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Glastonbury Tor is the legendary site of Avalon in Arthurian legends. It is 156 m (500 ft) high and has a great view of the surrounding countryside. The Chalice Well is located at the bottom of the tor, where the Holy Grail is supposed to be have been placed. The church at the top of the tor is dedicated to St Michael. It was under renovation when I visited. Glastonbury Abbey is near the tor and was built in the 7th century. It is reputed to be the burial place of King Arthur and Guinevere. The official site has more information on its myths and legends.

Glastonbury Tor Panoramic Views

Panoramas from the top of the tor.


Glastonbury Tor

Other photographs taken on the tor.




Glastonbury Abbey

The abbey was closed by the time we got there but we managed to take a look around the grounds.



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