Sylow Groups

Lemma: Let A be an abelian group. If p is a prime factor of |A| then A contains at least one element of order p.

Proof: The lemma is trivial when |A|=p, which we shall use to start an induction. Assume |A| is composite. Then A contains a proper subgroup. Choose a proper subgroup H of maximum order. If p||H| then by induction H contains an element of order p, so assume (|H|,p)=1. Then take some element gAH. Let t be the order of g. Consider the group A=Hg. Since A is abelian, we have Hg=gH thus A is a group. But since it strictly contains H, we have A=A by maximality of H.

Now Hg contains |H|t/d elements where d=|Hg|. Thus |A|d=|H|t. Since the p divides the left-hand side, and (|H|,p)=1, we must have p|t, and gt/p is an element of order p.

Let pm be the highest prime power dividing the order of a group G for some prime p. Any subgroup of G of order pm is called a Sylow p-group.

Sylow’s First Theorem: Every group G possesses at least one Sylow p-group for each prime factor of |G|.

Proof: The theorem is immediate when |G|=2, which we shall use to start an induction. Write |G|=pmr where (r,p)=1. Decompose G into classes of conjugate elements, and pick elements a1,...,ak from each class. Recall if hi denotes the size of the class containing ai we have |G|=h1+...+hk. Also recall the normalizer Ni of ai satisfies |Ni|=|G|/hi. We have two cases:

Case 1: Suppose there exists hi with hi>1 and (hi,p)=1. Then |Ni| is less than |G| and divisible by pm. By inductive hypothesis, Ni possesses a subgroup of order pm which is the Sylow group corresponding to p.

Case 2: For all i, we have hi=1 or p|hi. We have hi=1 for self-conjugate elements, and we must have at least one of these since 1 is self-conjugate. Let z be the number of self-conjugate elements. Then pmr=z+xp for some integer x, hence p|z. Thus the order of the center is divisible by p. Since it is abelian, by the lemma it contains at least one element g that commutes with all elements and has order p. Then P=g is a normal subgroup of G and G/P has order pm1r. By the inductive hypothesis G/P contains a Sylow group of order pm1, which we write H/P where H is a subgroup of G. Then pm1=|H|/p, thus |H|=pm and H is a Sylow group of G corresponding to p.

Theorem: [Cauchy] Let G be a group. If p is a prime factor of |G| then G contains at least one element of order p

Proof: Let H be a Sylow group of G of order pm. If 1hH then the order of h is pμ for some μ>0. Then hpμ1 has order p.

All subgroups conjugate to a Sylow group are themselves Sylow groups. It turns out the converse is true.

Sylow’s Second Theorem: All Sylow p-groups for a prime p are conjugates.

Proof: Let A,B be subgroups of G of order pm. Recall we can decompose G relative to A and B:




where di is the size of Di=gi1AgiB. We have |A|=|B|=pm and |G|=pmr where (r,p)=1. Thus dividing by pm gives


Now DiB, hence di is some nonnegative power of p and is at most pm. Since (r,p)=1, we must have pm/dl=1 for some l, in other words dl=pm. Then Dl has the same order as B and is contained in B, thus Dl=B and similarly Dl=gl1Agl. Hence B=gl1Agl implying that A,B are conjugate.

Corollary: A Sylow group is unique if and only if it is a normal subgroup.

Sylow’s Third Theorem: Let k be the number of Sylow p-groups of a group G. Then k=1modp and k divides |G|.

Proof: We know that the number of distinct Sylow groups is equal to the number k of distinct conjugates. Let A be some Sylow group corresponding to p and let N be the normalizer of A. Recall |G|=|N|k thus k divides |G|.

Every aA satisfies a1Aa=A thus aN, Hence AN. Thus |N|=pmn where (n,p)=1.

Decompose G as the disjoint sets




where di is the order of the group Di=gi1AgiN. Without loss of generality assume g1=1, hence Ag1N=AN=N. Now dividing by n gives


Now suppose di=pm for some i. Then Di=gi1Agi, implying gi1AgiN. Now N possesses a Sylow group of order pm, and we have already found two: A,gi1Agi. But A is normal in N thus must be the unique Sylow group, hence A=gi1Agi. Since N is the normalizer of A we must have giN and hence AgiN=AN=N, which is impossible unless i=1.

Thus all terms in the above summation are divisble by p except for the first term which is equal to one.

Theorem: Any group G of order pq for primes p,q satisfying p1(modq) and q1(modp) is abelian.

Proof: We have already shown this for p=q so assume (p,q)=1. Let P=a be a Sylow p-group of G. The number of such subgroups is a divisor of pq and also equal to 1 modulo p. Also q1modp. Then since the number of such subgroups cannot be equal to p,q,pq, it must be equal to one. By the above corollary we have that P is normal in G of order p. Similarly we can find a group Q=b normal in G of order q.

