Articles on Privacy-preserving, Secure Protocols
- Approximate Privacy: PARs for Set Problems
Joan Feigenbaum
, Aaron D. Jaggard
and Michael Schapira
- Usability of Browser-Based Tools for Web-Search Privacy
Felipe Saint-Jean
and Joan Feigenbaum
- Approximate Privacy: Foundations and Quantification (Extended Abstract)
Joan Feigenbaum
, Aaron D. Jaggard
and Michael Schapira
- Implementation and Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Protocols
Felipe Saint-Jean
- An analysis of private browsing modes in modern browsers
G. Aggrawal
, E. Bursztein
, C. Jackson
and D. Boneh
- Framing attacks on smart phones and dumb routers: tap-jacking and geo-localization attacks
G. Rydstedt
, B. Gourdin
, E. Bursztein
and D. Boneh
- Busting frame busting: a study of clickjacking vulnerabilities at popular sites
G. Rydstedt
, E. Bursztein
, D. Boneh
and C. Jackson
- Kamouflage: loss-resistant password management
H. Bojinov
, E. Bursztein
, X. Boyen
and D. Boneh
- Privacy preserving targeted advertising
V. Toubiana
, A. Narayanan
, D. Boneh
, H. Nissenbaum
and S. Barocas
- Approximate privacy: foundations and quantification
Joan Feigenbaum
, Aaron D. Jaggard
and Michael Schapira
- Towards a Theory of Extractable Functions
Ran Canetti
and Ronny Ramzi Dakdouk
- Theory and Application of Extractable Functions
Ronny Ramzi Dakdouk
- Design and Analysis of Efficient Anonymous-Communication Protocols
Aaron Johnson
- Approximate Privacy: Foundations and Quantification
Joan Feigenbaum
, Aaron D. Jaggard
and Michael Schapira
- XCS: cross channel scripting and its impact on web applications
H. Bojinov
, E. Bursztein
and D. Boneh
- Obfuscating Point Functions with Multibit Output
Ran Canetti
and Ronny Ramzi Dakdouk
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding and Masking Quasi-Identifiers
Rajeev Motwani
and Ying Xu
- Extractable Perfectly One-way Functions
Ran Canetti
and Ronny Ramzi Dakdouk
- On The Impossibility of Basing Identity Based Encryption on Trapdoor Permutations
D. Boneh
, A. Papakonstantinou
, C. Rackoff
, Y. Vahlis
and B. Waters
- Traitor Tracing with Constant Size Ciphertext
D. Boneh
and M. Naor
- Algorithms and Architectures for Data Privacy
Dilys Thomas
- Distributed Protocols for Data Privacy
Zhiqiang Yang
- Security for Real-World Networked Applications
Nagendra Modadugu
- A Model of Onion Routing with Provable Anonymity
Joan Feigenbaum
, Aaron Johnson
and Paul Syverson
- Anonymous Data Collection in Sensor Networks
James Horey
, Michael M.Groat
, Stephanie Forrest
and Fernando Esponda
- On the Implementation of Pairing-Based Cryptosystems
Ben Lynn
- Private Multiparty Sampling and Approximation of Vector Combinations
Yuval Ishai
Tal Malkin
Martin J. Strauss
Rebecca N. Wright
- Towards a Theory of Data Entanglement
James Aspnes
, Joan Feigenbaum
, Aleksandr Yampolskiy
and Sheng Zhong
- Encryption Schemes from Bilinear Maps
Eu-Jin Goh
- Space-Efficient Identity Based Encryption Without Pairings
D. Boneh
, C. Gentry
and M. Hamburg
- Transaction Generators: Root Kits for the Web
C. Jackson
, D. Boneh
and J. Mitchell
- Reducing Shoulder-surfing by Using Gaze-based Password Entry
M. Kumar
, Tal Garfinkel
, D. Boneh
and T. Winograd
- Conjunctive, subset, and range queries on encrypted data
D. Boneh
and B. Waters
- Secure Multiparty Computation of Approximations
Joan Feigenbaum
, Yuval Ishai
, Tal Malkin
, Kobbi Nissim
, Rebecca N. Wright
and Martin J. Strauss
- Privacy-Preserving Queries on Encrypted Data
Zhiqiang Yang
Sheng Zhong
Rebecca N. Wright
- Privacy-Preserving Data Imputation
Geetha Jagannathan
Rebecca N. Wright
- Formal Analysis of Security Protocols: Protocol Composition Logic
Ante Derek
- Privacy-Preserving Computation of Bayesian
Networks on Vertically Partitioned Data
