x x (n - 2)


recursion2 = [r|

Modify RHS?

fibYucky = \x n -> if n <= 1 then n else x x (n - 1) + x x (n - 2)
fib = fibYucky fibYucky


Works! But headache to construct; duplicates `x x`.


Better: keep `fib1` (well-typed and pretty), spin-off naughty parts:

fib1 = \n -> if n <= 1 then n else x (n - 1) + x (n - 2)
fib2 = \x -> fib1 (x x)
fib = fib2 fib2

Recursion &dzigrarr; no recursion!


recursion3 = [r|
Generalize for any function `f` like `fib1`:

makeRecursive f = f2 f2 where f2 = \x -> f (x x)

Known as the _Y combinator_ (Rosenbloom 1950)

Y &=& \lambda f. (\lambda x . f(x x))(\lambda x . f(x x)) \\
  &=& \lambda f. (\lambda x . x x)(\lambda x . f(x x)) \\

1930s: Curry was a living breathing Y combinator!



fixedpoint = [r|
= Fixed-point combinators =

fib1 x = ... x (n - 1) + x (n - 2)

Make it recursive with Y:

(Y fib1) = ... (Y fib1) (n - 1) + (Y fib1) (n - 2)

Get same RHS when `x = Y fib1`:

fib1 (Y fib1) = ... (Y fib1) (n - 1) + (Y fib1) (n - 2)

Hence `fib1 (Y fib1) = Y fib1`; we call Y a _fixed-point combinator_:

f (Y f) = Y f

Any fixed-point combinator enables recursion.


ycompile = [r|
= Compiling recursion to combinators =

Rewrite recursive definitions with placeholders and Y.

maybeFix s x = if go x then A (E $ Basic "Y") (L s x) else x where
  go = \case
    V v -> s == v
    A x y -> go x || go y
    L v x -> s /= v && go x
    _ -> False

If type-checker asks, pretend Y has type `(a -> a) -> a`

VM: hard-wire fixed-point reduction instead of `Y=B(SII)(R(SII)B)`
(or `&theta;=SII(B(SI)(SII))`)

      case 'Y': lazy(1, arg(1), sp[1]); break;  // Y f = f (Y f)

Top-level: Cheat! Forget theory, use memory addresses.

factorialExample = [r|
= Factorial =


fac n = if 1 < n then n * fac (n - 1) else 1

Scott encoding; Y combinator:

fac = Y \x n -> (1 < n) (n * x (n - 1)) 1

Bracket abstraction:

fac = Y(B(R 1)(B(S((<) 1))(B(S (*))(R(R 1 (-)) B))))

factorialExample2 = [r|
= Recursion Remystified =

Fun: translate back to Haskell!

import Data.Function
r = flip flip
pred2 p a1 a2 = if p a1 a2 then const else const id

fac = fix $ r 1 . (pred2(<)1<*>) . ((*)<*>) . (r(r 1(-))(.))

theta = [r|
= History is messy =

First published fixed-point combinator was Turing 1937. Want:

\Theta y = y (\Theta y)


\Theta' x y = y (x x y)

Solution is \(\Theta = \Theta' \Theta'\):

\Theta &=& (\lambda x y . y(x x y))(\lambda x y . y(x x y)) \\
       &=& (\lambda x . x x) (\lambda x y . y(x x y)) \\

ioccc = [r|
= Into IOCCC: squeezing Haskell into 4k =

"Most functional compiler" of 26th International Obfuscated C Code Contest (2019)

Size restrictions: at most 2053 tokens, at most 4096 bytes.

No GC. No types. No operator precedence. No layout. Fussy case expressions.

Compiler in Haskell, compiled to combinators. VM and decoder in C.

Exploit tokenization rules: encode data in whitespace, braces, and semicolons.

Huffman-encode combinators, base-85 to avoid high-bit chars.

copypasta = [r|
= Copy and paste you a compiler! =

* bracket abstraction: Kiselyov 2018, _&lambda; to SKI, Semantically_
* type checking: Jones 1999, _Typing Haskell in Haskell_
* type classes: Peterson and Jones 1993, _Implementing type classes_
* parsing combinators: Swierstra 2008, _Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial_
* Scott encoding, primitives: Naylor and Runciman 2012, _The Reduceron reconfigured and re-evaluated_
* lambda lifting, strongly connected components: Peyton Jones 1987, _The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages_
* big integers: Knuth, _The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2_

&#x1F9E0; Brain only needed for combinator-reducing VM.

haskellForMe = [r|
= Haskell For Me =

(a,b,c) means (a,(b,c)); one instance handles all tuples.

