Courses and Seminars
Stanford Security Seminar 2000-01


The focus of the Stanford Security Seminar is on communication between Stanford and the outside world on any and all topics pertaining to computer security.  Typically, a speaker from industry or elsewhere in academia presents their current work in an informal setting on the Stanford campus. These symposia are open to the public and are generally accessible and interesting to experts and laypeople alike.

A secondary focus is the sampling of the various delectable junk-food goodies indigenous to supermarkets everywhere.

Mailing List

There is a mailing list on which announcements of upcoming seminars are posted, and which may be used for discussion of the seminars either before or after they occur.  The address of the list itself is  security-seminar@lists.stanford.eduAnyone may join the list by sending a message to  majordomo@lists.stanford.edu  with "subscribe security-seminar" in the body of the message.

Time and Place

Seminars occur on approximately alternate Tuesdays at 4:30 PM in the 4B center area (opposite office 490) of the Gates building at Stanford University.  For various maps showing both how to reach the campus and how to find the Gates building, see  http://www.stanford.edu/home/visitors/maps.html .


10/31/2000 at 4:45 Ilya Mironov, Ph.D. student, Applied Crypto Group, Stanford CS Department, on The gap between collision-resistant functions and WUFs . (Note unusual time).

11/14/2000 at 4:15 Stuart Haber of InterTrust STAR Lab on Cryptographic Techniques for Digital Rights Management.

11/28/2000 at 4:15 Dawn Song of UC Berkeley on Practical Techniques for Search on Encrypted Data

12/7/2000 at 4:15 Charanjit Jutla of IBM Watson Research Center on Encryption Modes with Almost Free Message Integrity

12/12/2000 Alan Jeffrey of DePaul University on Authenticity by Typing in Security Protocols. (Joint work with Andrew D. Gordon)

2/13/2001 Dalit Naor of IBM Almaden Research Lab on Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers.

2/27/2001 Mark Lillibridge of Compaq Systems Research Center on Deterring Cheating in Grassroots Systems.

3/6/2001 William Winsborough of NAI Labs on Authorizing Strangers in Distributed Systems by Using Attribute-based Access Control.

4/10/2001 4:30pm Gary McGraw Vice President of Corporate Technology, Cigital, on Building Secure Software: Why the standard approach to security doesn't work. (Note new time)

4/24/2001 4:30pm David Anderson, Director, SETI@home Space Sciences Lab, U.C. Berkeley, on Security Issues in Internet Distributed Computing (Note new time)

5/22/2001 4:30pm Victor Shoup on The Evolution of Public Key Encryption

6/26/2001 4:30pm Sarah Flannery on Exploring and Discovering Mathematics through Puzzles (in Gates 104)

7/31/2001 4:30pm Moni Naor on Privacy and Secure Function Evaluation

The previous year's abstracts are also available online.

For comments on this page, or for more information, send email to Vanessa Teague < vteague@cs.stanford.edu>.