Abelian Groups
We no longer assume that the groups we study are finite.
With abelian groups, additive notation is often used instead
of multiplicative notation. In other words the identity is represented by ,
and represents the element obtained from applying the group
operation to and .
A group is the direct sum of two subgroups
if every element can be written in the form
where , and implies .
We write .
Note that cannot have a nonzero element in common, otherwise
is a nontrivial decomposition of zero. Also are
uniquely determined by for implies
More generally we have , if every
can be written in the form and also if
implies . Clearly if is finite
we have .
An abelian group is a free abelian group of
rank if there exist such that
and implies
. Alternatively we may require every can
be uniquely written in the form .
The set is a set of free generators of .
The trivial group is viewed as a free abelian group of rank zero, and viewed
as been generated by the empty set.
Generators need not be unique. However it is easy to see that two sets
of free generators are related by a unimodular (determinant of absolute
value one) matrix transformation.
Theorem: [Dedekind] Let be a free abelian group of rank and
let be a nonzero subgroup of . Then is a free abelian group
of rank with . Furthermore, has a set of free generators
such that is generated by
Proof: Let be free generators for . Then
take any nonzero element of . After
permuting the 's if necessary, assume . Then since is
closed under inverses, we may take .
Enumerate all elements of
and consider the set of possible positive integer values for .
We know this set is nonempty since is a possible value. Then
call the smallest integer in this set and take
any element
for which this minimum is attained.
Then every element must satisfy
, since we have for integers
with (which implies for some element of
), and we have chosen to be minimal.
Thus for all , for some integer we have
for some . If then
we are done since we have ,
We use induction. Suppose .
Let .
Then and by inductive
hypothesis where and
with positive. We claim generate
. We have already seen that for any ,
there exists some integer such that . Then
, hence .
It remains to show that are independent. Suppose not, that is,
there exists a nontrivial relation .
We must have because by induction we cannot have a nontrivial
relation between . Expressing
the 's in terms of the 's, we arrive at a nontrivial relation
between the 's since the coeffecient of is ,
a contradiction since the 's are independent.
Now let be an abelian free group of
rank .
Recall any set of generators of is related to the 's via a
unimodular matrix transformation, hence such a generator
must have . The
converse is also true:
Let . Let
with .
Then there exist with .
Set . If then the result is trivial, since
we have for some . We shall induct on .
If then at least two of the 's are nonzero, and without loss
of generality assume . Then set
for . Clearly
, and we have
so by inductive hypothesis the result follows.
Theorem: Let be a finitely generated free abelian group of rank
and let be a subgroup of of rank with . Then
there exist generators for such that
where are
positive integers satisfying for .
Let be a set of generators for .
Take any . Write .
Define . We claim that is
independent of the choice of generators of .
This is easily seen because if are another set of generators,
we can write the 's in terms of the 's showing that
where .
By symmetry we must have equality.
Now take any nonzero such that is minimal. Set
. Then can be written
for some integers satisfying
. By the lemma, there exist elements
which together with generate .
Hence an element can be written
Now must divide , since we have for some
and is minimal. (Consider .)
If we are done, for we have
We induct on , so suppose .
Let and .
Then whose rank we shall denote by
where . If then and
since we are done. Otherwise ,
and by inductive hypothesis there exist free generators
of such that
where for . Now
and any can be written for some
. Thus generate . They
must also be independent, becuause a nontrival relation between
them imply a nontrivial relation between the generators of .
Thus and .
It remains to show . Write where
. Then consider . We have
. By minimality of we
must have .
Ben Lynn blynn@cs.stanford.edu 💡