`Ring` typeclass. Gaussian integers for 2D games.

built-in raw string quasiquotes.

empty lambda `\ -> foo` means 'foo`.

`BlockArguments LambdaCase TupleSections LexicalNegation ...`

non-dreadful: let not generalized + no monomorphism restriction.

Act III: Plot Twists

selfHost1 = [r|
= Self-Hosting Compiler 1/5 =


or f g x y = f x (g x y);
and f g x y = @C f y (g x y);
lsteq = @Y \r xs ys a b -> xs (ys a (\u u -> b)) (\x xt -> ys b (\y yt -> x(y(@=)) (r xt yt a b) b));
pair x y f = f x y;
just x f g = g x;
foldr = @Y \r c n l -> l n (\h t -> c h(r c n t));
append = @C (foldr @:);

syntax tree = lambda term

-- data LC = Raw Char | Var String | App LC LC | Lam String LC
lcr s   = \a b c d -> a s;
lcv v   = \a b c d -> b v;
lca x y = \a b c d -> c x y;
lcl x y = \a b c d -> d x y;


selfHost2 = [r|
= Self-Hosting Compiler 2/5 =

parser combinators

pure x inp = just (pair x inp);
sat f inp = inp @K (\h t -> f h (pure h t) @K);
bind f m = m @K (\x -> x f);
ap x y = \inp -> bind (\a t -> bind (\b u -> pure (a b) u) (y t)) (x inp);
fmap f x = ap (pure f) x;
alt x y = \inp -> (x inp) (y inp) just;
liftaa f x y = ap (fmap f x) y;
many = @Y \r p -> alt (liftaa @: p (r p)) (pure @K);
some p = liftaa @: p (many p);
char c = sat (\x -> x(c(@=)));
liftki = liftaa (@K @I);
liftk = liftaa @K;

selfHost3 = [r|
= Self-Hosting Compiler 3/5 =


com = liftki (char #-) (liftki (char #-) (liftki (many (sat (\c -> @C (c(#
(@=)))))) (char #
sp = many (alt (sat (\c -> or (c(# (@=))) (c(#
(@=))))) com);
spc f = liftk f sp;
spch = @B spc char;
var = spc ( some (sat (\x -> and (#z(x(@L))) (x(#a(@L))) )));
anyone = fmap (@C @: @K) (spc (sat (@K @K)));
pre = alt (liftki (char #@) anyone) (liftaa @: (char ##) anyone);

selfHost4 = [r|
= Self-Hosting Compiler 4/5 =


lam r = liftki (spch #\) (liftaa (@C (foldr lcl)) (some var) (liftki (char #-) (liftki (spch #>) r)));
atom r = alt (alt (alt (liftki (spch #() (liftk r (spch #)))) (lam r)) (fmap lcr pre)) (fmap lcv var);
apps = @Y \rr r -> alt (liftaa @T (atom r) (fmap (\vs v x -> vs (lca x v)) (rr r))) (pure @I);
expr = @Y \r -> liftaa @T (atom r) (apps r);

def = liftaa pair var (liftaa (@C (foldr lcl)) (many var) (liftki (spch #=) expr));
program = liftki sp (some (liftk def (spch #;)));

