{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable #-}
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.List (nub, transpose)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
type Parser = Parsec () String
data ExpF a = C String | V a | ExpF a :@ ExpF a deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Show)
type VarId = String
type Exp = ExpF VarId
type Subst = [(VarId, Exp)];
apply :: Subst -> Exp -> Exp
apply sub t = case t of
a :@ b -> apply sub a :@ apply sub b
V v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub
_ -> t
mgu :: Exp -> Exp -> Subst -> [Subst]
mgu t u sub = case (apply sub t, apply sub u) of
(C a, C b) | a == b -> [sub]
(V a, V b) | a == b -> [sub]
(V a, x) -> varBind a x
(x, V a) -> varBind a x
(x1 :@ y1, x2 :@ y2) -> mgu x1 x2 sub >>= mgu y1 y2
_ -> []
varBind v t = if elem v t then [] else
[(v, t):map (second $ apply [(v, t)]) sub]
Logic Programming
So far, substitutions have been a means to an end. Once we found the most general unifier, we discarded any work we did along the way.
This time, the substitutions take center stage. We start with our trusty mgu
In the past, we applied substitutions before calling mgu
. Here, we pass in
substitutions and mgu
applies them on our behalf, so we can easily try out
different substitutions on the same term.
Instead of a Maybe Subst
we return a list of 0 or 1 substitutions.
Who’s your daddy?
We define a simple grammar for parsing Exp
fact :: Parser Exp
fact = apps where
apps = foldl1 (:@) <$> some
(con <|> var <|> between (spch '(') (spch ')') apps)
con = C <$> sp ((:) <$> (digitChar <|> lowerChar) <*> many alphaNumChar)
var = V <$> sp ((:) <$> upperChar <*> many alphaNumChar)
sp = (<* many (char ' '))
spch = sp . char
mustFact :: String -> Exp
mustFact = either undefined id . parse fact ""
Suppose we are told alfred
is a parent of aethelflaed
, and then we are
asked for a parent of aethelflaed
. We can answer this query via unification:
exampleTrivial = mgu fact q [] where
fact = mustFact "parent alfred aethelflaed"
q = mustFact "parent X aethelflaed"
[[("X",C "alfred")]]
Let’s build on this simple idea.
Do you know where your children are?
Given multiple facts, we can find all that unify with a given query:
births :: [Exp]
births = mustFact <$>
[ "parent alfred aethelflaed"
, "parent aethelflaed aelfwynn"
, "parent alfred edward"
, "parent edward aethelstan"
, "parent edward edmund"
, "parent edward eadred"
, "parent edmund eadwig"
, "parent edmund edgar"
exampleMultiple = concat [mgu p q [] | p <- births]
where q = mustFact "parent edward X"
[[("X",C "aethelstan")],[("X",C "edmund")],[("X",C "eadred")]]
Grand slam
We extend our system so a predicate depends on any number of other predicates:
type Rule = [Exp]
rule :: Parser Rule
rule = (:) <$> fact <*> (option [] (sp (string ":-") *> sepBy1 fact (spch ',')))
mustRule :: String -> Rule
mustRule = either undefined id . parse rule ""
grand :: [Rule]
grand = mustRule "grandparent A B :- parent A X, parent X B" :
((:[]) <$> births)
The births
are predicates which are unconditionally true because they have no
dependencies, while grandparent A B
is true only if we can unfiy parent A X
with a true predicate and unify parent X B
with a true predicate.
We find all solutions with a depth-first search:
dfs :: [Rule] -> Exp -> Subst -> [Subst]
dfs rules q sub = concat [f t =<< mgu h q sub | (h:t) <- rules]
f xs s' = case xs of
[] -> [s']
(x:xt) -> f xt =<< dfs rules x s'
exampleGrand = dfs grand (mustFact "grandparent alfred Y") []
[[("Y",C "aelfwynn"),("X",C "aethelflaed"),("B",V "Y"),("A",C "alfred")], [("Y",C "aethelstan"),("X",C "edward"),("B",V "Y"),("A",C "alfred")], [("Y",C "edmund"),("X",C "edward"),("B",V "Y"),("A",C "alfred")], [("Y",C "eadred"),("X",C "edward"),("B",V "Y"),("A",C "alfred")]]
Keep it fresh
In our previous example, we had to carefully chose distinct variable names. It makes more sense for variables to be scoped to the rule in which they appear. This makes the language friendlier, and also allows recursive rules.