Then PQ=QP, which by the product theorem is a subgroup order pq/|PQ|. But since (p,q)=1 they only have the identity element in common thus G=PQ. Also, recall these conditions also imply every element of P commutes with every element of Q. Then every element of G has the form aαbβ=bβaα and is abelian.

A prime power group is a group whose order is a power of a prime. [It seems that nowadays they are referred to as p-groups.] All Sylow groups are prime power groups. Recall that a group G of order pm for a prime p has at least one nontrivial self-conjugate element, thus we can find a self-conjugate element of order p. Let a be such an element. Then x1ax for any xG, and a is a normal subgroup of order p. In general:

Theorem: A group of order pm for a prime p contains at least one normal subgroup of order pμ for any 0<μ<m.

Proof: The theorem is true for m=2 because in this case the group is abelian. We shall use this case to base an induction.

Suppose G is a group of order pm for m>2. Then let P be a normal subgroup of G of order p. Then G/P has order pm1 which by inductive assumption has an invariant subgroup of order pμ1 which has the form A/P for some normal subgroup A in G with order pμ.

Corollary: All prime power groups are soluble.

Proof: A group G of order pm has a normal subgroup A1 of order pm1 which in turn contains a normal subgroup of order pm2, and so on. Thus we can construct the composition series


Example: There is no simple group of order 200.

Let G be a group of order 200=52×8 with k Sylow 5-groups of order 25. Then k=1mod5 and k|200. Thus k|8 which forces k=1. Hence there exists a unique normal Sylow 5-group of order 25, and the group is not simple.

Example: There is no simple group of order 30.

Suppose there is such a group. Then none of its Sylow groups are unique, implying 1+5=6 Sylow 5-groups, hence there are 6×4=24 elements of order 5, and similarly 1+3×3=10 Sylow 3-groups, thus the total number of elements is greater than 30, a contradiction.

We can now supply an alternative proof that An is simple for n5:

Proposition: If |G|=60 and G has more than one Sylow 5-group then G is simple.

Proof: Suppose |G|=60 and contains more than one Sylow 5-group, but there exists a proper normal subgroup. Then we must have exactly 6 Sylow 5-groups. Let P be such a group. Then the normalizer of P has order 10 since its index is 6.

If 5||H| then H contains a Sylow 5-group of G and since H is normal it contains all 6 conjugates of this subgroup, hence |H|1+64=25 hence we must have |H|=30. But by the previous example, |G| must have a unique Sylow 5-group, a contradiction, thus 5 does not divide |H|.

If |H| is 6 or 12 then H has a normal Sylow subgroup of order 2,3, or 4, which is also normal in G, and we may replace H by this. Hence |G/H|=30,20 or 15. Then by previous results, G/H has a normal subgroup of order 5. Its preimage under the natural map is a normal subgroup whose order is a multiple of 5, which we have previously shown to be a contradiction.

Corollary: A5 is simple.

Proof: The subgroups (12345) and (13245) are distinct Sylow 5-groups.

Theorem: An is simple for all n5.

Proof: Let n6. Suppose H is a proper normal subgroup of An, and let 1τH.

For i[1..n] let Gi be the permutations that leave i fixed in place. Then GiAn and Gi is isomorphic to An1. By inductive assumption, each Gi is simple.

First suppose there exists an i such that τ(i)=i. Then HGi is non-trivial and a normal subgroup of Gi. Since Gi is simple, we have HGi=Gi, thus Gi is a subgroup of H.

For any σAn, since τ(x)=y implies στσ1(σ(x))=σ(y):


The left-hand side is a subgroup of σHσ1=H, so by choosing σ appropriately we have GjH for all j[1..n].

Recall any element of An can be written as an even number of transpositions. Since n>4, the product of any two transpositions must leave at least one item unpermuted, hence lies in Gj for some j. Therefore:


implying AnH, a contradiction.

Thus τ(i)i for all i.

Suppose the cycle decomposition of τH contains a cycle of a length 3 or more. We relabel so that:


Pick σAn such that σ(1)=1,σ(2)=2,σ(3)3. Then:


again since τ(x)=y implies στσ1(σ(x))=σ(y).

Hence τ(1)=τ1(1)=2, so τ1τ1(1)=1.

Since ττ1, we have nonidentity element τ1τ1H that fixes 1, a contradiction.

Thus the cycle decomposition of τ contains only transpositions. Since n6 and no element is fixed by τ there are at least 3 transpositions. Relabel so that:


Let σ=(12)(35)An. Then:


hence τ(1)=τ1(1)=2, which as above is a contradiction.

Ben Lynn 💡