selfHost5 = [r|
= Self-Hosting Compiler 5/5 =

bracket abstraction, symbol table, show

rank ds v = foldr (\d t -> lsteq v (d @K) (\n -> @: #@ (@: n @K)) (@B t \n -> # (#!(@-))(n(@+)) )) (@K v) ds # ;
show = @Y \r ds t -> t @I (rank ds) (\x y -> @:#`(append (r ds x) (r ds y))) @?;
isfree = @Y(\r v t -> t (\x -> @K @I) (\x -> lsteq v x) (\x y -> or (r v x) (r v y)) (\x y -> @C (or (lsteq v x) (@C (r v y)))));
unlam = @Y(\r v t -> isfree v t (t @? (@K (lcr (@:#I@K))) (\x y -> lca (lca (lcv (@:#S@K)) (r v x)) (r v y)) @?) (lca (lcv (@:#K@K)) t));
babs = @Y(\r t -> t lcr lcv (\x y -> lca (r x) (r y)) (\x y -> unlam x (r y)));
dump = @Y \r tab ds -> ds @K \h t -> append (show tab (babs (h (@K @I)))) (@: #; (r tab t));
main s = program s (@:#?@K) (@B (\ds -> dump ds ds) (@T @K));

selfHostOut = [r|
= VM Bytecode =

;`@-``@*`@&``S``S`K@ ``SI`K`# =``SI`K`#
=@2;``S``S`K@1I`K@3;``B@4@/;``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`KS``S`KK``S`KS``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`KCI`KI`K``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI;`@4`@.`@&``S``S`K@6``S`K#z``SI`KL``SI`K`#aL;``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`SI``S`KKI;``S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`SI``S`KKI;``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`KS``S`K`SI``S`KKI`K``S`KKI;``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`KS``S`K`SI``S`KKI`K``S`KKI;``@)``C:K`@4`@&`KK;``@*``@0`@/#@@<```@,:`@/##@<;``S`K`@0`@5#\``S`K``@,`C`@+@;`@.@7``S`K`@0`@/#-``S`K`@0`@5#>I;``S``S`K@*``S``S`K@*``S``S`K@*``S`K`@0`@5#(``S``S`K@1I`K`@5#)``S`K@>I`K``@)@8@=`K``@)@9@7;`Y``S``S`KS``S`K`S`K@*``S`K`S``S`K`@,T``S`K@?I``S`K`S`K`@)``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`KS``S`KKI`K``S`K`S``S`K@:I``S`KKI``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`K`@%I;`Y``S``S`K`@,T``S`K@?I``S`K@@I;```@,@#@7```@,`C`@+@;`@-@7``@0`@5#=@A;``@0@3`@.``@1@B`@5#;;``S``S`KS``S`K`S``S``S`K@+``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@!I`K``SI`KK`K`K``S`K`:#@``S``S`K:I`KK`K`K``S``S`KBI`K``S`K`# `#!-``SI`K+``S`KKI``S`KKI`K`K# ;`Y``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S``S`KS``S`K`S``SI`KI``S`KK``S`K@DI``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K`S`K`:#```S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K@"``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI`K`K`K?;`Y``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S``S`KS``S`K`S``SI`K`K`KI``S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@!I`KI``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K@ ``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K`S`KC``S`K`S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K@ ``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@!I`KI``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`KC``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI;`Y``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S``S`KS``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@FI`KI``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S``S``SI`K?`K`K`@8``:#IK``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K@:``S`K`S`K`S`K`@:`@9``:#SK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI`K`K`K?`K`K``S`K`@:`@9``:#KKI;`Y``S``S`KS``S`K`S``S``SI`K@8`K@9``S`KK``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K@:``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI``S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI``S`KK``S`K`S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@GI``S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI;`Y``S`K`S`K`S``SI`KK``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K@"``S``S`KS``S`KK``S`K@EI`K``S`K@H``SI`K`KI``S`K`S`KK``S`K`S`K`S`K`:#;``S``S`KS``S`K`S`KS``S`K`S`KK``S``S`KS``S`KKI`KI`K`KI;``S``S``S`K@CI`K``:#?K`K``B``S``S`K@III`TK;

predDemo = do
  s <- getContents
  case parse (space *> hol <* eof) s of
    Left err -> jsEval $ "document.getElementById('unandliveOut').innerText = `" ++ err ++ "`;"
    Right x -> do
      jsEval $ "document.getElementById('unandliveTex').innerText = " ++ show ("\\(" ++ texShow 0 x "\\)") ++ ";"
      jsEval $ "document.getElementById('unandliveOut').innerText = `" ++ nandShow (shareUnandify x) "" ++ "`;"

widgetReveal = [r|
= Live Magic Show! =

Compile VM to wasm: run Haskell on web

Canned examples? No! Really can pick any formula.