We’ll achieve this by automatically generating fresh variables each time we encounter a rule. But first, we break down our search for substitutions into easily digestible pieces.
The design of our code is similar to
the basic
parser combinators described by Swierstra, or the readS a
type from the base
library: a function taking a string and returning the list of possible ways to
parse the beginning of the input string along with the unparsed remainder.
We define a "predicate combinator" Pred
to be a function taking an Env
consisting of the substitutions required so far and a stream of integers
representing unused variables and returning all Env
values that satisfy the
type Env = (Subst, [Int])
type Pred = Env -> [Env]
pristine :: Env
pristine = ([], [0..])
The only Pred
we can build from scratch is one that attempts to unify two
given expressions:
(~~) :: Exp -> Exp -> Pred
s ~~ t = \(sub, vs) -> [(s', vs) | s' <- mgu s t sub]
Otherwise we build a Pred
value from existing Pred
values or indirectly
calling (~~)
fresh :: (Exp -> Pred) -> Pred
fresh f = \(sub, v:vs) -> f (V $ '_':show v) (sub, vs)
(\/!) :: Pred -> Pred -> Pred
(\/!) x y e = x e <> y e
(/\!) :: Pred -> Pred -> Pred
(/\!) x y e = x e >>= y
nono :: Pred -> Pred
nono x e = if null $ x e then [e] else []
Our depth-first search becomes:
dfs' rules q = fst <$> f q pristine where
f q = foldr1 (\/!)
$ foldr1 (/\!) . zipWith ($) ((q ~~):repeat f) <$> rules
exampleGrand' = dfs' grand $ mustFact "grandparent alfred Y"
However, we want fresh variables:
varsOf :: Rule -> [VarId]
varsOf = nub . concatMap (foldr (:) [])
pretty :: Foldable t => t VarId -> Env -> Subst
pretty q (subs, _) = map (second $ apply subs)
$ filter (\(v, _) -> elem v q) subs
prolog :: [Rule] -> Exp -> [Subst]
prolog rules q = pretty q <$> f q pristine where
f q = foldr1 (\/!)
[refresh [] (varsOf r) $ zip ((q ~~):repeat f) r | r <- rules]
refresh sub vs zs = case vs of
[] -> foldr1 (/\!) $ map (\(f, x) -> f $ apply sub x) zs
(v:vt) -> fresh \w -> refresh ((v, w):sub) vt zs
We called the function prolog
because it mimics the logical part of Prolog.
We’ve also taken this opportunity to clean up the output. We only print
substitutions for variables in the query, and we fully apply all substitutions.
We test a classic example:
anc :: [Rule]
anc =
mustRule "ancestor A B :- parent A B"
: mustRule "ancestor A B :- parent A X, ancestor X B"
: grand
exampleAnc = prolog anc $ mustFact "ancestor X eadwig"
[[("X",C "edmund")],[("X",C "alfred")],[("X",C "edward")]]
Out of our depth
The following bitty
predicate matches all bitstrings of all lengths:
bitty = mustRule <$>
[ "bitty end"
, "bitty (0 X) :- bitty X"
, "bitty (1 X) :- bitty X"
But when we look for them, we only see 0s:
exampleBitty = take 5 $ prolog bitty $ mustFact "bitty X"
[[("X",C "end")], [("X",C "0" :@ C "end")], [("X",C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ C "end"))], [("X",C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ C "end")))], [("X",C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ (C "0" :@ C "end"))))]]
Here, depth-first search never tires of the first branch it explores, because
it contains infinite matches.
Surprisingly, by simply replacing concat
with a function that interleaves two
lists, the depth-first search gains elements of a breadth-first search in the
way it it backtracks.