Zhiqiang Yang
Rebecca N. Wright
- Models and Algorithms for Data Privacy
Krishnaram Kenthapadi
- Protecting Data Privacy through Hard-to-Reverse Negative
Fernando Esponda
, Elena S. Ackley
, Paul Helman
, Haixia Jia
and Stephanie Forrest
- Our Data, Ourselves: Privacy via Distributed Noise
Cynthia Dwork
, Krishnaram Kenthapadi
, Frank McSherry
, Ilya Mironov
and Moni Naor
- Achieving Anonymity via Clustering
Gagan Aggarwal
, Tomas Feder
, Krishnaram Kenthapadi
, Samir Khuller
, Rina Panigrahy
, Dilys Thomas
and An Zhu
- Protecting Browser State from Web Privacy Attacks
Collin Jackson
, Andrew Bortz
, Dan Boneh
and John C. Mitchell
- The Impossibility of Realizable Ideal Functionality
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
, Ajith Ramanathan
and Andre Scedrov
- Probabilistic polynomial-time semantics for a protocol security
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
, Vitaly Shmatikov
and Mathieu Turuani
- A Java Implementation of a Single-Database Computationally Symmetric
Private Information Retrieval (cSPIR) protocol
Felipe Saint-Jean
- Compositional Analysis of Contract Signing Protocols
Michael Backes
, Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
and Mathieu Turuani
- Some Requirements for Adoption of Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
Joan Feigenbaum
, Benny Pinkas
, Raphael Ryger
and Felipe Saint-Jean
- Implementing Privacy-Preserving Bayesian-Net
Discovery for Vertically Partitioned Data
O. Kardes , Raphael
Ryger , Rebecca N. Wright
and Joan Feigenbaum
- A Modular Correctness Proof of IEEE 802.11i and TLS
Changhua He
, Mukund Sundararajan
, Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
and John C. Mitchell
- Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption with Constant Size
Dan Boneh
, Xavier Boyen
and Eu-Jin Goh
- New Paradigms in Signature Schemes
Hovav Shacham
- A derivation system and compositional logic for security
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
and Dusko Pavlovic
- Direct Chosen Ciphertext Security from Identity-Based Techniques
Xavier Boyen
, Qixiang Mei
and Brent Waters
- Privacy Protection and Advertising in a Networked World.
Gagan Aggarwal
- Anonymity-Preserving Data Collection
Zhiqiang Yang
, Sheng Zhong
and Rebecca N. Wright
- Privacy-Preserving Distributed k-Means Clustering over Arbitrarily Partitioned Data
Geetha Jagannathan
and Rebecca N. Wright
- Correcting Privacy Violations in Blind-Carbon-Copy (BCC)
Encrypted Email
Adam Barth
and Dan Boneh
- Enhancing Privacy through Negative Representations of Data
Fernando Esponda
, Stephanie Forrest
and Paul Helman
- Privacy Preserving OLAP
Rakesh Agrawal
, R. Srikant
and Dilys Thomas
- Two Can Keep a Secret: A Distributed Architecture for Secure Database
Gagan Aggarwal
, Mayank Bawa
, Prasanna Ganesan
, Hector Garcia-Molina
, Krishnaram Kenthapadi
, Rajeev Motwani
, Utkarsh Srivastava
, Dilys Thomas
and Ying Xu
- Simulatable Auditing
Krishnaram Kenthapadi
, Nina Mishra
and Kobbi Nissim
- Evaluating 2-DNF Formulas on Ciphertexts
Dan Boneh
, Eu-Jin Goh
and Kobbi Nissim
- Collusion Resistant Broadcast Encryption With Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys
Dan Boneh
, Craig Gentry
and Brent Waters
- Improved Privacy-Preserving Bayesian Network Parameter Learning on Vertically Partitioned Data
Zhiqiang Yang
and Rebecca N. Wright
- Privacy-Enhancing k-Anonymization of Customer Data
Sheng Zhong
, Zhiqiang Yang
and Rebecca N. Wright
- Privacy-Preserving Classification of Customer Data without Loss of Accuracy
Zhiqiang Yang
, Sheng Zhong
and Rebecca N. Wright
- Sequential Probabilistic Process Calculus and Simulation-Based
Anupam Datta
, Ralf Kusters
, John C. Mitchell
and Ajith Ramanathan
