Submodules and Quotient Modules
A submodule \(M'\) of a \(R\)-module \(M\) is a subgroup of \(M\) that is closed under scalar multiplication. The quotient group \(M/M'\) becomes an \(R\)-module by defining \(a(x+M') = a x + M'\). The \(R\)-module \(M/M'\) is the quotient of \(M\) by \(M'\).
The natural map \(M \rightarrow M/M'\) given by \(x \rightarrow x + M'\) is a surjective module homomorphism, and it induces a bijection between submodules of \(M/M'\) and submodules of \(M\) that contain \(M'\).
Let \(f:M\rightarrow N\) be a module homomorphism. The kernel of \(f\)
is a submodule of \(M\). The image of \(f\) is
is a submodule of \(N\). The cokernel of \(f\) is
Let \(M'\) be a submodule of \(M\) contained in \(ker f\). Then \(f\) induces a homomorphism \(\bar{f} : M/M' \rightarrow N\) given by \(x+M' \mapsto f(x)\). Note \(ker \bar{f} = ker f / M'\). If \(M' = ker f\) we have the fundamental homomorphism theorem for modules: