Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013
9:30am |
Dan Boneh
9:45am |
Requirements for random number generators
Jesse Walker (Intel)
10:15am |
The Challenges of Distributing Distributed Cryptography
Ari Juels (RSA)
10:45am |
Juan Garay (AT&T Research)
11:15am |
11:30am |
Cryptographic challenges in and around Tor
Nick Mathewson (Tor)
12:00pm |
Practical Anonymous Subscriptions
Jon Katz (U. Maryland)
12:30pm |
1:45pm |
Instantiating Random Oracles
Mihir Bellare (UCSD)
2:30pm |
Data Privacy Models in the Payment Industry
Terence Spies (Voltage)
3:00pm |
3:15pm |
Identity Mixer: From paper to pilots and beyond
Gregory Neven (IBM Zurich)
3:45pm |
CryptDB: Protecting Confidentiality with Encrypted Query Processing
Raluca Ada Popa (MIT)
4:30pm |
End of day 1
Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013
9:30am |
Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices
Nadia Heninger (Microsoft)
10:00am |
JavaScript Cryptography and the Case Against Crypto Reductionism
Ben Adida (Mozilla)
10:30am |
10:45am |
Counter-cryptanalysis: analyzing Flame's new collision attack
Marc Stevens (CWI)
11:30am |
Multi Party Computation: From Theory to Practice
Nigel Smart (Bristol)
12:15pm |
1:45pm |
The Evolution of Authenticated Encryption
Phil Rogaway (UC.Davis)
2:30pm |
EMV Proposals for Key Establishment
Kim Wagner (Visa)
3:00pm |
The low-call diet: Authenticated Encryption for call counting HSM users
Gaven Watson (Bristol)
3:30pm |
3:45pm |
HTTPS: things that bit us, things we fixed and things that are waiting in the grass
Adam Langley (Google)
4:30pm |
Rebuilding the airplane in flight
Eric Rescorla
5:00pm |
End of day 2
Friday, Jan. 11, 2013
9:30am |
AES-GCM for Efficient Authenticated Encryption - Ending the Reign of HMAC-SHA-1?
Shay Gueron (University of Haifa and Intel Corporation)
10:00am |
On the Security of the TLS and DTLS Record Protocols
Kenny Paterson (Royal Holloway)
10:30am |
Enforcing honesty of certification authorities: Tagged one-time signature schemes
Bertram Poettering (Royal Holloway)
11:00am |
11:15am |
The Difference Between a Killer Deal and a Deal Killer
Markus Jakobsson (PayPal)
12:00pm |
1:15pm |
Transparency, Trust Agility, Pinning: Recent Developments in Server Authentication
Trevor Perrin (Consultant)
2:00pm |
Real world SSL: the most dangerous code in the world
Dan Boneh (Stanford)
2:30pm |
How much crypto in one microJoule?
Ingrid Verbauwhede (UCLA)
3:00pm |
3:15pm |
Exploiting weak randomness in web applications
Aggelos Kiayias (U.Conn)
3:45pm |
Message-locked Encryption and Secure Deduplication
Tom Ristenpart (U.W.Madison)
4:15pm |
Workshop end