- Unifying Equivalence-Based Definitions of Protocol Security
Anupam Datta
, Ralf Kusters
, John C. Mitchell
, Ajith Ramanathan
and Vitaly Shmatikov
- Short Signatures from the Weil Pairing
Dan Boneh
, Ben Lynn
and Hovav Shacham
- Efficient Implementation of Pairing-Based Cryptosystems
Paulo S.L.M. Barreto
, Ben Lynn
and Michael Scott
- Positive Results and Techniques for Obfuscation
Ben Lynn
, Manoj Prabhakaran
and Amit Sahaj
- Abstraction and Refinement in Protocol Derivation
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
and Dusko Pavlovic
- Fairplay -- A Secure Two-Party Computation System
Dahlia Malkhi
, Noam Nisan
, Benny Pinkas
and Yaron Sella
- Sequential Aggregate Signatures from Trapdoor Permutations
Anna Lysyanskaya
, Silvio Micali
, Leonid Reyzin
and Hovav Shacham
- Applications of Cayley Graphs, Bilinearity, and Higher-Order Residues to Cryptology
Jeremy Horwitz
- Secure Computation of Surveys
Joan Feigenbaum
, Benny Pinkas
, Raphael Ryger
and Felipe Saint-Jean
- Toward Privacy in Public Databases
Shuchi Chawla
, Cynthia Dwork
, Frank McSherry
, Adam Smith
and Hoeteck Wee
- Secure computation of the k'th-ranked element
Gagan Aggarwal
, Nina Mishra
and Benny Pinkas
- Searchable Public Key Encryption
Dan Boneh
, Giovanni Di Crescenzo
, Rafail Ostrovsky
and Giuseppe Persiano
- Efficient Private Matching and Set Intersection
Michael Freedman
, Kobbi Nissim
and Benny Pinkas
- Privacy-Preserving Bayesian Network Structure Computation on Distributed Heterogeneous Data
Rebecca N. Wright
and Zhiqiang Yang
- Experimental Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Statistics Computation
Hiran Subramaniam
, Rebecca N. Wright
and Zhiqiang Yang
- Privacy-preserving Datamining on Vertically Partitioned Databases
Cynthia Dwork
and Kobbi Nissim
- Short Group Signatures
Dan Boneh
, Xavier Boyen
and Hovav Shacham
- Accountable Privacy
Mike Burmester
, Yvo Desmedt
, Rebecca N. Wright
and Alec Yasinsac
- Enabling Privacy for the Paranoids
Gagan Aggarwal
, Mayank Bawa
, Prasanna Ganesan
, Hector Garcia-Molina
, Krishnaram Kenthapadi
, Nina Mishra
, Rajeev Motwani
, Utkarsh Srivastava
, Dilys Thomas
, Jennifer Widom
and Ying Xu
- Two Problems with Multiple Genetic Studies of the Same Disease
AA Sch"affer
- Group Signatures with Verifier-Local Revocation
Dan Boneh
and Hovav Shacham
- A Survey of Two Signature Aggregation Techniques
Dan Boneh
, Craig Gentry
, Ben Lynn
and Hovav Shacham
- Aggregate and Verifiably Encrytped Signatures from Bilinear
Dan Boneh
, Craig Gentry
, Ben Lynn
and Hovav Shacham
- On the Selection of Pairing-Friendly Groups
Paulo S.L.M. Barreto
, Ben Lynn
and Michael Scott
- Applications of Multilinear Forms to Cryptography
Dan Boneh
and Alice Silverberg
- Building Secure Indexes for Searching Efficiently on Encrypted Compressed data
Eu-Jin Goh
- Oblivious Signature-Based Envelope
Dan Boneh
, Ninghui Li
and Wenliang Du
- Privacy Preserving Indexing of Documents on the Network
Mayank Bawa
, Roberto Bayardo Jr.
and Rakesh Agrawal
- Toward Heirarchical Identity-Based Encryption
Jeremy Horwitz
and Ben Lynn
- Constructing Elliptic Curves with Prescribed Embedding Degrees
Paulo S.L.M. BarretoM
, Ben Lynn
and Michael Scott
- Authenticated Identity-Based Encryption
Ben Lynn
- Privacy Engineering in Digital Rights Management Systems
Joan Feigenbaum
, Michael Freedman
, Thomas Sander
and Adam Shostack
- Secure Protocol Composition
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
and John C. Mitchell
- On the Relationships Between Notions of Simulation-Based Security
Anupam Datta
, Ralf Kusters
, John C. Mitchell
and Ajith Ramanathan
- Formal Derivation of Security Protocols
Anupam Datta
, Ante Derek
, John C. Mitchell
and Dusko Pavlovic
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