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs
(\/) :: Pred -> Pred -> Pred
(\/) x y e = x e `interleave` y e
(/\) :: Pred -> Pred -> Pred
(/\) x y e = foldr interleave [] $ map y (x e)
prolog' :: [Rule] -> Exp -> [Subst]
prolog' rules q = pretty q <$> f q pristine where
f q = foldr1 (\/) $ (\r -> refresh [] (varsOf r) $ zip ((q ~~):repeat f) r) <$> rules
refresh sub vs zs = case vs of
[] -> foldr1 (/\) $ map (\(f, x) -> f $ apply sub x) zs
(v:vt) -> fresh \w -> refresh ((v, w):sub) vt zs
Our search now reaches any given bitstring:
exampleBitty' = take 5 $ prolog' bitty $ mustFact "bitty X"
[[("X",C "end")], [("X",C "1" :@ C "end")], [("X",C "0" :@ C "end")], [("X",C "1" :@ (C "1" :@ C "end"))], [("X",C "0" :@ (C "1" :@ C "end"))]]
A cute trick is to define interleave
interleave xs ys = concat $ transpose [xs, ys]
More generally, the function transpose
can interleave multiple lists, which
suggests the following variation with even more emphasis on breadth over depth:
disj :: [Pred] -> Pred
disj xs e = concat . transpose $ map ($ e) xs
conj :: [Pred] -> Pred
conj = foldr1 \x y e -> concat . transpose $ map y (x e)
prolog'' :: [Rule] -> Exp -> [Subst]
prolog'' rules q = pretty q <$> f q pristine where
f q = disj $ (\r -> refresh [] (varsOf r) $ zip ((q ~~):repeat f) r) <$> rules
refresh sub vs zs = case vs of
[] -> conj $ map (\(f, x) -> f $ apply sub x) zs
(v:vt) -> fresh \w -> refresh ((v, w):sub) vt zs
Predicate combinators
Just as we mix and match parser combinators to build parsers, we can mix and match the above functions to build logic programs. For example, the following finds all pairs of lists that concatenate to [3, 1]:
appendo :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Pred
appendo x y z =
((x ~~ C "nil") /\ (y ~~ z))
\/ fresh \h -> fresh \xt -> fresh \zt ->
(x ~~ (C "cons" :@ h :@ xt))
/\ (z ~~ (C "cons" :@ h :@ zt))
/\ appendo xt y zt
exampleAppendo = pretty ["X", "Y"] <$>
appendo (V "X") (V "Y") (mustFact "cons 3 (cons 1 nil)") pristine
[[("Y",(C "cons" :@ C "3") :@ ((C "cons" :@ C "1") :@ C "nil")),("X",C "nil")], [("Y",(C "cons" :@ C "1") :@ C "nil"),("X",(C "cons" :@ C "3") :@ C "nil")], [("Y",C "nil"),("X",(C "cons" :@ C "3") :@ ((C "cons" :@ C "1") :@ C "nil"))]]
Prolog forever
To perform true breadth-first search, we define a variant of Pred
that takes an
to a stream of lists of possible Env
values that satisfy the predicate.
All solutions in the same list have the same cost. The nth list holds all
solutions of cost n.
type PredB = Env -> [[Env]]
The unification predicate costs nothing:
(~~~) :: Exp -> Exp -> PredB
s ~~~ t = \(sub, vs) -> [[(s', vs) | s' <- mgu s t sub]]
Disjunction concatenates all solutions with the same cost:
mct = map concat . transpose
disB :: [PredB] -> PredB
disB xs e = mct $ ($ e) <$> xs
To form the conjunction of f
and g
, we order the solutions of f
cost, then solve each one of them for g
, adding in the cost of solving f
before ordering them. We add a cost of 1 to everything by prepending an empty
list of solutions, which indicates there are no solutions of cost 0.
Conceptually, we want:
\f g e -> [[], mct $ zipWith (++) (inits $ repeat []) $ mct . map g <$> f e]
This only works for finite cases, because we may wind up concatenating an
infinite list of []
. We know this does nothing, but the code doesn’t! We
instead explicitly limit concatenation, resulting in something like a discrete
convolution applied to many lists:
andB :: PredB -> PredB -> PredB
andB f g e = [] : map concat (conv [] $ mct . map g <$> f e) where
conv acc xs = case xs of
[] -> transpose acc
(xsh:xst) -> hs : conv (xsh : ts) xst
(hs, ts) = unzip [(h, t) | h:t <- acc]
conB :: [PredB] -> PredB
conB = foldr1 andB
Generating a fresh variable remains the same, and with that, we have a Prolog that performs breadth-first search:
freshB :: (Exp -> PredB) -> PredB
freshB f = \(sub, v:vs) -> f (V $ '_':show v) (sub, vs)
prologB :: [Rule] -> Exp -> [Subst]
prologB rules q = pretty q <$> concat (f q pristine) where
f q = disB $ (\r -> refresh [] (varsOf r) $ zip ((q ~~~):repeat f) r) <$> rules
refresh sub vs zs = case vs of
[] -> conB $ map (\(f, x) -> f $ apply sub x) zs
(v:vt) -> freshB \w -> refresh ((v, w):sub) vt zs
Poorly written recursive rules in Prolog can get trapped in depth-first search. Breadth-first search is more tolerant:
wrong :: [Rule]
wrong =
mustRule "ancestor A B :- parent A B"
: mustRule "ancestor A B :- ancestor X B, parent A X"
: grand
exampleWrong = prologB wrong $ mustFact "ancestor X eadwig"
The code still runs forever, but at least it finds all solutions:
[[("X",C "edmund")],[("X",C "edward")],[("X",C "alfred")]
Putting the output of a Pred
in a singleton list to gives us a PredB
Thus we can mix in our other functions and combine different search strategies.
