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A secondary focus is the sampling of the various delectable junk-food goodies indigenous to supermarkets everywhere.
10/31/2000 at 4:45 Ilya Mironov, Ph.D. student, Applied Crypto Group, Stanford CS Department, on The gap between collision-resistant functions and WUFs . (Note unusual time).
11/14/2000 at 4:15 Stuart Haber of InterTrust STAR Lab on Cryptographic Techniques for Digital Rights Management.
11/28/2000 at 4:15 Dawn Song of UC Berkeley on Practical Techniques for Search on Encrypted Data
12/7/2000 at 4:15 Charanjit Jutla of IBM Watson Research Center on Encryption Modes with Almost Free Message Integrity
12/12/2000 Alan Jeffrey of DePaul University on Authenticity by Typing in Security Protocols. (Joint work with Andrew D. Gordon)
2/13/2001 Dalit Naor of IBM Almaden Research Lab on Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers.
2/27/2001 Mark Lillibridge of Compaq Systems Research Center on Deterring Cheating in Grassroots Systems.
3/6/2001 William Winsborough of NAI Labs on Authorizing Strangers in Distributed Systems by Using Attribute-based Access Control.
4/10/2001 4:30pm Gary McGraw Vice President of Corporate Technology, Cigital, on Building Secure Software: Why the standard approach to security doesn't work. (Note new time)
4/24/2001 4:30pm David Anderson, Director, SETI@home Space Sciences Lab, U.C. Berkeley, on Security Issues in Internet Distributed Computing (Note new time)
5/22/2001 4:30pm Victor Shoup on The Evolution of Public Key Encryption
6/26/2001 4:30pm Sarah Flannery on Exploring and Discovering Mathematics through Puzzles (in Gates 104)
7/31/2001 4:30pm Moni Naor on Privacy and Secure Function Evaluation
The previous year's abstracts are also available online.