Alex Aiken:
software quality and assurance
Dan Boneh:
applied cryptography
David Dill:
automated methods, electronic voting
Dawson Engler:
software analysis and assurance
Ed Feigenbaum:
knowledge-based systems, defense technology, technology policy
Hector Garcia-Molina:
data privacy and peer-to-peer systems
Monica Lam:
static analysis, compilation methods, and software architecture
Rajeev Motwani:
data privacy
John Mitchell:
access control, language-based methods, and software architecture
Mendel Rosenblum:
virtual machines and operating systems
Brent Waters
Bogdan Warinschi
Ajay Chander
Glenn Durfee
Nancy Durgin
Steve Freund
Philippe Golle
Jeremy Horwitz
Mark Mitchell
Ilya Mironov
Vitaly Shmatikov
Vanessa Teague
Ilan Zohar
Former Post-docs
Iliano Cervesato
Ninghui Li
Ralf Kuesters
Matthieu Turuani