Queries on Encrypted Data Library

Setup Command

	setup [OPTIONS FLAGS] privkey_file pubkey_file hveformat_file


Specify the format of the query to create appropriate private and public key pair.

Optional Flags:

Up to one of the following flags may be used:

If no flag is specified, the option STANDARD will be used, i.e. 512 bit size primes. For more information on where these prime sizes will be used, please see QED Internals.

Parameter Files:

  • privkey_file:

  • When setup completes, this file will contain a serialized QED private key.
    Use this file when calling the gentoken command.

  • pubkey_file:

  • When setup completes, this file will contain a serialized QED public key.
    Use this file when calling the encrypt command.

  • hveformat_file:

  • Each line of this file will specify one query:

    Example of hveformat_file:
    C 5
    S .1 2

    The above three lines will format a query with three sectors as follows.