Courses and Seminars

Current projects

PORTIA: Managing sensitive information in a wired world.

SpoofGuard and PwdHash: Client-side defenses against web-based identity theft.

Security of cryptographic primitives and protocols.

Identity Based PKI.

Model Checking of Security Protocols.

APPeers: Cooperative Networked Control of Dynamical Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Systems (DARPA/AFOSR MURI Program)

SPYCE: Software Quality and Infrastructure Protection for Diffuse Computing.

TIME DC: Trustworthy Infrastructure, Mechanisms, and Experimentation for Diffuse Computing

Completed projects

Pleiades: Assurance for Mobile Code.

SPINACH: Secure Public Internet Access Handler.

ITTC: Intrusion tolerance via threshold cryptography.

Electronic wallets: wallets for desktops and handheld devices.