<button id="unandliveSocrates">Socrates</button>
<button id="unandliveRobbins">Robbins</button>
<button id="unandliveFool">Fool</button>
<button id="unandliveEqual">Equal</button>
<textarea id="unandlive" rows="2" style="width:90%;" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<button id="unandliveGo">Go!</button>
<p class="center" id="unandliveTex"></p>
<pre id="unandliveOut"></pre>
<div class="widget">
const ta = document.getElementById("unandlive");
document.getElementById("unandliveGo").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
  document.getElementById("unandliveTex").innerHTML = "";
  document.getElementById("unandliveOut").innerHTML = "";
  tedea(run("eval_expr", ["Main", "predDemo"], ta.value).out);
document.getElementById("unandliveSocrates").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
ta.value="(forall x . Man x => Mortal x) * Man Socrates => Mortal Socrates";
document.getElementById("unandliveRobbins").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
ta.value="~(~(a+b)+~(a+~b)) <=> a";
document.getElementById("unandliveFool").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
ta.value="(forall x . exists t . Fool x t)*(exists x . forall t . Fool x t)*~(forall x . forall t . Fool x t)";
document.getElementById("unandliveEqual").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
ta.value="forall x.forall y.forall z.f x x * (f x y => f y x) * (f x y * f y z => f x z)";

compilerReveal = [r|
= Live Compiler Show! =

Compile VM to wasm: run Haskell compiler on web

<textarea id="repl" rows="5" style="width:90%;" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<button id="replGo">Go!</button>
<pre id="replOut">
<div class="widget">
const ta = document.getElementById("repl");
document.getElementById("replGo").addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
document.getElementById("replOut").innerText = tedea(run("chat", ["Main"], ta.value).out);


slideReveal = [r|
= Live Slide Show! =

This webpage:

  * loads a Haskell compiler wasm binary.
  * then compiles + runs slideshow written in Haskell.


* HTML markup tool
* formula parsers
* NAND rewriter
* bracket abstraction

Bubble VM page is similar.


bootstrap = [r|
= Bootstrapping a compiler =

Hard &#x1F414; &#x1F95A; problem.

ghc = runBinary ghc ghcSource

Fixed-point combinator?

ghc = fix $ flip runBinary ghcSource`

Finds superficial solution `undefined` (the _least fixed point_).

Must do real work e.g. start from combinator VM in C:

$ cc compiler0.c -o compiler0
$ ./compiler0 < compiler1.hs > compiler1
$ ./compiler1 < compiler2.hs > compiler2

bootstrapGame = [r|
= Bootstrapping Haskell Game =

Goal: self-hosting Haskell compiler, starting from C (assembly?)

Zachlike + Minecraft + Factorio + ...

ACM contest conditions? Books and papers allowed but must type all code?

Must preserve entire chain of compilers.

bootTips = [r|
= Speedrunning tips =

Parser combinators rock!

Tree decoration problem (_Trees That Grow_): hold nose, use one-size-fits-all.

Pattern matching: start with simple slow version, then write faster version.

Off-side rule (layout), do notation: support earlier than I did; easy with parser combinators

IO monad, standalone compiler: I was too eager to add these.

Fixity: separate fixity-fixing phase; my intermediate "simplified" hack was painful.

Modules: should have thought about it earlier!

deBruijnMagic = [r|
= Bonus Magic =

Pick a lambda term, any lamba term.

\lambda f . f (\lambda x y z . x z (y z)) (\lambda a b c . a)

Watch closely... &#x1FA84;

\lambda 0 (\lambda \lambda \lambda 2 0 (1 0)) (\lambda \lambda \lambda 2)

Names have disappeared!

