SafeHistory Test Cases

These test cases should work if SafeHistory 0.5 or greater is installed.

For more information about SafeHistory, go back to the main page.

Missing Referrer

Cookies should be enabled for this test.

Copy into your browser's address bar, hit Go, then hit "Back" to return to this page.

This hyperlink should remain unvisited. (Note: Clicking hyperlink is disallowed to preserve test case.)

Distinguishing by Referrer

Cookies should be enabled for this test.

Follow this link to, click the "Help" link, then hit the "Back" button twice to return to this page. Finally, reload.

The hyperlink to above should be visited, but this deep link to the help section should be unvisited. (Clicking deep link is disallowed to preserve test case.)

Cookies blocked

SafeHistory disables visited links when cookies are blocked, to prevent visited links from being used as a substitute for cookies.

Temporarily disable cookies and reload this page. All links should appear unvisited, even this self-link.

Third-party cookies blocked

SafeHistory provides additional protection when third-party cookies are blocked, to prevent visited links from being used as a substitute for third-party cookies.

The self-link inside this off-site iframe should appear unvisited if cookies are enabled but third-party cookies are blocked.