CS155: Homework #1
Spring 2018
Due: Thursday, Apr. 26, 11:59pm
Submission instructions: Submissions must be typed and submitted via Gradescope. Please start each problem on a new page, and verify that your pages are correctly tagged.
Problem 1: jump-oriented programming
Elizabeth is attacking a buggy application. She has found a vulnerability that allows her to control the values of the registers ecx, edx, and eip, and also allows her to control the contents of memory locations 0x9000 to 0x9014. She wants to use return-oriented programming, but discovers that the application was compiled without any ret instructions! Nonetheless, by analyzing the application, she learns that the application has the following code fragments (gadgets) in memory:
0x3000: add edx, 4 ; edx = edx + 4 jmp [edx] ; jump to *edx 0x4000: add edx, 4 ; edx = edx + 4 mov eax, [edx] ; eax = *edx jmp ecx ; jump to ecx 0x5000: mov ebx, eax ; ebx = eax jmp ecx ; jump to ecx 0x6000: mov [eax], ebx ; *eax = ebx ... ; don't worry about what happens after this
Show how Elizabeth can set the values of the registers and memory so that the vulnerable application writes the value 0x2222 to memory address 0x8888. Provide your answer in the following two tables. No explanation is necessary.
Recall that eip is the instruction pointer. It holds the address of the next instruction to execute. ecx and edx are general purpose registers.
Problem 2: debugging a setuid root program
When running a setuid root program under the GDB debugger, the program does not run with root privileges. Consider a patch to the Linux kernel that makes it so that if a user debugs a setuid root program with GDB, the program being debugged runs with root privileges. Is this safe? If so, explain why. If not, describe an attack that is made possible by this change.
Problem 3: memory management
The iOS _MALLOC(size_t size, int type, int flags) function allocates size bytes on the heap. Internally blocks are represented as a length field followed by a data field:
struct _mhead { size_t mlen; char dat[0]; }The mlen field is used by the free() function to determine how much space needs to be freed. In iOS 4.x the _MALLOC function was implemented as follows:
1 void * _MALLOC(size_t size, int type, int flags) { 2 struct _mhead *hdr; 3 size_t memsize = sizeof (*hdr) + size; 4 hdr = (void *)kalloc(memsize); // allocate memory 5 hdr->mlen = memsize; 6 return (hdr->dat); 7 }In iOS 5.x the following two lines were added after line 3:
int o = memsize < size ? 1 : 0; if (o) return (NULL);Why were these lines added in iOS5.x? Briefly describe an attack that may be possible without these lines.
Problem 4: Unix access control
In Unix, every process has a real user id (ruid), an effective user id (euid), and a saved user id (suid). Processes with an euid of 0 have special root privileges.- If a process with user id n forks to create another process, what user id does the new process have? (Hint: it's the same answer for euid, ruid, and suid.)
If a process with euid n makes a setuid system call, what possible
euids can the process run with after the call, in each of the following situations:
- Before: euid = n > 0, saved user id suid=m and real user id ruid = m. After:?
- Before: n=0 After:?
- In qmail, most modules run under separate user ids. Similarly, each Android application runs in a separate process using a separate user id. From a security standpoint, what is the advantage of assigning separate uids instead of using the same uid for all? Explain.
- The Android zygote process that creates new processes runs as root. After forking to create a new process, setuid is normally called. Explain what uid the new process has initially and why it is important to call setuid? What security purpose does this serve?
When a Unix user wishes to change her password, she uses the passwd program.
The Unix password file is usually public readable but (for obvious reasons)
can only be written by processes with root privileges.
- How should the setuid bit be set on this passwd program? Explain how this lets a user change her password.
- Why does this make it important to write the passwd program source code carefully?
Problem 5: race-conditions
Consider the following code snippet:if (!stat("./file.dat", buf)) return; // abort if file exists sleep(10); // sleep for 10 seconds fp = fopen("./file.dat", "w" ); // open file for write fprintf(fp, "Hello world" ); close(fp);
- Suppose this code is running as a setuid root program. Give an example of how this code can lead to unexpected behavior that could cause a security problem. Hint: try using symbolic links.
- Suppose the sleep(10) is removed from the code above. Could the problem you identified in part (a) still occur? Please explain.
- How would you fix the code to prevent the problem from part (a)?