Replaced with level of nesting: _De Bruijn index_

deBruijnMagic2 = [r|
= Lambda without lambda =

What does a lambda-less sub-term mean?

x z (y z)

Adding 6 lambdas in different order: different meanings

\lambda a b c x y z . x z (y z) \ne \lambda y a z b x c . x z (y z)

Adding 6 &lambda;s to 20(10):

\lambda \lambda \lambda \lambda \lambda \lambda 2 0 (1 0)

This term has a unique meaning.

kiselyovAmalg = [r|
= Puzzle =

Write \(n \models d\) for \(\lambda ... \lambda d (n-1) ... 0\), e.g:

3 \models BK = \lambda \lambda \lambda B K 2 1 0

\(\amalg\) means we apply one such term to another, while sharing their lambdas, e.g:

3 \models X \amalg 2 \models Y =
\lambda \lambda \lambda X 2 1 0 (Y 1 0)

How to write with combinators?

kiselyovAmalg2 = [r|

Use B R S:

  0 \models d_1 \amalg 0 \models d_2 &=& d_1 d_2 \\
  n_1 + 1 \models d_1 \amalg 0 \models d_2 &=& 0 \models R d_2 \amalg n_1 \models d_1 \\
  0 \models d_1 \amalg n_2 + 1 \models d_2 &=& 0 \models B d_1 \amalg n_2 \models d_2 \\
  n_1 + 1 \models d_1 \amalg n_2 + 1 \models d_2 &=& n_1 \models (0 \models S \amalg n_1 \models d_1) \amalg n_2 \models d_2

Solution to example:

3 \models X \amalg 2 \models Y = RY(BS(B(BS)X))


kiselyovMain = [r|
= Kiselyov bracket abstraction =

Write De Bruijn index as Peano number. Turns out this works:

\newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\lceil #1 \rceil}
\begin{array}{c c l}
\ceil{z} &=& 1 \models I \\
\ceil{s e} &=& n + 1 \models (0 \models K \amalg n \models d) \\
\ceil{\lambda e} &=&
    \begin{array}{ c l }
      0 \models K d & \quad \textrm{if } n = 0 \\
      n - 1 \models d & \quad \textrm{otherwise}
  \right. \\
\ceil{e_1 e_2} &=& \max(n_1, n_2) \models (n_1 \models d_1 \amalg n_2 \models d_2)

n \models d = \ceil{e} \\
n_1 \models d_1 = \ceil{e_1} \\
n_2 \models d_2 = \ceil{e_2}

Summary: De Bruijn and clever recursion turns lambdas into combinators.

Other algorithms analyze variable names.

Let it slide

data Slide = Slide
  { desc :: String
  , exits :: [(String, Slide)]

mustSlide s = Slide (bloat dom "") [] where Right dom = parse (space *> tops) s

mustLookup x y = maybe undefined id $ lookup x y

mkSlides dir xs = foldr (\(Slide d e) next -> Slide d $ (dir, next):e) (last xs) $ init xs

main = do
  presoRef <- newIORef $ mkSlides "R" $ mustSlide <$>
    [ cover
    , boolMagic
    , sheffer
    , sharing
    , predMagic
    , predSecret
    , varless
    , varlessSecret1
    , varlessSecret2
    , skk
    , skAlgorithm
    , eliminateU
    , lastCombinator
    , justTrees
    , combsummary
    , bricks
    , timeline1
    , timeline2
    , scanfinkel
    , fastforward
    , combobreak
    , twoMinutes
    , intocomb
    , intolamb
    , scottencoding
    , scottencoding2
    , scottencoding3
    , mutrec1
    , mutrec2
    , recursion1
    , recursion2
    , recursion3
    , fixedpoint
    , theta
    , ycompile
    , factorialExample
    , factorialExample2
    , bootstrap
    , widgetReveal
    , compilerReveal
    , slideReveal
    , copypasta
    , selfHost1
    , selfHost2
    , selfHost3
    , selfHost4
    , selfHost5
    , selfHostOut
    , deBruijnMagic
    , deBruijnMagic2
    , kiselyovAmalg
    , kiselyovAmalg2
    , kiselyovMain
    , haskellForMe
    , bootstrapGame
    , bootTips
    , ioccc
    addExit dir y (Slide d es) = Slide d $ (dir, y):es
    dispatch "look" _ = putStr . desc =<< readIORef presoRef
    dispatch "left"  _ = nav "R" "L"
    dispatch "right" _ = nav "L" "R"
    nav from to = do
      x@(Slide _ es) <- readIORef presoRef
      case lookup to es of
        Just y -> writeIORef presoRef $ addExit from x y
        _ -> pure ()
  setGlobal do
    f:as <- words <$> getContents
    dispatch f as
  pure ()

io = global >>= id