Program synthesis
We employ breadth-first search to find combinatory logic programs F
satisfying F x y = y
step :: Exp -> Exp -> PredB
step lhs rhs = freshB \x -> freshB \y -> freshB \z -> disB
[ conB [lhs ~~~ (C "k" :@ x :@ y) , rhs ~~~ x]
, conB [lhs ~~~ (C "t" :@ x :@ y) , rhs ~~~ (y :@ x)]
, conB [lhs ~~~ (C "s" :@ x :@ y :@ z), rhs ~~~ (x :@ z :@ (y :@ z))]
, conB [lhs ~~~ (C "b" :@ x :@ y :@ z), rhs ~~~ (x :@ (y :@ z))]
, conB [lhs ~~~ (C "c" :@ x :@ y :@ z), rhs ~~~ (x :@ z :@ y)]
, conB [lhs ~~~ (x :@ z), rhs ~~~ (y:@ z), step x y]
cl :: Exp -> Exp -> PredB
cl lhs rhs = disB
[ step lhs rhs
, freshB \x -> conB [step lhs x, cl x rhs]
elemConst :: String -> Exp -> Bool
elemConst s t = case t of
C s' | s == s' -> True
a :@ b -> elemConst s a || elemConst s b
_ -> False
exampleCL = filter (\[(_, t)] -> not (elemConst "y" t)) $ pretty ["F"] <$>
concat (cl (mustFact "F x y") (mustFact "y") pristine)
[[("F",C "s" :@ C "k")], [("F",C "c" :@ C "k")], [("F",C "k" :@ ((C "s" :@ C "k") :@ V "_9"))], [("F",C "k" :@ ((C "c" :@ C "k") :@ V "_12"))], [("F",(C "b" :@ (C "s" :@ C "k")) :@ V "_5")], [("F",(C "b" :@ (C "c" :@ C "k")) :@ V "_5")], [("F",C "s" :@ (C "c" :@ (C "s" :@ C "k")))], [("F",C "s" :@ (C "c" :@ (C "c" :@ C "k")))], [("F",C "c" :@ (C "c" :@ (C "s" :@ C "k")))], [("F",C "c" :@ (C "c" :@ (C "c" :@ C "k")))], [("F",(C "k" :@ (C "s" :@ C "k")) :@ V "_8")], ...
The solution to confusion is substitution
Long ago, I was underwhelmed by Prolog. Introductory examples suggested I could declare facts and rules, then watch the computer magically answer my queries. This was true, up to a point. But past this point, the programmer is forced to peek under the hood, where it turns out a mundane depth-first search is running the show.
We can break free of its limitations with "extra-logical" features such as
. Understanding side
effects even lets us perform breadth-first searches. I admire the ingenuity,
but why not use a conventional language if I must muck with low-level details
I’m happy that modern logic programming seems more principled. Answer set programming (ASP) really does magically answer queries after logical facts and rules are declared. Instead of depth-first search, it uses state-of-the-art SAT-solver techniques.
Researchers are also tidying up by investigating, for example, how types can help, or how to apply equational reasoning.
Seres' thesis on
the algebra of logic programming features multiple search strategies using
what we called "predicate combinators". The miniKanren
language family seems similar. We took our appendo
example from a miniKanren
Edward Kmett’s talk on Guanxi contains good references and applications. My initial impression is he is combining all of the above: speedy SAT-solving techniques coupled with a set of building blocks for rich data structures such as abstract syntax trees.
My starting point was the paper on microKanren, which uses a Lisp-like language. I found simplifications thanks to Haskell’s lazy evaluation, and list monad (only to discover later these improvements were well-known). On the other hand, Lisp’s homoiconicity is certainly seductive.
The literature mentions monads frequently (there’s even a
LogicT monad transformer) but I
shied away; I’m apprehensive about committing to particular choices for (<|>)
and (>>=)